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Scared the pants........

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Old 01-10-2005, 09:13 PM
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Scared the pants........

Had some fun Saturday night.

Mrs. DMH and I were on our way home from our anniversary dinner when all of a sudden, THACK, someone hit my truck with a snow ball. I was just cresting a small hill and I proceeded on down to the first left turn. Turned left, backed into somebody's driveway and turned around. Got back on the street, punched it, got that turbo screaming and the tires spinning (slightly slick roads due to a touch of ice). Back at the top of the hill was a wide spot on the right side. Pulled in there, did another u-turn and as I headed back down the road, I saw two kids just flat flying down the street. Their legs looked like the pistons on a two cycle engine, they were going so fast. As I started to catch up, one of the kids made an emergency right turn into some bushes. I assume they led to someone's back yard. The other kid made a sharp right turn at the next road, with me just behind him. As I came around the corner, there he was picking himself up off the road. Evidently didn't take into account that the road was a little slippery and his feet went right out from under him. I slammed on the brakes, but was unable to stop in time. No, I didn't hit him. He had just stood up when I went sliding by him, all four wheels locked up. When I went by him, I looked over at him and he a look of sheer terror on his face. Then he took off behind my truck. I went to the next block, spun a u-turn and took after him again. By the time I got back to the main road, he was long gone. Probably found some tree or bush to hide behind.

We laughed all the rest of the way home, because I wouldn't have done anything to him. I remember what it was like when I was a kid and threw snowballs at cars and then have them come after me. Hopefully, I was able to scare them just enough to not do that again.

One snowball thrown at vehicle - free
One look of terror - PRICELESS

Old 01-10-2005, 09:18 PM
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I can imagine that your own drawers needed some cleaning too after that. Good thing you didn't run him over.
Old 01-10-2005, 09:23 PM
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Actually, I wasn't really that close to him. I am sure that he is telling everyone "that crazy driver was just inches from running me over".

Old 01-10-2005, 09:26 PM
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Its amazing how fast the little buggers can run with the mighty Dodge bearing down on them....
Old 01-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Thats MR Hoss to you buddy!
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Great fun I'm sure....but you're lucky you didn't hit one of them.

I had a similar experience one evening on my way to church when some kids decided it would be cool to throw rocks at passing cars. One of them hit my truck and on DRY ground I spun around and chased after them. Of course there's no way a truck can chase two kids ducking and dodging between trees and through people's back yards and what not....but I didn't care. I finally saw them run into a house. Assuming parents would be there, I went and knocked on the door to let them know what their kids had been up to. Nobody answered though and I couldn't wait so we just left.
Old 01-11-2005, 11:11 AM
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Yeah I hear your frustration........

Problem is you'd probably get in a whole lot more trouble for chasing the little buggers than they ever would for throwing a snowball.

Last summer some little brat lobbed a lit firecracker under my truck at a stoplight.

I think he was quite surprised how fast I could run!!!!
Old 01-11-2005, 11:19 AM
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Man I was up in washington Sat and saw a nice Dodge go by so I tossed a snowball at it to get the driver attention and the Crazy Diesel Demon chashed me and darn near squished me.
Old 01-11-2005, 11:31 AM
Thats MR Hoss to you buddy!
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When I was a kid we used to think it was great fun to hide behind my grandparents fence and throw eggs at passing cars. One day my granddad caught us doing it. After the blistering we got it didn't seem fun any more.

My grandmother also made us go buy her some new eggs.
Old 01-11-2005, 12:02 PM
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Got caught throwing apples once. Back then the speed limit was 55 though, and we didn't seem to be doing damage (not that it crossed our minds). I think my grandma was more embarraced by the guy catching us, she didn't beat us but she let us hear it. Come to think of it she only layed a hand on us when we were beating on each other. She never told our parents either.
Old 01-11-2005, 12:52 PM
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I had some kids throw some sticks and leaves and hit my old Ranger once. I slammed on the brakes, slid to a halt, peeled out in reverse after them as their eyeballs popped out of their heads and they took off like raped apes. They ran into a shed and hid. I drove up to the house, found the father, and watched as he gave both kids a good bareass spanking. I bet they won't do that again.

Then I had two little jerkoffs run up to my front door and pound on it real hard and take off running. It made the dog go nuts and start barking, which in turn woke up my 10 month old some and made him start screaming. I jumped up and tore open the door to see them walking off like nothing happened. But oh man they took off fast when they saw me walking after them with a look of death in my face. I tracked the little pukes for three blocks and found their parents. They said they thought I was going to kill them, literally. Glad I put the fear in those little jerks before they are older and doing more pranks that are more destructive.

Its all about raising our kids with a good solid healthy fear of consequences. Whenever this type of thing happens to me, even if there is no damage to property, I make it a big deal to teach them a little lesson.
Old 01-11-2005, 01:06 PM
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A buddy of mine and I were driving down our street and saw a bunch of kids standing outside a house. As we drove by we heard a "click, ting". We went down to the end of the street and turned around and by the time we got back, the cops had showed up. As it turns out, the little punks had been shooting a BB gun and passing cars. Well, the cop didn't know this until we rolled up. He had been called for loitering. You should have seen the look on the kids face when we told the cop. He did everything he could to distract the cop including trying to start a fight with my buddy while he's leaning in the cop car talking to the cop. It was hilarious.
Old 01-11-2005, 01:12 PM
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LOL DMH, I'm glad you chased the little buggers. It just isn't any fun until someone chases you! That will give them something to talk about for days. LOL.

When I was a kid, I lived beside old Hwy 27, it was a two lane back then and me and my buddies would throw green apples at the sides of transfer trucks. It always made our day when some trucker would slam on his brakes and pull to the side of the road.
One time, a buddy and I were throwing snowballs at passing cars. We were hidden in an old house they were tearing down. We had popped several cars when all of a sudden my buddy starts screaming bloody murder.
One of the guys we had hit had snuck back around and snuck into the house with us and was proceeding to beat the crap out of my buddy (he was about 15)
I was three years younger than my buddy so I guess he figured he would beat up the older kid.
I stood there for a while, not knowing what to do, then I picked up a chunk of brick and threw it at the guy and started backing up. When he came after me my buddy took off running and so did I. I ran down into the swamp and crawled up into the little culvert that went under the highway. The guy found me and threw rocks at me but it didn't hurt and I stayed in there for about two hours. LOL
That was the best time I EVER had throwing snowballs.
Old 01-11-2005, 01:19 PM
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Believe it or not there was a baby here who died after being hit by a b.b in a moving car.

Someone else ended up with one lodged in their head.....
Old 01-11-2005, 01:21 PM
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When I was about 5 or 6 we used to hang out at the neighbors house alot her boys were much older than us like 13 or 14 anyways her kids were out throwing snowballs with rocks in them at cars going down the highway one guy turned around and pulled in their driveway yelling she came out and said it couldnt of been my boys there in the house eating Ice cream, me and my brother when her two sons kenny and frank came in I still remember they got the whoopin of a lifetime
Old 01-11-2005, 01:31 PM
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As a young teenager I laid in wait one night with a couple of buddys preparing to toss some eggs at passing cars

I saw a set of headlights coming around the curve and just as I let go of the egg, I saw the red bubble on top of the car It was a State trooper and he was not happy with my throwing abilities

I took off running through the bushes, bounced off several small trees in route and ended up hiding in a blackberry thicket. The trooper and his partner found me burrowed in the berry thicket scratched, bruised and bleeding with their flash lights and they just started laughing

I recall one saying to his partner that nothing they could do to me, would be as bad as my having to crawl back out of that berry patch He was right

So ended my criminal career

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