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Old 08-11-2005, 05:06 PM
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dem injuns get even with this white boy every time i go to a casino
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Old 08-12-2005, 02:38 AM
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" think PETA should step in and DEMAND that no more sports teams be named after animals. The Arizona Cardinals, the Chicago Bears, the Atlanta Falcons, the Philadelphia Eagles, the Texas Longhorns (sssssssss)...all of them. We need to consider the feelings of the animals.

And then there's the teams with mascots based on the history of this country...the Dallas Cowboys, the Texas Rangers, the Oklahoma Sooners, the Green Bay Packers...all of those need to go because they're offensive to our history."

Like most whites, you want to make a joke of this and treat it as sillyness, because you , never having been the victim of bigotry or discrimination, can't comprehend what this means.

I started school in Slidell La. back in the early 60's. The KKK was still proudly leading parades on holidays and the schoo playground had a white chalkline down it that seperated the white kids from teh black kids. As an indian, iwasnt allowed on either side.
As a teenager I had a girls dad tell me to stay away from his daughter because, although he was sure I was a nice enough person, it just wasnt right for a halfbreed to be seeing a white girl.

And I wasnt living in any of the places our folks consider BAD as far as the racist stuff goes......

My own father denys being Native American because he grew up ashamed of being one.

Even my name, Reynolds, is the result of my grandfathers trying to blend in to white society
because, as he said, nobody would hire ya, and everyone think you a drunk with a Comanche name"....my family name BTW is Mehittsua...
The things that are being protested, like the Atlanta Braves logo, and the other DEMEANING logos and mascots support and continue those stereotypes and veiws. The NCAA is trying to do the right thing, even if there are one or two out there that are positive or accepted, there are many many more that arent.

But, ya know, maybe you guys are right, I should just 'get over it" and not complain. I mean, what's an indians rights ever meant in this country anyway....

going to go smoke and think of good times and calm down now.......
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Old 08-12-2005, 08:04 AM
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Originally posted by Chrisreyn
Like most whites, you want to make a joke of this and treat it as sillyness, because you , never having been the victim of bigotry or discrimination, can't comprehend what this means.
I'm not making a joke of it at all. I was very serious about everything I said.

I have no doubt that Indians were mistreated in the past. Same with black people. As a Christian, I have no doubt that with the path this country is headed down, I will most likely get the chance to experience the bigotry and discrimination that you're talking about myself (already have to an extent). If I don't see it you can bet for sure that my kids and grandkids will. But, you won't hear me crying about it.

Listen, I have nothing against native Americans just like I have nothing against hispanics, blacks or anyone else. To me we're all equal. We're all Americans. We're all human. I have no doubt that people have been treated wrongly in this country's history. But, it's just that....history.

By the way, I heard on the radio yesterday that whites are now the minority in Texas. As such, do you think I'll be able to take advantage of the many "opportunities" that have been afforded to minorities in the name of political correctness?? Of course not. That would be discrimination.

If I offended you (or anyone else), then I apologize. I'm just tired of all the "political correctness".
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Old 08-12-2005, 08:47 AM
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Originally posted by upersleder
can someone please educate me on how having something named after you be considered offensive? i was of the understanding that it was of the highest complement.
as far as I can tell no one replied to this to explain it.

Chris explained it as the portrayal of stereotypes through the mascot's. It isn't a sports team being named after a 'Brave' that upsets them. It's a compliment for the name 'Brave' to be thought of as intimidating and fierce (why else name a team?). The problem is that the 'Brave' mascot is a 'learing indian'. It's how you SEE the mascot and associate it with the real people. Just like how Sambo's was derogatory towards blacks, how the taco-bell dog was towards mexicans, it's the association. Since white's aren't stereotyped as strongly as blacks, mexicans, native americans, anytime WE (anyone catch the emphasises on we?) are, we can laugh at it, and forget about it because we know it's not true. We're totally convinced by society and the media that it's not true, we laugh. But try hearing it your whole life and then laugh.

Most people think there's no racism left in this country because they don't see it. The obvious $*!% is gone. Everything else is still there. Most people will still associate a black person with thievery over a white-person. People still associate Mexicans with being lazy when I've known more Mexicans, and worked with them, who work harder than 99% of the Auto Workers Union members in this country. Native Americans are laughed at for 'Fire Water' addictions but Irish, Lithuanian, Latvian, German, Belgian and Italians are socially accepted as being alcoholics.

btw, anyone hear of the Fighting Whities? A native american school in South Dakota (I think it was S.D.) chose that for their mascot. Not really the same 'Brave', or the like...cus it's just too **** funny. But I can laugh at it. It's not reminiscent or satirical of how my past and society leans against me.

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Old 08-12-2005, 08:51 AM
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Being Indian does not mean you are the only race mistreated by misguilded people. I grew up in Rockford, IL. I was chased & beaten up because I was a white kid in a black neighborhood. So what? The highschool I went to was 40% black. So what? I had Puerto Ricain parents say not to come around anymore to see there daughter, I was 12! Racism goes both ways. One of lifes dirty little secrets; minorities are racist too.

You have never had a white person say anything nice to you? Treat you with respect?Be respectfully of your heritage? NEVER? All you remember is the bad ones? Sounds like a personal problem to me!

Being white is NOT a crime, and I will not appoligize for past actions of whites or my government. My family did not fall off the boat until the 1890's. Well past slavery, and well past the Indian land grab. To lump me in with all whites is RACISM at its best!

As long as you see yourself as a victum you will never be free. You are first an American and for that I will shake your hand and look you in the eye, second you are of Indian heritage. Invite me to your ceremial powwows and throw a headress on me, and lets eat your ethinic food. Being 100% German I'll bring you to an Octoberfest, put a pair of leather shorts on you (you are going to chaff) and cook brats in beer while listening to poka music. But for just once can you not be a victum and enjoy the diversity and the chaffing?

I attend the Dakota Souix tribal cerimonies here in Lincoln, NE every other year or so to see the young people learn the traditional dances and dress. Its educational, enlightening, and inspirational. I have a deep respect for the Dakota Souix. What happened in the past to them is unspeakable. What happened to Germans is too! Let's live for today and tomorrow and forget the past!
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Old 08-12-2005, 09:40 AM
Thats MR Hoss to you buddy!
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Originally posted by darrenG
SNIP....The problem is that the 'Brave' mascot is a 'learing indian'. It's how you SEE the mascot and associate it with the real people....SNIP
I can honestly say that I have never associated ANY sports mascot with REAL people. I think most others would be the same. When I think of the Atlanta Braves or the Florida State Seminoles or the Utah Utes or any others, I don't sit there and start thinking about "learing indians" any more than think of stars when I hear someone talking about the Dallas Stars. It's just a mascot...or a logo. Nothing else.

Regarding racism, I think there is more racism TOWARDS white people than there is coming FROM white people, but that's just my opinion based on experiences I've had in my life. Your mileage may vary.
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Old 08-12-2005, 10:07 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Chrisreyn
[B]" ...Like most whites, you want to make a joke of this and treat it as sillyness, because you , never having been the victim of bigotry or discrimination, can't comprehend what this means. "

Well Chrisreyn, thanks for painting all whites with such a broad stroke. How could a white person even POSSIBLY understand how it feels to be discriminated against? Let me give you a couple of examples:

In my younger days, I grew up in the melting pot known as Southern California. I too went to a high school which reflected the community - mine was probably 35-40% white / 25-30% black / 15-20% Mexican / 10-15% Asian. And guess what - I got along with everybody. After high school I was planning on going into the Army, but I'd had eye surgery, and they wouldn't take me (that's a whole other story). After going to college and receiving my degree in Administration of Justice, I put my name in with every law enforcement agency in the area that would take my application. Here's a couple of examples of what happened during those years of getting kicked in the teeth while trying to achieve the only real career dream/goal I ever had:

1) One of the larger departments was hiring 50 cadets for an academy class. 3,000 applicants applied, and I ranked 30th out of 3,000 when all of the testing was completed. Yep - 30th out of 3,000 - the top 1% - so I did the math - they're hiring 50 - I'm 30th - I'm golden - just need to sit here and wait for the call.... That call never came. One of my friends was an instructor at that academy, and he broke down the story as follows:
- Of the top 50 on the list, 46 were white males/1 white female/2 black males/1 Hispanic male
- The top 15 of the white males made it, as did the 1 white female/2 black males/1 Hispanic male, for a subtotal of 19
- To get the rest of the academy class, they had to go down through the list to the 600 and 700 rankings to end up with an academy class of: 15 white males/10 white females/10 black males/10 black females/5 Hispanic males
- The graduating class from that academy consisted of 14 white males/5 white females/8 black males/6 black females/3 Hispanic males for a total of 36

2) Another large department I tested with for several years (when I moved away from SoCal I flew back once a year to 'refresh' my scores and stay on the list - I did that for 5 years) I ranked in the 98th percentile (so the top 2% on the list) and never got called to an academy there either. Why? One of their HR people told me the following: If you were a white male, you had to score 100% or BETTER to be considered. The only way to score better than 100% was to have 5 points for military experience, which I didn't have due to the eye surgery... The rest of the folks on the list would be considered as follows:
- White females - 90% or higher
- Black male/female - 85% or higher
- Hispanic male/female - 85% or higher
- Other races male/female - 80% or higher

So, after several years of trying and continuously failing to get into a department (even though I NEVER scored less than a 97th percentile) I finally swallowed my pride (and dreams for that matter) and stopped applying. Now instead of the small chance of getting killed in the line of duty, I die a little bit every day stuck in a cubicle staring at computer screens and listening to people whine about how tough it is to work and make a living and get along with their co-workers and customers. Boo freakin' hoo.

But I'm not bitter, no not me....

I have nothing against any race, color, or creed. I get along with everyone, and I hope that everyone can get along with me. I'm very much for EQUAL opportunity, not discrimination. If someone scored higher in the testing for these departments, regardless of who they were, or what race they were, or what sex they were, then they BY ALL MEANS they should have the job. But having a department's personnel organization jump over me to ensure that they had 'appropriate racial diversity' in an academy class - well that doesn't sit very well with me.

Before you accuse an entire race of not being able to experience or relate to something, try walking a mile in their shoes.
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Old 08-12-2005, 10:44 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by truckjunkie
Originally posted by Chrisreyn
" ...Like most whites, you want to make a joke of this and treat it as sillyness, because you , never having been the victim of bigotry or discrimination, can't comprehend what this means. "

Well Chrisreyn, thanks for painting all whites with such a broad stroke.
First and foremost let me apologize.. ... I did not mean to paint all whites as raciast, nor did I mean to imply that there are no whites who see the problem here.
To have come across that way was wrong of me. Please excuse that as a poor choice of words, and a result of TWHUA... typng with head up guess where... anger does that to me...again I am sorry for that choice of words.

I have no doubt that people have been treated wrongly in this country's history. But, it's just that....history.-quote from Hoss's post....

As long as you see yourself as a victum you will never be free. You are first an American and for that I will shake your hand and look you in the eye, second you are of Indian heritage.--quote from Gieco266

right there is the crux of what I am trying to get you to see... that this is NOT history, or " in the past" , it is right now...
As long as the stereotyping and racialy insulting is acceptable or encouraged in society, let alone defended, this is not a "history" issue.
Gieco, of course I have had good expereinces with whites, heck, I am married to one....this thread was about what was wrong with the belittling and insulting mascots and logos and how they shape perceptions, and those perceptions and the lack of concern most folks seem to have about it is why I choose the experiences I refered to, as examples that this is NOT a " part of the past".

I am not an American first and a Native American second, I am both equally, as the term Native AMERICAN implys.
I have served in this country's armed forces, and I have served as a police officer, defending this society from its predators every single day. I have not only a constitutional right to voice my displeasure, but I have EARNED that right , literaly with my blood, as have many of you.
To voice my complaints against what I see is wrong is not " crying " as you say, but excersising my well earned right as a citizen of this country.
Gieco, I do not see myself as a victim in any way shape or form, I see others as victims of their own bigotry or ignorance.
What angers me is the flippant attitudes regarding this issue that have been voiced in this thread, and the disregard for the effects racism in any form has on those who suffer from it.
What I am trying to get folks to see is that this isnt about the past in any way shape or form...
Its about the mistreatment of our folks that is going on NOW....and to try and get some of those who might not think about it to give it more than a passing thought
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Old 08-12-2005, 11:44 AM
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Originally posted by Chrisreyn
[B]Its about the mistreatment of our folks that is going on NOW....and to try and get some of those who might not think about it to give it more than a passing thought
Okay, I'll take your word on that. The REAL issue is stated above.

How on God's green earth are your people being mistreated today? Because of the name of a baseball team? May I suggest, that with all that is going on in the world, that we are at war, that terrorists are planning another attack on this country right this very minute, and this is what you are worries you the most? May I suggest there are other more important things to worry about?

Chrisreyn states "I am not an American first and a Native American second, I am both equally, as the term Native AMERICAN implys."

That statement saddens, and angers me. As long as you put your personal heritage above your country you will NEVER understand what I am talking about. And you are worried about "mistreatment of others"? You just put the country I love, my country in second place to your heritage. That offends me deeply.

Without a country where are you going to go? Your children? Your grandchildren? Your Native ancesstory is your FAMILY history and has nothing to do with being an American. The country you served and lived in is The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

When you raised your right had and took your oath as an American soldier you were suppose to put aside your ethnic background. No where do I remember saying you were going to "Serve, protect, and defend the consitution of Native America", nor did I take an oath to defend German Americans. When did you take an oath to undo the oath you took? Did you not take the oath seriously?

God, Country, Family. In that order for me.
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Old 08-12-2005, 01:19 PM
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Originally posted by Geico266

God, Country, Family. In that order for me.
Family, Family, Country. In that order for me. While I'm sure this will offend you that is just the way it is for me. I love my country but my family comes first. No matter what. Under no circumstance does this change for me. My family is the absolute most important thing in my life. Nothing comes before them. Nothing ever will.

Just like the fire service.

The most important things are (in this order):

1. You
2. Your Crew
3. The Public
4. The Public’s Property

That doesn’t change. EVER


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Old 08-12-2005, 06:28 PM
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Originally posted by t-7 firefighter
The most important things are (in this order): 1. ME!
Why doesn't that surprise me? Its all about you right Britt? Flashing lights & sirens "Get out of my way... I'm more important than you." I think we need to have sirens less loud and lights less bright because in this world of political correctness they may hurt someones self estem! What gives you the right to speed to a fire sceen? And you use water to put out fires? How dare you pollute water! You should ask the fire to go out first. Reason with it first, understand it first. Why not?

See guys... Britt is not an American. Britt is a Firefighter American. He (like others in this post) put themselves first. Their little goup first, political agenda first, their JOB first, their ethnicity first, their heritage first, I find that offensive. Does not me being offended mean anything? No, I'm white and I don't count. You have to belong to a "minority group" before you are relavent. What kinda of crap is that? Political correctness crap. I, for one, will not take it anymore.

Congrats Britt you reached 1000 posts!

Okay, I've beat this thread to pieces. Next! <--- (Starting to feel glare from Top & Co.)
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Old 08-12-2005, 08:22 PM
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I'd like to tell them all to go suck soap. This whole thread burns me up..... political correctness is, in my opinion a bunch of cow dung.... I would say more, but I don't want to stir this pot too much.

Hopefully Jack or Phox will put this one in the can before too long.... I can see this getting ugly.
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Old 08-12-2005, 11:17 PM
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Originally posted by Geico266
Why doesn't that surprise me? Its all about you right Britt?
Nope... it's not about "Me"... just my family . They will always come first. Everything else is a distant second. Besides, I'm pretty sure that no one could call me politically correct. I have a tendency to stick my foot in my mouth... often.


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Old 08-13-2005, 12:21 AM
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The last thing I will say on this subject is how easy it is to lable anything " political correctness" and so be able to lower it to the level of a joke,( they're not "indian", they're pigmentally augmented...) rather than admit that as a society we still have problems that need dealt with..

TOP, oh TOOPPP....... may I sugggest this thing be shut down now before it gets any uglier than it has?
I dont think anything has been gained by this discussion, no opinions have been changed, no minds broadened....
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Old 08-13-2005, 01:44 AM
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The problem isn't political correctness, the problem is how easy people get offended.

This thread isn't ugly, nobody has said anything offensive on this entire thread. Actually, I do not recall ever seeing anything offensive on this website since I've gotten here. I have, however, seen people calling stuff offensive that really isn't, and that is the problem which is larger than "political correctness".

Actually, looking back on my life I can honestly say that I do not recall a single instance where I've been offended. I know that I have to have been at some time, since I am in no way a unique member of society. I have to have experienced the offense that all of you are talking about at one time or another. But I'm sitting here trying to place a definition on the state of being offended and I can not come up with one- my mind is baffled.

What does it mean to be offended? To have your self confidence lowered to the point of becoming depressed? To be forced to abandon your view point? To have your world of unity shattered by disagreeing perceptions?

I fail to see; I have been struggling with words for 30 minutes here typing and retyping paragraphs at a time merely attempting to logically refine a definition of offense and so far I am failing utterly.

And so I here resign; what is the problem with being offended?
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