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Time to Fire Dan Rather!!

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Old 09-16-2004, 03:14 PM
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Time to Fire Dan Rather!!

Does anyone else agree? This guy, who works for a "news" agency is posting false documents and he knew it!! What will be next??
Old 09-16-2004, 03:55 PM
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Dan Rather

Mcmopar Dan was on 60 Min. two last night. Documents were false, but the subject was true, so somebodys Secretary said. But I agree Dan should retire. I always thought CBS leaned towards the right or a little towards the Republican party, now I'am not sure. But I watch NBC most of the time.
Waam Holland, Mich.
Old 09-16-2004, 04:09 PM
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I am so throughly disgusted with the political system in this country. Apparently the Kerry campaign and the new media that follows him can say anything and do anything, lie knowingly, tear apart a good military record and compare a five year outstanding National Guard record to a four month do nothing record and they can get away with it. Truth does not matter, neither does fact. Bush for most years made more than six and seven times the points required for good National Guard service during the time he was in the service. Of course he was the untouchable rich boy, he was that part. But instead of staying in college and dodging the draft he joined the Guard, took flight training and successfully completed becoming a good jet pilot. There just is no issue with his military record.

Look at what Rather has said for public release. We were duped the documents were false but the story is true and Bush was a bad military soldier. Who gives a flip, he got an honorable discharge and did not consort with and for the enemy after he got out. It is time for America to wake up. Bush may or may not have been the best president, nor the best Guard member, but he served honorably for his country where he very well could have dodged the whole mess using Clinton methods. Clinton and his near treasonous actions during and after the war softened the country to where any derogatory actions are accepted and this do nothing can become president. Wake up America, the terrorists are scared of Bush and want nothing more than the soft liberals to get in so that they can tear this country apart while they feed off the same liberalism of the UN and destroy this country.

We are at war, with a non-army, is the populace of America so stupid that they cannot see the future destruction of our American system if they are allowed to get away with it? The president does not control corperations that control jobs, nor who can leave the country to produce in cheaper countries, but he is the Commander and Chief of the military and controls the protection of this country. Do you really want a pacifist that hates America to be the Commander and Chief. Like him or not the only choice is Bush. If you did not like Bush you should have helped get a prime candidate into position to replace him with someone that you feel more confident with. You did not do that, now Bush is the only choice for America's future. His opposition is an American hating, do nothing, with no plan for the future other than killing our military and letting the UN run our defenses. You really want Arafat and Qaddafi having an equal vote with the US in our defense?

Flame on, I really don't care, our country is getting sold down the tubes to the welfare bunch that are too lazy to work and have half the country egging them on. Sorry Jack, delete it if you must, but those are this "working" mans feelings.
Old 09-16-2004, 04:17 PM
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I couldn't have said it better!!!
Old 09-16-2004, 04:27 PM
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Dan Rather is a disgrace to the entire Media system in America.

I say carry him out of town on a rail
Old 09-16-2004, 08:13 PM
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You don't want to know my opinon.
Old 09-16-2004, 08:14 PM
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Dixie you need to medicate son. You talk about the "welfare bunch" that's to lazzy to work. I don't know where you live but here in Mi we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. I have two sons college grads and can't find a job. The oldest drove F14s for nine yrs then on to United then laid off. Gov. didn't think it was it was a good idea to help United get back on it's feet but had no problem sending 7.5 billion---- thats billion to Iraq a yr. Now their worried about healthcare for those people when there are untold millions in this wonderful country without. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE. Oh yeah we are creating new jobs. Sure Mc Donalds , Wendys Home Depot, Wal Mart etc etc you get the picture don't ya. Or maybe you don't.
Old 09-16-2004, 08:22 PM
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A lot of the media in this country is for a one world government.
It can't happen. It shouldn't happen.
We need to stop funding the UN and solve issues here.
We need to get our oil from our country- alaska and start funding some alternate fuels.
Old 09-16-2004, 08:24 PM
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Originally posted by dezeldog
Dixie you need to medicate son. You talk about the "welfare bunch" that's to lazzy to work. I don't know where you live but here in Mi we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. I have two sons college grads and can't find a job. The oldest drove F14s for nine yrs then on to United then laid off. Gov. didn't think it was it was a good idea to help United get back on it's feet but had no problem sending 7.5 billion---- thats billion to Iraq a yr. Now their worried about healthcare for those people when there are untold millions in this wonderful country without. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE. Oh yeah we are creating new jobs. Sure Mc Donalds , Wendys Home Depot, Wal Mart etc etc you get the picture don't ya. Or maybe you don't.
Ok, so what's your point?
Old 09-16-2004, 09:10 PM
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HID didn't say that everybody out of work was lazy. The fact is that there are thousands of people in this country who live on welfare and have never had a job. They were born into a welfare family, and continue to perpetuate that system. Something should be done to break that cycle. My son graduated from college this past June and landed a great job. But a lot of his classmates didn't. That doesn't make them lazy, it makes them unemployed, or underemployed. Those aren't the kind of people that HID was refering to. Were they, Haulin? FWIW


Oh, yeah. Back to the topic. Top, when you get the rail, don't forget the tar and feathers.
Old 09-16-2004, 09:17 PM
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Originally posted by j-fox
A lot of the media in this country is for a one world government.
It can't happen. It shouldn't happen.
It will happen. It should. Just not anytime in the near future. Eventually we will venture from this planet and we can't do it until we're all together.

Originally posted by j-fox We need to stop funding the UN and solve issues here.
Well, yes and no... We need to get the other countries to pay up their share and stop carrying it on our backs. Especially since Most of the countries would love to see our downfall.

Yes, we definately need to resolve our own issues and I agree that we should use our resources at home more than we are now.

Originally posted by j-fox We need to get our oil from our country- alaska and start funding some alternate fuels.
Maybe, but looking around the TX country side, there's no way in the world you could convince me that drilling in the ANWR would be "low impact" and not have much effect on the delicate ecosystem up there.

I'm all for the alternate fuels. Like cheaper ways of making bio-diesel. And other fuels. And eventually, we will. I just wish I was smart enough to come up with one of 'em!
Old 09-16-2004, 09:26 PM
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Haulin', right on! For those of you that still don't get it, we are now in WW 3. I have said it so often that many of you are sick of me, but America is going down the tubes. America is right now facing it's biggest enemy (ies) ever. Never before have you faced such grave danger. Unless the majority of you wake up, recognize the enemy and get down to basics, you will continue the slide, faster and faster.
Who are your enemies? Dan Blather is one of them. So is most of the media. Kerry will sell America out so fast you will not know what hit you, and it will hit you hard! The UN should be kicked out of the US ASAP. The Islamic community within and without America have a sworn commitment to take over the USA, and unless you guys wake up soon, they will do it. I could go on, but what is the sense as the majority of you either don't believe me or don't care. Oh, BTW, for another enemy, take a look in a mirror.
As Haulin said, flame on.
Old 09-16-2004, 09:56 PM
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Originally posted by dezeldog
Dixie you need to medicate son. You talk about the "welfare bunch" that's to lazzy to work. I don't know where you live but here in Mi we have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. I have two sons college grads and can't find a job. The oldest drove F14s for nine yrs then on to United then laid off. Gov. didn't think it was it was a good idea to help United get back on it's feet but had no problem sending 7.5 billion---- thats billion to Iraq a yr. Now their worried about healthcare for those people when there are untold millions in this wonderful country without. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE. Oh yeah we are creating new jobs. Sure Mc Donalds , Wendys Home Depot, Wal Mart etc etc you get the picture don't ya. Or maybe you don't.
No YOU need to lighten up! It is OK to have a difference of opinion around here, I count many of these fine people who will be voting for Kerry as my friends, even though in my heart I know it is a mistake.

My point here is this, go ahead and make your point if you must, but keep your post from being personal in nature. You can talk to the other guys without throwing up insults in their faces.

Just be cool and we can discuss this stuff, get personal it goes away. That simple......
Old 09-16-2004, 10:27 PM
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It is a fact that President Bush earned far more points than required to fulfill his duty as a National Guardsman and received an honorable discharge. Dan Rather is like a lot of other people, Democrats, that hate Bush and will say or do anything to get anyone but Bush elected as president. But in all fairness there are a lot of Republicans that are just as bad. We need to forget what happened back then and start thinking about what we need to do to keep this country great.

I registered as a democrat in 1968 because my daddy told me to. Four years later I believe it was McGovern that stated he wanted to guarantee a minimum income for every family in America. One problem with that was that he wanted to give families an income equal to what I was working 40 hours a week to earn. I realized then that the democrats were driving us toward socialism and that is when I became a republican.
Old 09-16-2004, 11:19 PM
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Yes, the job market is tough. But it wasn't Bush that did it. Take a look at history and look at the roller coaster of the U.S. economy. In my memory it was always starting a downhill slide when the Socialists "lost" the White House and starting an uphill swing when the media got it back for them. My son is on his second year with his job and as soon as he heard what kerry wanted to do with taxes and health insurance he told me that wasn't right because it meant his taxes would go up to pay for people who won't work. Pretty observant for a 20 year old.

Ever notice how the terrorists VERY RARELY attack a TV or radio station. That would be attacking their allies. The occassional one is generally some small group that doesn't have enough followers or escapees from some looney bin.

As for the U.N., to the best information I have seen or heard, every SecretaryGeneral of the U.N. has been an avowed Communist. Who else do you expect kerry to turn over the security of the U.S. to? They very carefully select where they stick their nose and our money in. Check out the inaction of the U.N. for the cases of genocide in Africa, including the ones where 10 and 12 year olds are given rusty machetes and sent out at night to attack people in their sleep.

Yeah, kerry fits right in with this bunch. I'll bet he never met a communist or a U.N. SecGen that he didn't like.

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