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Good points about Bush

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Old 10-04-2004, 01:39 PM
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yeah cheryl likes to get involved too, hope that isn't too big of a problem
Old 10-04-2004, 01:39 PM
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Boy I should use that pile of Bovine Feces in my Garden You my Friend turbodieselchic have swolllowed the lefts Lies hook line and sinker.

When you end up in a Berka it will be because of Kerry's Party not Bushes.

On one Point Bush Volnterred for nam but was turned down for lack of experence. And as for the wars they are just causes he has saved countless civilians from extermination by a ruthless dictator and muslim Scumballs that beat people and kill them in the name of their evil God.

Its people like Bush that keep us Free He will not Give the USA to the UN.
As for Vacation time Clinton didnt need it he had his desk for recreation.

As for the criminal record many of us have made mistakes in our lives and learn from them. Let he or Her that has not sinned cast the first stone)

You need Facts not what you are spoon fed by your party.
Old 10-04-2004, 01:41 PM
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Originally posted by Jack Thorpe
Should have known
The Screed machine lives on
Old 10-04-2004, 02:05 PM
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#1 He is a Texan enough said.
Old 10-04-2004, 02:06 PM
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Originally posted by George&cheryl
yeah cheryl likes to get involved too, hope that isn't too big of a problem
Who you trying to kid? your original account says "George and Cheryl"
Old 10-04-2004, 02:20 PM
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Originally posted by Lary Ellis (Top)
Who you trying to kid? your original account says "George and Cheryl"
Not trying to kid anyone Lary, we both use the computer.
Old 10-04-2004, 02:22 PM
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Originally posted by ramlovingvet
Boy I should use that pile of Bovine Feces in my Garden You my Friend turbodieselchic have swolllowed the lefts Lies hook line and sinker.

When you end up in a Berka it will be because of Kerry's Party not Bushes.

On one Point Bush Volnterred for nam but was turned down for lack of experence. And as for the wars they are just causes he has saved countless civilians from extermination by a ruthless dictator and muslim Scumballs that beat people and kill them in the name of their evil God.

Its people like Bush that keep us Free He will not Give the USA to the UN.
As for Vacation time Clinton didnt need it he had his desk for recreation.

As for the criminal record many of us have made mistakes in our lives and learn from them. Let he or Her that has not sinned cast the first stone)

You need Facts not what you are spoon fed by your party.
Yeah facts would be nice but you know you read so much and hear so much sometimes its hard to tell what the real facts are.
Old 10-04-2004, 02:45 PM
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Something interesting in our local paper from yesterday, its an article from Bush's home town paper don't know how much is fact but then again do we ever?
The head line reads " Kerry would restore dignity to U.S."
The lone star iconoclast, a news paper in Crawford Tx endorsed Bush in 2000-but not this year. The paper is supporting Kerry.

The article goes on to say few Americans would have voted for Bush four years ago if he had promised that he would

Empty the Social Security trust fund by $507 billion to help offset fiscal irresponsibility and at the same time slash Social Security benefits.

Cut medicare by 17% and reduce veterans benefits and military pay.

Eliminate overtime pay for millions of Americans and raise oil prices by 50%

Give tax cuts to businesses that sent American jobs overseas, and, in fact, by policy encourage their departure..

Give away billions of tax dollars in government contracts without competive bids.

Involve this country in a highly questionable war and take a budget surplus and turn it into the worst deficit in the history of the United States, creating a debt in just four years that will take generations to repay.

Don't jump on me here guys, its just what I read. I'm trying to take Jack's advice and do some research and read everything that I can get my hands on.
Old 10-04-2004, 03:10 PM
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Try reading some articles with some semblence of fact and truth.
Old 10-04-2004, 03:12 PM
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Originally posted by Haulin_in_Dixie
Try reading some articles with some semblence of fact and truth.
I have been, thank you
Old 10-04-2004, 04:12 PM
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Well this started out for something positive for Bush. That lasted like what 3 posts.
Any way here's a fact: Bush is a man of faith, and believes in God. He also holds values that reflect such a belief. Enough Said.
Old 10-05-2004, 10:23 AM
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You wanna know something else positive about W? How about this, at the debate the other night, when asked how he felt towards Kerry, look at what he said. NOW, what would most people have said? Yes, you will say that "he doesn't mean waht he said", but that doesn't matter!

WHAT DID KERRY SAY? If I remember right, not much, except "Thank You for your kind words."

'Nuff Said, Flame Away, I've got broad shoulders
Old 10-05-2004, 10:51 AM
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We need a change - not just more of the same, no this is not an endorsment for Kerry.

Debates showed that neither Bush nor Kerry is fit to be commander-in-chief

WASHINGTON -- The argument on Iraq between President George Bush and Senator John Kerry in last night's debate proves that neither man is qualified to be commander-in-chief, Libertarians say.

"The president stubbornly defended his decision to launch an unnecessary war that has claimed over 1,000 American lives and plunged Iraq into chaos and anarchy," said Joseph Seehusen, executive director of the Libertarian Party. "John Kerry correctly pointed out that the war was a mistake, then vowed to continue it.

"Since presidents are supposed to protect American lives -- not recklessly endanger them -- neither man is fit to serve."

As the war in Iraq dominated the discussion in the first presidential debate, held at the University of Miami on Thursday, Bush defended launching the pre-emptive war and said, "It's essential that we not leave."

Though Kerry pointed out that Bush made "a colossal error of judgment" in invading Iraq, he pledged to continue the error if elected and said "we don't have enough troops there."

Libertarians say America is in deep trouble when its two main presidential contenders can spend 90 minutes arguing over the best way to perpetuate a failed government policy.

"Unfortunately neither man had the courage or the common sense to admit the obvious: Starting this war was a colossal mistake, and the next president should stop making that mistake," Seehusen said.

"As a direct result of Bush's actions, over 1,000 Americans have lost family members, and hundreds of billions of tax dollars have been wasted. As the situation in Iraq grows worse, we see hostage-taking, assassinations, beheadings, and innocent children being dismembered by car bombs. And if either Bush or Kerry is elected, we'll get more of it. What kind of choice is that?"

Missing from the debate was any discussion of reforming U.S. foreign policy by removing troops from places where they don't belong, Libertarians say.

"The purpose of having a strong military isn't to get us into wars, it's to keep us out of wars," Seehusen said. "Adopting a foreign policy of neutrality and non-intervention and using the military only for defensive purposes is the best way to protect our nation.

"If there's one positive development from last night's debate, it's that Bush and Kerry gave the American people a long list of things the next president should NOT do: wars not to fight, lies not to tell, lives not to sacrifice, and money not to spend. Perhaps we should at least thank them for that."
Old 10-05-2004, 11:34 AM
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"It is the duty of every

citizen according to his best

capacities to give validity to his

convictions in political affairs."


There once was an owner of a machine shop who sought to cut costs and improve the financial strength of his organization. He saw that a million dollars a year was being spent by the current foreman of the shop for maintenance and minor repairs. Thinking this was absurd, he fired the foreman and hired a man who made promises of reduced maintenance costs and increased profits. Shortly after the new man was hired, maintenance costs dropped to almost nothing, and the machine shop owner increased his revenues by almost a million dollars a year.

After four years of amazing profits, his machines all broke, and required twenty million dollars to repair. The owner could not cover the cost, so he went bankrupt.

Why? Because he had no maintenance costs. He had no long term vision. He was so shallow and fixated on the short term promises of the new foreman who laughed all the way to the bank, that he failed to see the real damage he was doing to his organization. He could have handled the million dollar a year maintenance costs and enjoyed healthy profits, but the twenty million dollar expenditure sunk the ship, and he ended up with nothing, and everybody lost their jobs.

So it is with politics. Prior to the Clinton administration, America struggled to build strength under the leadership of Reagan and HW Bush. Things were not always easy because their focus was on a strong system - a healthy economy. Clinton coasted on years of prosperity because he came in on a relatively well tuned machine. He looked glorious in the eyes of ignorant people and he was credited with saving the economy. The recession, unemployment, and hardship that followed was simply inevitable, and it rolled in, predictably, months BEFORE he walked away leaving a impoverished economy to our current president. A lot of simple folks see the horrible situation we are in and have not the wherewithal to see why the system fell apart. Those without this wisdom see this economic quagmire as being the fault of our commander - President Bush. Those same people ignorantly line up to call president Clinton one of the greatest -buying his inflated autobiography in droves.

The fact that the economy is doing as well as it is, is due to the fact that Bush has done a great job of turning things around. Given what he inherited, he has done a simply amazing job - all in the midst of an atrocious act of war waged on our own soils. We are not yet recovered enough from Clinton’s economic bleeding, however, to survive the deep cuts of another inept liberal leader.

The short sighted tragedy of the aforementioned analogy carries over to the war in Iraq as well. Republicans, including our President, do not necessarily like death and violence and war. Most of us who do not oppose the war in Iraq simply recognize that it is a necessary evil that must be traversed in order to reach a greater good. Bush has stood up to the growing terrorist threat around the world. He has recognized that we must take action to cleanse the world of a growing threat, which left alone will surely recede into remission, fester, and grow. Like a cancer, it will resurface when it’s far too late for recovery. The liberals who oppose the war, in the same vein of ignorance by which they esteem former president Clinton, would be happy to elect a new commander who will pull back from the war and allow them to go back to living the next few years blissfully happy. If we take this route, our fate is secured - and we will pay a very, very heavy price in years to come.

I urge you to look past the well spoken presentation of Senator Kerry and recognize that the promises he is making are alluring, but unobtainable. Like Clinton, he is the new foreman in the above analogy. He will woo you with his incredible charisma, and he will blind you with IMMEDIATE relief from your burdens - but you will pay the price in years to come. Just like we are now paying for Clinton’s administration with a depressed economy, we will all pay dearly if Kerry's is elected president.

It is a demographic FACT that the more educated and the more of a "thinker" (vs. a "feeler"), the more likely one is to be Republican. Unless you buy into the faulty notion that educated individuals are liars, any intelligent person would have to conclude that the educated know things the uneducated simply don't. Winston Churchill is credited with the saying "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." (or a variation of this popular quote). It is a wise and astute sentiment. People do not grow more ignorant with age, they grow wiser. As they become wiser, they become more conservative; at least do those with brains.

If you are not yet a Republican, I urge you take a bold personal leap of evolution. Make the wise choice, friends - re-elect President Bush in 2004
Old 10-05-2004, 12:28 PM
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MARK, wow - good arguments and I agree with everythin you concerning the economy, it was CLinton that ran us into the ground and the recovery we've made already is a great thing. Imagine how nice it would be with a smaller government that ONLY does what it's supposed to be doing.

I have to part ways with you regarding the war. President Bush has indeed put us on the offensive and we are all over the place furthering our cause.
-- which is--

It is my strong believe that we would not have been attacked if we were not playing policeman to the world. It is not the governments job nor it's responsability to defend Iraquis from a dictator or to stop aids in africa or to feed the starving millions in (insert third world name here). It simply isn't. If in fact you want to do these things by all means do them. Contribute to a private charity, move to Iraq and lead a revolution... you get my drift. It may be wrong, it may be terrible even. But it is not the job of our government to interfere.

The terrorist we think of - think we are terrorist. They do not hate us because we are "free" and our women are not covered head to toe. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It would be equivalent to me hating everyone from Italy b/c they are italian. I don't have to agree with their ways, I don't have to agree with thier system of politics nor do I need to attack them. I do have to let them be until they attempt to cause me harm. No matter how much I may disagree with (whatever cause you care to insert here)

Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They must be urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them."
-- Henry Mencken
"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is brought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?"
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Quick Reply: Good points about Bush

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