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Police "saftey checks" in new york

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Old 09-29-2004, 04:45 PM
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From Merriam-Webster's on line dictionary:

Main Entry: 1priv•i•lege
Pronunciation: 'priv-lij, 'pri-v&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin privilegium law for or against a private person, from privus private + leg-, lex law
: a RIGHT or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : PREROGATIVE; especially : such a RIGHT or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office.

Ok looks like we’ve gone full circle with the dictionary

I’ll try to get back to the original subject, I don’t have a problem at all with the “safety checks”, I have to go thru a “border check station” every time I go to my deer lease. This check station is approximately 50 miles inside the US border??? Not sure I see that logic. In the state of Texas there was a law passed in 1998 that made it illegal to “drive” in the left lane of a “major highway” the left lane is for passing.

Does that make it any less of a violation? In addition, I want to know that the State Police in my state ARE enforcing traffic laws. For one, that is their main purpose. For two, I want to know that the people who I have to share the highway with take some kind of reasonable measure to make sure their vehicle is in decent working order, and that they ARE following traffic laws so that I might be a little less at risk of being killed by some idiot who thinks they're too good to follow traffic laws.

If I chose to speed (within reason) and you are driving in the left lane why don’t we both get a ticket? Why are some laws enforced and others not???
Old 09-29-2004, 07:37 PM
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jfpointer brother I have to agree with you on several of your points !
"Society" as such has no rights whatsoever, being an artificial construct. Only individuals can have rights.
So the not-so-rhetorical question that arises is, what happens if a future Supreme Court decides that using deadly force is so unjustified even in self-defense that they're willing to overlook that pesky 2nd Amendment in order to make sure that it doesn't happen?
I think that was and still is my main issue. Today roadblocks, tomorrow a permit to live in my house? (No wait we already have those)
Joel - you pegged it and then let it go... the attitude that ALL of this IS OK , is what really kills me.

someone mentioned that they have a drivers license, a hunting license, a business permit and on and on and on. WHY? I know that we need them these days to do any thing and watch out if you don't b/c then you are a criminal? Does that sound right to everyone here? My wife and I have been looking into starting a business and the cost are overwhelmingly prohibitive, and that's just to become a legal entity entitled to do business, that's not talking about "actual cost” i.e. insurance, supplies, store front...

I promise I don’t know the answer but this devil may care, big brother is there to help us and we are guilty until proven innocent attitude leaves me nauseated.

And for once almost speechless.

No government; is not the answer but a government that is held by the chains of the constitution that created it would be nice.
Old 09-29-2004, 09:04 PM
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So what do you have against these checks? I guess I don't understand completely what it is that you don't agree with.

Don't the police do this to help people rather than incenvenience them?
Old 09-29-2004, 09:23 PM
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It’s the proverbial straw that's breakin' my back and should be breakin' yours as well.

Enough already, stop intruding, poking and prodding, inspecting, scrutinizing every thing we do to.

Perhaps my problem is that you do not see it as a problem.
Old 09-29-2004, 11:02 PM
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It isn't a problem, it is a cure.

It helps to cure the drunk driving issue.

It helps to cure the uninsured motorist problem that causes us all to pay higher rates.

It helps to cure the illegal vehicles that are either dangerous or stolen problem.

It helps to cure the drug trafficking problem that is tearing away the very fabric of our children's lives problem.

The list can go on and on, but you get my point. I think you are worrying too much about this minor inconvenience. The police need to have a way to work on these issues to help US. That is what we pay them to do, and this is one of the more effective tools they have found.

So what if they ask you where you are going? all they are trying to do is get some dialog out of you to see if you are driving impaired. They really don't give a darn where you are going.

I for one dedicated my life to securing civil liberties, and do not see this as a problem. The problem lies in the people who are driving around drunk or stoned behind the wheel of a 7000lb deadly weapon.

I have been stopped, they ask to see my license and registration, then tell me politely to have a nice day. if that helps to keep 1 freak from running over a child on a bicycle, then I am all for it.
Old 09-29-2004, 11:06 PM
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I couldn't of said it any better Top.
Old 09-30-2004, 09:00 AM
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Originally posted by Lary Ellis (Top)
It isn't a problem, it is a cure.

It helps to cure the drunk driving issue.

It helps to cure the uninsured motorist problem that causes us all to pay higher rates.

It helps to cure the illegal vehicles that are either dangerous or stolen problem.

It helps to cure the drug trafficking problem that is tearing away the very fabric of our children's lives problem.
No offense to Top, these are not an attack on you.
I can see where these check points would be helpful, New Years Eve, 4th of July, ect. Not on Tuesday, March 2nd at 5:00 pm, these are no different than pulling me over on the highway 'just because.' I've had 2 stops that were uncalled for, both times by a rookie.
First, I was 17, driving a '77 Dodge Monaco, ex cop cruiser. I was in the proccess of restoring/rebuilding the car car at the time. The inside carpet, front and back bench seat had been removed. I installed a bucket seat on the left side so I could drive it. I pulled the dash apart to do gauges instead of idiot lights, leaving the speedo and makeshift oil psi gauge. I had dual exhaust glass packs, and a 4" rear end lift. On my way home from work I ran into one of these check points. The cop proceeded to cite me for several things, including no seat belts (although I had mine on ) excessive noise, not properly equipt, ect. And to top it all off, he wanted to search the car, I told him no.
Second, I was 24, just married, on our way back home from my in-laws. It's friday night about 1:00 am on Memorial day weekend. We are in my chevy work truck doing the speed limit on a 2 lane highway. Come around the corner and boom there it is, a sobriety and safety check point. I am told to pull over for inspection . Dim tag light, unsafe lighting ( trailer lights bolted to the utility bed ), white lights facing rearward ( tied into and used for reverse), driving to fast ( due to the hard stopping after seeing the checkpoint in the bend). To top it all off, the cop wants me to do the feild test 3 times in fornt of my new wife (I had not had a drink in 4 months, so I was sober).

What I am trying to say is, there are a few times when it would be helpful, but only if performed by properly trained personel, done for legit reasons and not to meet quotas, when it is MOST needed. The check points as described in other posts, are no different than pulling me over on Sunday, to check and search.
Old 09-30-2004, 09:13 AM
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Originally posted by firestorm
I can see where these check points would be helpful, New Years Eve, 4th of July, ect. Not on Tuesday, March 2nd at 5:00 pm...........
I didn't know that drunks were that predictable and drove only on holidays.
Old 09-30-2004, 09:15 AM
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Originally posted by TomW
I didn't know that drunks were that predictable and drove only on holidays.
Ditto the dopers! I don't want these people (drunks & dopers), their unsafe vehicles or their uninsured vehicles on the road with me and my family. I'm certainly willing to live with some minor inconvenience to address the situation. As an individual member of society, let's just say that comes under my "Life" and "Pursuit of Happiness" rights, and I'll live with the minor intrusion on the "Liberty" right to gain that benefit.

Old 09-30-2004, 10:45 AM
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Those kinds of check points are illegel in Oregon. A law enforcement officer must have legal PC to legally stop a motor vehivle,
Old 09-30-2004, 11:06 AM
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Here's a list of what each state allows and the case law involved.
Old 09-30-2004, 12:40 PM
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I can understand putting up roadblocks on Fri. and Sat. nights on the road coming from all the juke joints to catch drunks. No problem. However, when the cop steps on my rights by asking me where I am going or where I have been, my favorite answer is: going to alabamy to gets me some eggs and hammy. None of there business where I'm going.

As far as this nonsense about cops not writing tickets to make money I know some cops, they have to write so many tickets a month. If they dont, they get a bad review. Ever noticed how many more cops there are hiding in the bushes towards the end of the month? Well, start noticing.
Just last month I was traveling south on 575 from Blue Ridge, Ga and a drunk in a new Dakota went by me sucking on a beer bottle. Weaving all over the place. I followed him knowing the state cops are always fee grabbing on this road and that I would be able to find one.
I finally saw one on the opposite side of the road issuing a speeding ticket to some woman. I turned around and pulled up behind him and told him that I had spotted the drunk and gave him a description. He told me he was busy writing a ticket but he would go look after that. ......... I just looked at him. I said, you mean you arent going to chase down a drunk driver before he hurts someone? He got mad and said he was busy right then. I just walked away.
Hmmmm, I guess a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush isn't it?

BTW, he never passed me looking for the drunk driver.
Old 09-30-2004, 01:50 PM
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Does anybody remember the old Cold War Movies. and the KGB's favorite phrase. "Your Papers??" And then if you were fortunate... "Your papers appear to be in order"" And if you were unfortunate.....
I will concede their right to look for drunk drivers and such. But they have no business asking about your destination etc etc.. If you havent broken the law.
Old 09-30-2004, 03:17 PM
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Top, cumminsdud – (not a personal attack here) but if nothing else you personify the problem.
It’s ok for the government, the state troopers, the city console, the dog catcher to have “laws” that go against the constitution as long as you agree with what they are doing, that’s cool.

"Your papers please!" INDEED.
Old 09-30-2004, 03:42 PM
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This whole topic reminds me of what zoning committees or homeowners' associations run into.

Individual A buys a home next door to me in a nice neighborhood and thinks he has a perfect right to park junk cars on cinder blocks in the front yard, paint the house pink and purple and raise hogs and turkeys in the back yard. I, on the other hand, don't believe that my property value, quality of life and nasal passages should have to suffer because of this individual's exercise of his "perceived rights".

In actuality, he can't do the above in our neighborhood because of deed restrictions - but don't those infringe on his "rights" as a property owner? Yep, they do - for the good of the rest of the community (or society, if you please).


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