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View Poll Results: Motorcycle riders, have you wrecked?
Yes, I've wrecked but continue to ride.
Yes, I've had multiple wrecks, but still ride
Yes, and I gave up riding afterwards.
Yes, and am physically unable to ride due to said wreck.
No wrecks yet, but I know I'm due.
No, I'll never wreck, I know what I'm doing.
Voters: 55. You may not vote on this poll

Not a question of "If" but "When"

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Old 08-25-2005, 12:01 PM
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Only 2 votes for "I've never wrecked and never will".

I hope when you do, it's the little lay down like mine.

Road rash is healing nicely.

Foot swole up so much I couldn't put the flip-flop on that I wore to work last night.
No way I was getting a shoe on it, figured I'd be safe with the "thong".

Now I have some nice bruises showing through the swelling.
Base of all 4 little toes, I guess I bent them the wrong way pretty good,
one on the side of the big toe joint.

Also have one on each side of the foot, just under the ankle joint, don't know what would cause those, as my ankle feels fine.

Think I can take the crutches back and swap them for a cane today, can almost walk unassisted, but not quite.

Thank for all the storys and wishes of well.

Old 08-25-2005, 12:22 PM
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Originally posted by Geico266
If you guys love riding motor cycles you'll LOVE flying light aircraft! The new FAA Sport Pilot Rule allows people to learn to fly cheaper than ever before. Its a great hobby and the rush beats bikes all the way! Not even close!

The cost of these "new" aircraft are alot less, uses car gas, (not aviation fuel at $$3.50 -$5 /gallon) and you can maintain them. If you can change an LP you can maintain an aircraft.

Try something new! Make a call today to a SPORT PILOT instructor and go for a test flight. Its FREE! You will learn more about yourself, your abilities, physics, science, weather. Its a blast!

I'm proof you can teach an old dog new tricks! I started at 47!
Do they teach ya how to use the parachute?? Fyling?? Actually a guy at work had a plane he loved it, mentioned to the wife and nope!
Old 08-25-2005, 12:36 PM
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I started riding on the road legally in 1962 on a Honda 305 Super Hawk. I started substantially earlier than that out on the ranch with a Simplex Automatic. I'm still riding today (BMW K1200GT) at age 57 and haven't been down since the Super Hawk days. Knock on wood...... Not too sure how quickly road rash heals at my age.

Old 08-25-2005, 01:11 PM
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Like TAS05CTD610 I am offroad only (for now). My worst was on an 84 ATC200s (threewheeler for unfimilar). We went to the Verde river and I had my XR400, my wife was on her 200s, and B-in-L was on his 200X. We road back to camp (several miles) to get B-in-L truck because his clutches we wasted. I drove his truck and my wife road her bike back in.

Well, she was tired of riding when we got the other bike loaded so I road it back to camp. I was very fimilar with the granite roads and in turn was going about 35MPH (it was about 2230). I came around a corner sliding and the rear tires slid into a washout in the middle of the road. It was about 1 &1/2 feet deep. Which was fine until it turned 90 degrees to the road. The front tire hit the end of it and launched the bike and me into the air. I held on and hit the ground on the side. My hip and shoulder impacted the ground and I listened to my helmet grinding on the roud until I stopped.

That night will sleeping in the back of the truck I kept waking up and having to look over the side of the bed to stop the vertigo. We got in the truck to look at the scene during the day (w/me in the passenger seat). I could not handle the reverse and bailed out to . I couldn't even hold my self upthe world was spinning so fast. We went to urgent care after that and got poked and proded and they saud "you'll Live". My hip still has some odd swelling on that side. I was amazed how far and where the bruises went.

Luckly not as bad as TAS05CTD610. But I had to fly to Nashville the next day. It was a little embarassing calling the East Coast director and telling him I did not know if I could make it.

Old 08-25-2005, 01:15 PM
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Originally posted by 2500CTD
Do they teach ya how to use the parachute?? Fyling?? Actually a guy at work had a plane he loved it, mentioned to the wife and nope!
I have a story for that too. But that is another thread.

Old 08-25-2005, 01:50 PM
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Originally posted by TomW
ROTFLMAO! Lary, you owe me a keyboard!
Run it through the dishwasher worked for mine
Old 08-25-2005, 01:53 PM
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Originally posted by MCMLV
Ah, an admission... The good part is now I have hope too...Just please tell me how many more birthdays till I get to be wise like you?
I don't know, some people take a WHOLE lot longer than others in that respect The good news is having read many of your replies, you are already on pretty firm ground in my opinion

Old 08-25-2005, 02:41 PM
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I have had several wrecks on dirt bikes but only one on a streetbike. I was cruising down the side street of the small town that we lived in headed home after work. I saw the dog standing in the ditch and figured that he would either chase me or walk out in front of me at the most inopportune time .... yep, he sure did.
Luckily I was only doing about 10 mph. I couldn't turn enough to avoid him due to the really looooong chopper and front rake on my Harley and ended up with a little dog hair on the chrome and a flushed face.

He never chased me after that.

Old 08-25-2005, 11:55 PM
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bummer but it happens to the best, about 10 years ago i dumped my honda in a turn (gravel in the road) and after the world stopped turning i found my self missing my jeans ....ripped them suckers right off of me. sure looked funny standing next to the road looking for help ,but i was ok,and glad your still the MOD
Old 08-26-2005, 07:32 PM
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Layed mine down once on the pavment. It was in 98. I was just abought done with collage so i bought a 93 Yamaha 600 FZR to play on that summer. I had sold my high school bike the summer before because I never rode it anymore. I had it abought 2 month and had put around 3 thousand miles on it in late April early May. I was running around town and was not paying enough attention to the car in front of me. He had left the stop sighn hard and I thought he was going to stay on the gas so when I took off I thought he he was farther down the street. He decided to stop to talk to someone comming from the other direction. I was looking around at the side of the road and when i looked back forward he was not moving any more. I hit the breaks a little to hard and locked the front wheel up. I was only going abought 30-35 mph but that was enough to do a lot of damage. I did manage to miss his car buy about 6 inches but I totaled out my bike. I had a little road rash and otherwise was OK. I dident have my helmate on because i rarely where it in town but luckily I kept my head off the pavement. What realy ticked me off was that the guy who stopped in the middle of the road to talk to someone got off scot free and I got a ticket for failier to maintain controll. If I had not layed it down (allbeit not on perpose) I would have most likely rear ended him damaging his car and probobly hurting me even more. I havent layed one down on the road sence but have not had a bike now for the past 5 years. Got married and got into ATVs. Way more fun then any bike I ever owned. I have wrecked them more times than anyone could imagine but i dont ride them like a sane person either. My DS has had 6-8 feet of air under the tires and will run out at around 80 mph. My wife has her own ATV now as well but realy wants me to get anouther bike, she loves bikes more than me even. I just cant afford 2 ATVs and a bike.

My neghbors boy isent so lucky. He wrecked his bike this past spring. He dont remember much of anything abought it but his passenger did not make it. I think he hit a parked car at speed. He was giving his girlfreinds 12 year old nephew a ride and I dont know any details but the kid died. The driver had a broken neck, back and a colapsed lung as well as many other broken bones and ailments. I seen him the other day walking across his dads front yard. He had on a metal contraption that clamped around his head and ran down his neck and clamped down buy his waist.
Old 08-26-2005, 09:58 PM
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Do close calls count???? Wish I had a buck in my pocket for every one....

I have laid it down a couple of times. On a back road with a sharp turn, hitting too fast and we had recently had an ice storm, yep, sand in the curve, went straight off the embankment. Landed about ten feet from the bike, on its side running. I never knew you could get so deep black and blue, but nothing broken. Laid around about four days till I could get up and go back to normal. Broke a few lights etc, knocked the windshield over a couple of inches. Scarey part, deep scratches across the windshield at 45 degree angle.

I also dumped it on the Alcan highway in a construction site. Pulling a 500 pound trailer with the camping gear. Hit a set of ruts where an off road dump truck had goen across the road at an angle, it just went right out from under me. Not much damage, but landed on my $1000 camera, trashed the zoom lense. Trailer hitch held it up enough so that I was not under it.

My worst was a close call and the most amount of fear afterwords. I was doing about 70 down our two lane highway, daydreaming I gusess, did not see the traffice stopped with a left turner. Knew I could not stop, almost laid it down but it was going off the road, ended up still quite fast, between a pole and a mail box, got controll of it, through four or five yards and the flower beds, out a driveway in front of the line of cars, dumped a couple of gears, went on down the road. I was in the fire department at the time and went to Waffle house while the radio was full of cops looking for the bike that passed all the cars through the yards, "like some madman" Several calls about it. Never got caught. Darn near killed myself, had an angel that day.

I don't ride anymore, two good bikes going to waste in the shed, can't start anymore, let the gas jell up. Legs are in too bad shape, afraid of a cramp or whatnot. Had some problems and decided it was too dangerious with my legs.
Old 08-27-2005, 12:16 PM
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I think I forgot to mention one little tidbit.

It's amazing how little that big bike weighs when you have the adrenaline pumping.
I got up and lifted that thing like it was a feather, and rode off like nothing happened, lessening the degree of embarassment I guess.

I have tipped the bike over in the garage a couple times, and could not for the life of me get that thing back upright, had to have some help, but Tuesday, I could have one armed it.

Road rash is hardly noticable, well, it looks bad, but doesn't hurt much today.
Foot is still swelled up quite a bit, and looks dirty, but the dirt won't come off, as it is nice deep bruises.
Still relying on a cane to get around, especially in the morning after it's stiffened up all night.

My kids get a kick out of this, but I know back when I was a kid, that's what we called them:

Can't get a shoe on, only thing I can squeeze into are my "flip flops", but I made the mistake of saying
"My foot is so swollen, I can't get my thong on",
both kids busted up laughing.

Trying hard to call them flip flops now.

Old 08-27-2005, 12:22 PM
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Originally posted by phox_mulder

"My foot is so swollen, I can't get my thong on",
both kids busted up laughing.

Trying hard to call them flip flops now.

Trying.........to erase..............baaaad ............mental image...........

Old 08-27-2005, 12:57 PM
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May I suggest a new name for Phox?
Thong Boy
Old 08-27-2005, 04:39 PM
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"My foot is so swollen, I can't get my thong on",
OMG I just had a mental picture.....it will be impossable to read phox posts with out shuttering

Quick Reply: Not a question of "If" but "When"

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