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Words of wisdom about Kerry

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Old 09-21-2004, 08:55 AM
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Words of wisdom about Kerry

This is long, but good food for thought.

If you love Kerry, delete this now. If you want to be reminded of the truth, read on.

One Lone Voice

Before dawn this morning I awoke with a sense of impending doom and panic. At first I thought I had been awakened by a dream about my deceased father but quickly realized that I was dreaming about a story that he told me many years ago. During an interview in the early 1960's, Nikita Kruschev (of the old Soviet Union) told a reporter that the Russian army didn't need to attack the United States to bring it to it's knees. He said that America would be destroyed from within. As a child I didn't understand the meaning of his statement and over the years I thought Kruschev meant that terrorists and illegal aliens would try to destroy our great nation by sneaking across our borders and physically attacking us on our own soil. After 9/11 my notion was confirmed. But, I was wrong. The terrorists that brought down the World Trade Center towers managed to slaughter over 3,000 innocent Americans and people of other nationalities but they don't have the power to cripple our country. The subversants and uber-liberals convening in Boston this week have that ability.
In high school, as I studied and began to comprehend world events and history, I wondered how a despot like Adolf Hitler ever came to power. How did one wimpy, albeit schizophrenic, little guy whip up the crowds and turn rational, thinking human beings against their neighbors and supervise the massacre of millions of innocent people? I asked my father, a veteran of WWII, how this could have happened. He told me that he asked a German who had immigrated to this country after the war this same questions. The elderly gentleman hung his head and admitted to my father, "We allowed him to corrupt our youth."
Very late last night on MSNBC Brian Williams narrated a program about John Kerry and his anti-Vietnam War activities in the 70's. Even though he has become a wrinkled, gray-haired 'respectable' United States Senator, Kerry has never ceased to viciously swipe at the under belly of the American defenses - the military that protects his freedom to take those swipes. He has consistently voted against every bill that involved funding for the military and his record is even more liberal than that of Senator Hillary Clinton. The old hippie mentality has never wavered even though the wolf has disguised himself in the sheep's clothing of 3 piece suits and a millionaire lifestyle of mansions and yachts. What I've never heard is John Kerry admitting that HIS Democratic cronies are the ones that got us in Vietnam in the first place. Like a spoiled, coddled child, he just expected Richard Nixon, our country's "parent" at the time, to get us out of the mess that his political party had gotten us into.
John Kerry is consistent in his climb toward a position of power to wreck as much havoc as possible on the American people. After throwing away the medals he questionably 'earned' in Vietnam, he systematically acquired power by marrying and living off rich women but made his children illegitimate by annulling his marriage to their mother in order to achieve his goal. He supervised the dismantling and relocation overseas of his wife's factories which resulted in the loss of thousands of Americans' jobs while continuing to vote against all military spending bills that came up for a vote. Watching John Kerry play the electric guitar on stage at a recent Democratic fundraiser reminded me of the time Bill Clinton donned sunglasses and played the saxophone on MTV. Like Hitler, they both knew that the key to their success was to capture the vote and support of the youth of America.
We watched over 10 years ago as a famous celebrity/retired athlete was acquitted of two heinous murders that we ALL knew in our hearts he committed. The jury of his peers were dazzled by his fame and were conned by his slick lawyer's ultimate "stick it to you" race card maneuvering. We have all become so 'politically correct' that we've allowed celebrities to spout their ultra liberal views unchecked. We've allowed non-talents like Anna Nicole Smith to waddle her way across the screen of the American television industry and laugh as she watches her 18 year old son get drunk at her side. We've raised an MTV generation of young people who truly believe the garbage that Michael Moore "documented" and haven't risen up in protest to question the media's codependency in this widespread propaganda.
Who am I? I am a housewife, a nobody, a lone voice asking the American people, "How long will we tolerate the ultra-liberal media to elect another President intent on weakening our defenses and shaming us in the eyes of the world? How long will we allow uneducated celebrities to denigrate and mock the very heartbeat of America's moral foundation? How long will we allow the Michael Moores of this country to skew the truth and be praised and rewarded for it? How long will it take for us to become tired, ashamed old Germans, hanging our heads in disbelief that the youth of our country became angry, damaging senior senators who brought about our destruction from within?"
I have no power. I have no influence. I know that George W. Bush is just one man who, like all of us, isn't perfect. But, I also know and believe in my heart that he's the only hope we have in November, the 'parent's' voice who can tell the spoiled, hedonistic 'children' of our country to shut their hypocritical mouths and quit working toward undermining our nation. I'm asking you to forward this message to as many people as you dare risk insulting. I'm asking, "Will we wake up before Nikita Kruschev's prediction comes true?"
-- Jan Morrow, daughter of a WWII veteran, sister of a Vietnam War veteran and the wife of a retired U.S. Air Force veteran

You decide!!
Old 09-21-2004, 09:22 AM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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I read this twice and each time came to the conclusion that this is right on. America is not only being destroyed from within, but could well be entering the final stages of that destruction.
The author thinks she is just one lone voice and has no power. She is wrong. Lone voices have the power to recruit others and slowly but steadily, become a force to be reckoned with.
Your wonderful country is rapidly being eroded from within. It is past time for you, that lone voice, the 'common' citizen, to become active. Doing nothing is what these destroyers want you to do.
Who are the lone voices? YOU. The ones reading this. It is past time for YOU to wake up, get fired up and TAKE AMERICA BACK.
For years the people like Kerry, the Islamists, the media, your self serving politicians, the ones that are removing God from America and many others have been quietly laying the groundwork for the destruction of the wonderful country of America. Don't be surprised if you do nothing that all the years of preparation suddenly fall into place and the unthinkable happens.
Old 09-21-2004, 09:43 AM
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AMEN to both of you.
Old 09-21-2004, 11:29 AM
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MCMOPAR and MEXSTAN, if you gentlemen don't mind, I'd like to use your posts on another site to foster a debate. Excellent posts.
Old 09-21-2004, 11:39 AM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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Sure, go ahead, you have my permission. Let us know the results. This is a VERY serious subject and the message needs to spread as fast and as far as possible. However I have my doubts that it will do much good because all too many Americans will continue to sit on their hands thinking that this can't happen in America. All too many Americans will continue to blindly believe what they see, hear and read in the media and continue down the path to destruction. All too many Americans will think that stuff like this and what I and others am saying is just smoke and hysteria. I really hope I am wrong, but the evidence so far says otherwise.
Old 09-21-2004, 11:48 AM
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Some time ago, I raised this very question on another board that I participate on. Robert Heinlein wrote a book called "Friday" and a passage from that book comes to mind.....

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for other in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
Our culture is not sick. It is dying. And it's dying from within from all the liberal crap and political correctness that abounds today. Our country was founded on certain principles and faith that many today have twisted and morphed into their own vision of what utopia should be. And you know what scares me the most? That by the time "mainstream America" realizes what has happened, it will be too late to fix it.
Old 09-21-2004, 12:22 PM
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My wife sent that to me this morning, send it to whomever you would like. I personally feel terrible about the lack of respect, and the loosening of morals in the USA, it really bothers me, but when people comment on how "very good, and polite" my 4 year old is, I realize that my folks did a good job with me and I seem to be passing that onto my son! It is a sad day for all of the US when we "feel" the need to treat our criminals better than our own citizens, to turn our backs on the things that made america great!! As you can probably tell by now I am conservative, NOT radical, just able to see the forest through the trees.
Old 09-21-2004, 01:43 PM
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Re: Words of wisdom about Kerry

Originally posted by Mcmopar

One Lone Voice

The terrorists that brought down the World Trade Center towers managed to slaughter over 3,000 innocent Americans and people of other nationalities but they don't have the power to cripple our country. The subversants and uber-liberals convening in Boston this week have that ability.
Nope, the terrorists don't have that aility. The uber-ANYTHINGS do, though, be they UBER liberal, UBER conservative, UBER green, UBER whatever, not just those who attended the Democratic Convention.

"We allowed him to corrupt our youth."
Accepting responsibility for something... good example.

We've raised an MTV generation of young people who truly believe the garbage that Michael Moore "documented" and haven't risen up in protest to question the media's codependency in this widespread propaganda.

Who am I? I am a housewife, a nobody, a lone voice asking the American people, "How long will we tolerate the ultra-liberal media to elect another President intent on weakening our defenses and shaming us in the eyes of the world? How long will we allow uneducated celebrities to denigrate and mock the very heartbeat of America's moral foundation? How long will we allow the Michael Moores of this country to skew the truth and be praised and rewarded for it? How long will it take for us to become tired, ashamed old Germans, hanging our heads in disbelief that the youth of our country became angry, damaging senior senators who brought about our destruction from within?"
I have no power. I have no influence. I know that George W. Bush is just one man who, like all of us, isn't perfect. But, I also know and believe in my heart that he's the only hope we have in November, the 'parent's' voice who can tell the spoiled, hedonistic 'children' of our country to shut their hypocritical mouths and quit working toward undermining our nation. I'm asking you to forward this message to as many people as you dare risk insulting. I'm asking, "Will we wake up before Nikita Kruschev's prediction comes true?"
This makes me wonder if this person even votes? "How long will we tolerate the ultra liberal media to elect a President..." Last time I checked, the media doesn't elect anyone.

"We've raised an MTV generation of young people who truly believe the garbage that Michael Moore 'documented'." OK, so who's fault is that? Is that the Democrats? Or is it parents faults for not educating their children in reality vs fantasy? If her kid goes and shoots someone, will she blame The Sopranos and OJ?

She says, "who am I? I am a nobody, a housewife... I have no power, no influence." If she is a parent, she should, by rights, have more power and influence than any liberal reporter or politician. Than anyone, in fact. She has the power to raise a person who thinks for themselves and makes the right decisions for themselves. That's a lot of power and influence.

"But, I also know and believe in my heart that he's the only hope we have in November, the 'parent's' voice who can tell the spoiled, hedonistic 'children' of our country to shut their hypocritical mouths...." Once again, the "it's not my fault" attitude. Looking to someone else to take responsibility.

Perhaps someday we'll all hang our heads and say, "We allowed and fostered an attitude that no one was personally accountable for their actions."

I almost just passed on this thread, thinking basically what I just wrote, then I realized by not posting, I would be doing exactly what I was thinking... not taking a stand; not calling BS when it needs to be called.

I'm not UBER anything.... I'm basically conservative, but have some liberal views. I guess I'm more of a moderate, but I think we should all be responsible for our actions and not try to put our failures off on someone else, be they criminal, social or personal.

Flame away.....
Old 09-21-2004, 02:27 PM
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Re: Re: Words of wisdom about Kerry

Originally posted by joel
This makes me wonder if this person even votes? "How long will we tolerate the ultra liberal media to elect a President..." Last time I checked, the media doesn't elect anyone.
Ahhhhhhhhh, but many people who watch the idiot box take what the media says as the gospel truth. "I saw it on the news so it MUST be true!"

The mainstream media has lost its ability to report objectively and we're seeing an obvious attempt by the media to influence the outcome of the elections.
Old 09-21-2004, 04:34 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Words of wisdom about Kerry

Originally posted by TomW
The mainstream media has lost its ability to report objectively and we're seeing an obvious attempt by the media to influence the outcome of the elections.
No, say it isn't so.

Old 09-21-2004, 05:14 PM
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Let me start with stating that I do respect everyone’s convictions on this or any other issue. Not only that, but I also admire the dedication and devotion expressed along with the support for everyone’s choice in candidates.
It is also my sincere hope that the convictions and devotions are based on sincere beliefs in what each candidate stands for and not misconceptions and negativism about the other.
Having said that, I now have to say that I also believe that this [the text of the original post] is just trash propaganda of the worst kind. It sheds no light on anything but is sure to further divides us, something we can ill afford.
It may well have some valid points, but surely there must be better ways to express that. And to go on and compare a US President to Hitler is outright disgusting.
I hardly need to remind anyone that as Americans we all want what is best for our country. Keep in mind that ‘we must hang together, or surely we will hang separately.’ Please do not take it as a cliché, it is very true. The decline that we are facing is a net result of our division more so than due to any political party or pundit. No one has a monopoly on the right way to do things, not the democrats, not the republicans, not the liberals, or the conservatives, no one. The truth is that what is best is a combination of both. And while that most delicate of balances is so hard to achieve, it can only be done so by unity. While we may have differing views on how to do many if not most things, the most important thing is to do the very best we can, always. The best way to effect change is not by undermining what we have, but by doing it better, or showing why a different approach is better. When you undermine something you always run the risk of having it collapse on you, sort of like we fell right now, with the direction our country is taking. I ask all of you to show express positive aspects, and when the election is over, to do the very best to make this country better, not for the President, but because we owe it to America. Keep in mind that the greatness of our country started with “We the people…” and the key to its future is still WE THE PEOPLE.
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