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New York Transit Strike

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Old 12-22-2005, 08:50 AM
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Go back and look at what the unions drivers/workers make vs. non-union in New York. The non-union folks make a good wage, and the union folks are way over paid for the job they do. Are terrorist only going to hit the unionized transportation? No way you can compare driving a bus or running a subway to a fireman, policeman, doctor or nurse. Pay for any and all jobs should be based on how critical the job is, not how much money the union can squeeze out of management.

My brother-in-law is a retired Teamster's organizer. Needless to say, a huge retirement and benefites package. Why did he fall in love with the union? Because he was a self admitted screw-up that slept on the job and hid from hard work. Everytime the major truck line tried to fire him, the union saved his rear. All he had to do for THE BIG PACKAGE was to get drivers to join the union and go out and tell construction companies they had to use union labor.

Many years ago, the unions were a good thing and was a tremendous asset to the worker. Today, they still work on some safety issues and such (usually just call OSHA and let them do the real work), but today their main objective is higher wages and benefit packages that put a strain on some companies and cause all of them to raise their prices. Just like any big company,the more the workers make, the more the managers make.

Like I said before, a fair wage for the job performed.

Oh, by the way, I've been involved with jobs with the teamsters, communications and food processor unions. I've seen first hand what they can and can't do.
Old 12-22-2005, 08:55 AM
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IMO the workers know what the job requires. If they do not want to work where threats are made, then they need to find a more suitable employer. These people are striking because they want more money plain and simple.

"We want more money because we might get killed at our job, well, what good is your money going to do you if you get killed. You can come and work for this amount, because that is what the job pays, take it or leave it. The unemployment line has thousands of people that will come to work right now if we call them." This is the ideal conversation at the bargaining table.

One mentioned unskilled labor, that is fine. Everyone has to start somewhere. America has become the country that is scared to get it's hands dirty. I applaud and thnak the servicemen and women who are fighting for this country, and althought there are many out there with the hard working lifestyle, the union people are the ones that have never been in the mud trying to get the harvest in, they have never had to sweat all day working in the foundries, the only grass some of them have seen to mow is at the park, I say if these people want to move up, then they need to take the necessary steps to move up, like getting an education for the position that they desire; not whining about they're safety and asking for some money to make them feel like they are safe. If that were the case, the military needs to go on strike, they get relatively nothing for what they do for ALL of us.

Igottogetbacktoworkbecausethisisputtingmeinabadmoo d.
Old 12-22-2005, 08:56 AM
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Looks like N.Y'ers are making out just fine beating feet.

I'm willing to be that the city is losing more in tax revenue than they would have spent on the wage increase anyway. That's how it works though.

Let em all walk for all I care. Most of them are overweight anyway.

I'm also willing to bet that the city was counting on the Union not having enough backbone to call for the stopage. Glad they called the bluff.
Old 12-22-2005, 09:13 AM
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I am not a big fan of unions,and if the city is that paralized, maybe their demands are not that unrealistic,they may be over paid but no one says a word about what kind of raise the politians give themselves,and if they went on strike, no one would even know, or care.I work for local Gov't and there is always problems with giving their workers more,but never a problem spending on some personal aganda.When they make cuts it always starts with the working man never their office or political buddies and those are the ones we can do without.Unions never say anything that would cost people their jobs so its a double edge sword for them to say how top heavy things are.Maybe they should give these workers what they want and cut on usless spending some place else. (ie.$200.00 toilet seats ect.)
Old 12-22-2005, 11:16 AM
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I will compare the transit worker to a cop or firemen, the mass transit has more crime than any other part of any city, these people have to work throughout the night constantly watching their back, without protection. I will compare them to doctors, nurses, and lawyers, these people were trained to do their job just like any other profession, don't tell me these people aren't worth anymore b/c they don't have college educations. If everyone gets a college degree who will get there hands dirty to work construction, delivery your commodities. Why is it the people that work at "ground level" of business get low wages and poor benefits when the CEO gets multi-million dollar bonuses for sitting on their butt and padding their wallets, that is NOT right.

Old 12-22-2005, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by candndelivery
I will compare them to doctors, nurses, and lawyers, these people were trained to do their job just like any other profession, don't tell me these people aren't worth anymore b/c they don't have college educations.
Let's see now....how many hours (or years) of schooling/training does a bus driver go through compared to a doctor, nurse, fireman or policeman? Not really much of a comparison.... Most places don't even require a high school education to drive a bus.

No one has implied that these people are not worth anything just because they don't have a degree. The real world fact is, that the more education you have the higher paying job you can acheive.

I somewhat agree on the upper management statement. Some earn the big bucks and some don't.
Old 12-22-2005, 11:41 AM
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Its still the same thing, every profession has their specialized training, whether it be through an accredited college or a trade school or college extension, it is still a specialized skill. I'd go further but it's hard to do with one hand and a baby on my lap.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:24 PM
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I have been a member of 2 unions...The IAFF and the FOP....My Father was in the IBEW and my Grandfather the UMWA...I have seen firsthand what organized labor CAN and CAN'T do...I've seen the difference between and strong union and a weak one...

I must say I am proud to be a union member, and in most cases I will whole heartedly support unions...BUT...This particular strike is ILLEGAL!!! The UMWA, UAW, IBEW, and others can strike all they want...But PUBLIC SERVICE/PUBLIC SAFETY unions are barred from stiking by FEDERAL LAW...

Unions provide the working man with security, better conditions, better pay, better benefits, etc....In fairness I must agree that unions have sometimes hurt America....Example...The UAW has helped bring the auto makers to their knees...$2K of every GM vehicle purcahse pays for health/medical benefits (This does contribute to GM's collapse, but is not the SOLE reason)

Some might argue that unions are why companies ship jobs and manufacturing overseas....DUH!! Corporations are all about maximizing profits...The working man wants to make money too....In companies desire to pad their bottom lines, the leave workers unemployed or underemployed....The workers build a life requiring a certain income...They cant work wont work for less....A full-circle cluster called our Capitalist Economy...Greed drives America....Got a better solution?? Socialism?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH

In the NYC strike, I agree the union should fight for better wages, etc...I make MORE than an NYC firefighter, and my cost of living is nowhere close to theirs....That's something that is often forgotten...NYC pays poorly across the board....So good for them, fight for pay, but not illegally...
Old 12-22-2005, 12:30 PM
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I believe the no strike law only pertains to interstate agencys, not agencys within a state.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:40 PM
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Herrin, does your city always ratify new contracts or are you working on extensions or without a contract. As quoted in one of my posts I know public service aren't allowed to strike, however I hope this gives public service an upper hand on contract negotiations. Within 40 miles of me there are 6 paid fire dept, of which there are 3 currently working w/o a contract, I don't believe the police have a contract either, that isn't right, the IAFF has no bargaining leverage against the city, nothing. Thats why I am so supportive of this strike, even though it's illegal, I hope this helps all the IAFF and FOP.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:44 PM
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I attented a week long Union Avoidance Training class as forced to do by my business. The company I work for is deathly afraid of unions infiltrating any of our different businesses. As a matter of fact I was told that as the head of my facility, if the union ever did get a foothold, that I could start looking for another job. To me it seems that corporations afraid of the unions know that they are not treating their employees fairly. I haven't seen a raise in 2.5 years and I run a HUGELY profitable division. The most I am allowed to give employees as annual increases is 6%, but the company would prefer I give only 2 to 4%.

As someone that runs a $24M dollar plant with 50 employees, I must say that I still do not like the unions. However, it appears that in most cases it is the only way to keep these large conglomerates honest and treating the employee fairly.
Old 12-22-2005, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by candndelivery
Herrin, does your city always ratify new contracts or are you working on extensions or without a contract. As quoted in one of my posts I know public service aren't allowed to strike, however I hope this gives public service an upper hand on contract negotiations. Within 40 miles of me there are 6 paid fire dept, of which there are 3 currently working w/o a contract, I don't believe the police have a contract either, that isn't right, the IAFF has no bargaining leverage against the city, nothing. Thats why I am so supportive of this strike, even though it's illegal, I hope this helps all the IAFF and FOP.

The city is good as far as working with the unions...The county is another story...The Sheriff's Dept I used to work for is now working without a contract for the 3rd time in 5 years....Last time thet ratified a contract, it went retroactive for 3 years and expired 37 days after signing

The other fire dept I used to work for, the union had NO-ZERO- recognition from the city...No bargaining, nothing....We got 1% per year for the 3 years I was there....The Wrold At Work index said we should have been getting at least 5% COLA each year....KY passed collective bargaining, the union was recognized and they began getting raises...After I left there
Old 12-22-2005, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Herrin821
The city is good as far as working with the unions...The county is another story...The Sheriff's Dept I used to work for is now working without a contract for the 3rd time in 5 years....Last time thet ratified a contract, it went retroactive for 3 years and expired 37 days after signing

Thats why I hope all the cities take a good long look at this strike, I know its illegal but I think it had to be done at some time or another, the cities are taking advantage of too many of its workers. Here locally one of the municipalities were talking about having to start charging its employees a premium for their ins., the news covered this and they started going over the cities payroll, the trashmen are only getting paid $6.00 an hour, that is not right, the police and fire are in the lower $20,000, thats not right, if the city needs to raise taxes to start covering these obligations or raise bus fairs, so be it. The men and women deserve a living wage.
Old 12-22-2005, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by candndelivery
Fire em all, that would be real good, inexperienced workers operating mass transit. They wanted a raise since they have new threats by terrorism but the city wouldn't go for it, or not much of a raise. If it weren't for unions the wages and benefits wouldn't be what they are today, however in recent years we've seen fewer union jobs and consequently we've also had lower paying non-union jobs, if some of the non-union, low paying jobs organize you will see an increase all the way around with union and non-union jobs.

The Taylor law forbids civil servants from striking.

This is the worst part at the bargaining table, if the city knows they can't strike what the point of signing a contract, theres no initiative. There are too many cities that never reach an agreement with their unionized employees and end up working for years without a contract, meaning years w/o raises or updated ins./ benefits. I hope this strike gives the cities a little warning of what happens when no contract is agreed upon. I hope all the FOP and IAFF union reps are watching this and taking notes.

Awesome, let's drive labor wages up. Unions want to blame everyone else for jobs leaving the U.S., but aren't they leaving for cheaper wages? American companies are willing to pay higher wages to American workers because they get better quality work and don't have to pay to have the products imported. But once wages get too high, they can't afford to pay for the quality labor and it becomes much cheaper to import. Simple logic...

Further, it is well documented that unions are anti-democratic, union leaders prefer to keep their members uninformed, disengaged and far removed from decision making. If you would like to read more about it, I would suggest a book called, "Betrayal: How Union Bosses Shake Down Their Members and Corrupt American Politics." It very accurately describes how union leaders use forced dues paid by their members to their own benefit.
Old 12-22-2005, 01:19 PM
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I own a non-union shop and if my employees were ever to try and unionize it i WOULD close the doors! It is my business and i will decide how much an employee is worth to me, period.
I have employees who have been with me for two years that make more than some of my employees who have been with me for 10 years.
Long and short of it is the ones who make the most money for me gets the most back. 101 math.

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