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Reform Social Security!

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Old 02-04-2005, 07:02 AM
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Reform Social Security!

How can a system that was set up to be a "widow's & orphans" fund totally fund our retirement when the baby boomers hit retirement? I think Bush has a sound plan that deserves debate. The demos just want to put their heads in the sand and pretend SS will not go broke. What is wrong with having a portion of YOUR MONEY go into a retirement savings account so young people today can watch it grow and understand that saving is a good thing? I will say about his plan that there needs to be a broader way to invest, and not just stocks and bonds, but that is fine tuning. When we retire we can withdrawl the money a little at a time, and we can will the balance to our kids! Sounds like a debate needs to get started.

The SS system is a locamotive heading heading for a brick wall. Lets change tracks, just a little to the right.

Maybe we can convince the pres that we can use the money on a new CDT too!
Old 02-04-2005, 12:09 PM
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All SS needs is for Government to leave it out of the general fund. They have stolen most of the money from it. If Bush would put the 2 trillion dollars he wants to spend to "revamp" SS into funding the SS, all would be well.
What people tend to forget is if you die while you have young children, they get money from SS till they are 18. If you are hurt at work, dont expect Workers Comp to do anything for you...... SS is there to help you.
This is just another bone Bush is tossing to Big Business ie. Wall Street.
All you guys that are already on SS and think it doesn't affect you..... Well, it will affect your children and grandchildren! Contact your representatives and tell them
Old 02-04-2005, 02:13 PM
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The exact SECOND any funds were transfered to the General Fund is when it all went south. It is a joke, I'm glad I'm self employed. I'll save my OWN 9-12% a year, that way there is no question whether or not the dough will be there when I need it. How insulting for the average American to have to wonder if his hard earned money will be there when he/she needs it! Pretty sad all of that $ EVERY WEEK, and we are all calm and collective: how many times have you heard someone say, "that syatem won't be there for me by the time I need it", Would you dare think that about a passbook savings account?? CRAZY, but It really matters not what Bush does or does not do...........
I thought this was a Diesel Truck Website?
Old 02-04-2005, 02:23 PM
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Originally posted by pjsnyder76
I thought this was a Diesel Truck Website?
Yup It is,.........and this is the "Other" forum.
We get into some far-flung and diverse subjects here sometimes.

Everything else not covered in the main topics goes here. Please avoid brand and flame wars. Don't try and up your post count. It won't work in here.
Old 02-04-2005, 02:32 PM
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Please do not take the Poor demoncrats Pork Barrel away from them They are already almost suicidal after getting whooped so bad in the elections. So Let them continue to plunder SS I don’t mind that I wont get any Gee where the compassion?

Seriously I want control of my own future. Sorry the people the Dems get to panic are too irresponsible or stupid to control their own retirement funds.

Old 02-04-2005, 02:48 PM
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Asleep at the switch, kinda like September 11th, till when was it? March or April of 02 when we actually decided to invade the wrong county???? The saudi's were the real killers on 9/11, now why don't we F with them??

All about the .....O.......I.......L....... Brother!!!
We can't fool with the real culprits, they have us by the nads. How many of the people involved in the attacks were from Iraq anyway???
The "switch" should have been like Hiroshima:quick and decisive, not a never ending occupation where we are trying to force our style of govt. on the whole rest of the world. This war is a joke, i support our troops till the end, just remeber NONE of those guy's have a say in when enough is enough, they just fight till the end as they are told.......
Old 02-04-2005, 03:18 PM
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Heeeeere we go again...............

Old 02-04-2005, 03:26 PM
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Sorry couldnt resist
Old 02-04-2005, 03:47 PM
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This one is going to get locked quick!
Old 02-04-2005, 05:46 PM
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a little input from me should get er shut down quick. I've been steering clear of these "debates".
Got to put a little input into this one tho and then disapear again. The federal deficiet that we have amassed in the past 4 years along with the windfall tax brakes we all got and the bonus's that have been handed out to large corporations and the pharmasutical companies would proably bailed SS out for a long time.
Old 02-04-2005, 07:36 PM
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What happens to all these savings accounts if a company like Enron (pre 2002)
or Healthsouth (pre 2002) was on the "approved list". Those companies and some scam companies were the darlings of wall street and surely would have been on the "approved list" Take the 2 trillion dollars it will take to convert not to mention all the money "wasted" and I believe social security would be in good shape till the next millenium.
Old 02-04-2005, 08:13 PM
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I don't like Bush's scheme. His words in speech that this will "guarantee" funding into the future are echoes of the promises made at it's inception, that the money was "dedicated and untouchable". The oft cited statistic that 3 are contributing instead of 16 tells me that too many jobs were lost in this country. Do as pogorules says and put the transition money into the fund to patch it rather change it. Also doubt that anyone of us can totally control our own destiny, ie: Enron/Savings&Loans. I'm not blaming Bush for the problem, but to paraphrase the Hippocratic oath: If you can't fix it, do not harm it further.
Old 02-04-2005, 08:15 PM
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Social Security can't be reformed. It's broken and was a fradulent system from the start. There is no fund, as soon as the taxpayers contributions come into the general fund they are borrowed by the government in the form of treasury bonds. The only interest paid on those bonds are paid by the taxpayers. Eventually the rate of payout will exceed the income so either taxes will have to be raised or benefits will be cut. Probably both.

The entire SS system should be phased out. One way would be to let those new workers coming into the system keep their money and invest it into their own private retirement fund. Those who have started paying into the system can stay in the system and retire as usual. Eventually everyone will be out of the system and it will be gone.

But this will never happen as long as those power hungry politicians in the nanny state keep tinkering with our lives and controlling everything we do and where we keep our money and what we spend it on. It's all for our own good they say. Yeah! Right!

Old 02-04-2005, 08:25 PM
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Okay, lets try this one.

Can we try to agree on one thing? SS needs tweeking? Raise the retirement age? We are living longer can we agree on that?

Runningtotheothersideofthethreadagain. ---------------------->
Old 02-04-2005, 10:22 PM
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My opinion for what it’s worth.... Did you ever get anything for free? If you did, did you take care of it or appreciate it? Probably not. My feelings are straight forward. If you don’t work, you don’t eat, you are not "entitled to anything"!. In the old days communities and churches took responsibility for indigents. They gave them shelter, food, work, even if it was menial. They felt good about it and so did the person receiving it, because it was not free and it was personal. The Gov stepped in and blew that to he@#. Now you are dependent on the Gov. I believe that if you work you should be able to put $ you made into YOUR account, not a general pool where the slugs will suck on it. What’s yours is yours and your families, not to be taken by someone that did not work for it. The system needs reform. If given the choice to put a portion of your hard earned $ (I believe 50% would be a good number) into an account for you and your family, where it could earn reasonable interest rates instead of the measly 2% that SS earns now then we are the better for it. As far as raising the age limit that SUCKS!! You work all your life you want some time to enjoy the Golden years. Lets face it even at 65 most people are worn out.

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