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Wally-World---The new "Evil Empire"???

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Old 12-22-2005, 09:23 AM
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Guilty, I am a huge Wal-Mart basher. Think about this:

I can stand corrected, but I think Wal Mart is the sixth largest trading partner with China. Seventh and down includes many countries! We buy their (Wal-mart, Chinese) crap for a cheap price, walk away happy and our trade deficit goes through the roof. Now China holds BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of I.O.U.'s from us. At some point suppose we have a real dispute, say over Tiawan. Do you think the threat of economic chaos (should China decide to cash in their chips) would have an effect on our policy? Maybe we would have to make consessions we wouldn't normally otherwise make! Bet your bippy. Say that never happens, complaining about fuel prices? Who is increasing the demand thus driving up world prices? China and India. Who is buying up all the oil they can get their hands on in Africa? China. This is in African countries we won't deal with due to human rights and other issues. Instead of correcting the problem to deal with us and Europe, they just deal with China who doesn't care about human rights, only getting the oil. So now oil at $40/barrel becomes $60 + due to the China factor.

When you buy your $38 Chinese Reeboks in WalMart a clerk that makes $6/hr. greets you, stocks it and checks you out. Even single, he can't afford Wal Mart's health care. When he requires a $10,000 operation, who pays?? Everybody that pays into the healthcare system AND the government who takes YOUR tax dollars to subsidize the hospitals. Where are we? The company in China who made the sneakers is happy. They made a bundle as they only pay about $1 a day for a worker to make them. Reebok is happy, they made a huge profit on them. Wal Mart is happy, they bought them cheap and made a huge profit. The stockholders of Wal Mart and Reebok are both happy, their stock goes up. The government is happy. Cost of living (inflation) is down because you can buy sneakers cheap, thus they look good and don't have to pay out any cost of living adjustments. Your happy, until your feet hurt or the new sneakers fall apart prematurely.

I'm old enough to remember the following quote from World War II. Think about how it might apply to what I just said.

Merry Christmas to ALL!!

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller
Old 12-22-2005, 09:24 AM
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Nice points Bob, we were typing at the same time.


Here is a nice website that has an artical about what I was talking about yestrday. It shows how Wlamart is trying to bully around the MD state legislators. They channel the Distribution centers into the poorest communities, the people have little coice where to work anyway, and get left using public assistance because walmart doesn't offer benefits to almost 50% of it's workers.

Old 12-22-2005, 09:30 AM
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I'm sick and tired of people bashing my beloved Wallymart! People forget that Walmart started out small, a man with an idea, a dream, and he took his dream and ran with it. The 2 brothers (Sam and Bud Walton) that started Walmart are living there/the American dream. How come nobody bashes cable tv companies, K-mart, Starbucks (I'm going to get it for that one) for them cornering the market?

P.S Sam Walton started out as a Mom/Pop store owner.
Old 12-22-2005, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by chaikwa
I don't have a lotta love for Walmart, mostly for the reasons Shovel & Rich stated. They just kinda plow their way into a town whether or not anyone wants them there. They seem to have a knack for getting around regulations as well.

I don't hate them so much that I won't shop there, but it does make me wonder what options we will have in 15 or 20 years. They could conceivably become the 'only game in town', then do whatever they want to do with pricing.

Back east, a large chain-store hardware and lumber retailer opened a store a few towns away from my town. A friend of mine had a hardware store in my town and specialized in paint and wall coverings. After the chain store opened, she lost a ton of her customers to them, not so much because of pricing, but because her customers could now do the 'one-stop-shop' thing. They no longer needed to go to her for their paint, then the lumber yard for lumber, then somewhere else for windows, etc. They get it all in one place. Her little hometown paint & hardware store is now closed, as is the lumber yard in the next town. I think this is the kind of thing people see that gets them so mad about Walmart and chain stores like them.


Where I live Wallie world and Home Depot are just opening. All the other "mom and pop" stores have know about this for years. The local lumber store will be a ghosttown because they give crappy service and have no stock. People are chomping at the bit mostly for HD. The only thing the mom and pop stores do is complain. They don't want to be competitive. Nor will they be. Speciality stores (food) in our area give excellent service and are more expensive than the chains, but are always full with customers. They will survive because they have excellent products with excellent service. Period.
I totally agree with Bob. The junk from china is going to be the real problem. Not the wally worlds.
Old 12-22-2005, 10:13 AM
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I'll can say one thing being an E-4 in the military i would much rather do this then work at the zoo, i mean wal-mart. i hate going in there, everyone is the same. there are a few stores around here that are like wal-mart but are cheaper. i can say that the only thing in the past 5-6 months i have purchased let alone been in the parking lot was ammo, and there is a wal-mart 5 minute walking distance from my house.
Old 12-22-2005, 11:49 AM
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20 years ago all you could hear was Wahhh Wahhh Wahh the US is so succesfull and huge, they should share their welth by helping out all the poor places in the world by setting up factories there so that they could reap the benifits of jobs and trade. Back then we were made to feel guilty because we were not participating in the global economy to their liking.
Now it's just more of the same Whah Whah Whaaaaaahhhhh, you guys are killing us with this evil thing you call globalization. I love wall mart and shop there if I can get what I am looking for. I think that Sam was a genius, It is people like Sam that make this world go round and it is pointless to complain because you didn't think of it first or had the drive to do what he did.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:06 PM
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I agree with Tbone... I would gladly pay higher prices rather than del with the crowds, pushy people, etc... I have been to Walmart locally once since it opened several years ago. That was enough.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:10 PM
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One reason I avoid WalMart and prefer to shop at Target or wharever, is that WalMart has adopted K-Mart's idea of "enough resisters open" .

20 registers + only 3 or 4 open + 10 people (with baskets piled high) or more in each line = I'm shopping somewhere else.

My time is worth more to me than saving 25 cents on an item.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:18 PM
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I don't see what the big deal with wal-mart is. If it wasn't for wal-mart my dad's hometown would have died a long time ago. Wal-mart pumped a bunch of money into the community and hired a bunch of people. I've got no problem with wal-mart what so ever.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Shovelhead
One reason I avoid WalMart and prefer to shop at Target or wharever, is that WalMart has adopted K-Mart's idea of "enough resisters open" .

20 registers + only 3 or 4 open + 10 people (with baskets piled high) or more in each line = I'm shopping somewhere else.

My time is worth more to me than saving 25 cents on an item.
As someone who shops for a family of 7, I can tell you that "25 cents on an item" equates to hundreds and more than likely thousands of dollars a year and this = I can learn some patience.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:44 PM
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Different Strokes......Different Folks.

I'm one of those "I hate to shop" folks.
It drives Wifey nuts, because she's the exact opposite.
But more power to her. I let HER deal with the crowds.
Old 12-22-2005, 02:01 PM
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the best thing in the world about any of the mega stores is they bring competition to the market place. i have lived in many small towns with mom and pop stores that all but raped you because they could. i don't shop at walmart very much, i get pi55ed waiting in line myself. but i have noticed how much cheaper the rest of the stores are now that they have to compete.
Old 12-22-2005, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Shovelhead
One reason I avoid WalMart and prefer to shop at Target or wharever, is that WalMart has adopted K-Mart's idea of "enough resisters open" .

20 registers + only 3 or 4 open + 10 people (with baskets piled high) or more in each line = I'm shopping somewhere else.

My time is worth more to me than saving 25 cents on an item.
And that, sir, is the problem with society today. Rush rush rush rush.
Relax. Take a deep breath. 10 minutes ain't that big of a deal.
Old 12-22-2005, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by rammtuff
10 minutes ain't that big of a deal.
It is when you've got to go to the bathroom really, really, really badly.
Old 12-22-2005, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by rammtuff
Where I live Wallie world and Home Depot are just opening. All the other "mom and pop" stores have know about this for years. The local lumber store will be a ghosttown because they give crappy service and have no stock. People are chomping at the bit mostly for HD. The only thing the mom and pop stores do is complain. They don't want to be competitive. Nor will they be. Speciality stores (food) in our area give excellent service and are more expensive than the chains, but are always full with customers. They will survive because they have excellent products with excellent service. Period.
I totally agree with Bob. The junk from china is going to be the real problem. Not the wally worlds.
A really huge fish in a very small pond displaces a lot of water....
When they come splashing in, making those huge waves, expect a lot of people to really resent them.

I have seen several smaller outlying towns in the greater Corpus Christi Tx. region "get" a Wal-Mart only to kill-off some of the long-time, well liked, family run, mom&pop businesses as predicted... Ok, thats competition...
This scenario repeats itself all across this country...
But what do you do when Wal-Mart corp. decides that a store's sales weren't up to predictions and they fold up their tent and go away a few years AFTER killing off the historic competing local businesses? There are 3 smaller towns that I know of in this region that have had this very thing happen... The old timers that folded their local businesses darned sure don't have the $$$ to re-open their former stores... Now it is, "head to the big city" to get virtually anything anymore....
How to hurt a small town?: Dry up the local business tax base & force people to spend their money out-of-town...

In (partial)defense of W-M concerning ONE particularly close-by town: This town "got" a Wal-Mart, which killed the local competing retail & hardware businesses as predicted. Then shortly thereafter, W-M folded their store because of absolutely out-of-control, rampant employee theft committed by their own local, minimum-wage/part-time, lackluster employees!!! W-M couldn't stop it or even control it, so they just closed up shop and pulled out of town...
The local competing mom&pop shops had been able to look out for their businesses better than that huge chain could, because they WERE the business and not just part-time, minimum wage employees with no real "stake" in the business...

I can see why a lot of people, especially business people in some of these small town areas hold some REALLY strong feelings about the actions of the likes of Wal-Mart, Home Despot, etc.


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