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God vs Science....

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Old 11-23-2007, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by oilfield-trash

"Barbers don't exist because

If they did, there would be no

People with dirty long hair

And untrimmed beards,

Like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist!

What happens is, people

Do not come to me."


Affirmed the customer.

"That's the point!

God, too, DOES exist!

What happens, is, people

Don't go to Him

Author: Robin Williams

Don't you pay the barber?
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Old 11-23-2007, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by AkTallPaul
Don't you pay the barber?
Yes, and you give money to the Church (GOD) right???
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Old 11-23-2007, 05:09 PM
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So if you don't pay.......... you don't get what you want. Make sure you tip good too.....
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Old 11-23-2007, 05:16 PM
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Smile My Story....

I know that the only thing in the entire story that did not make any sense to me was when the Kid said that he had never felt God or Jesus...... I know that when I'm talking to/praying I can feel what some call the Holy Spirit. I also feel that no matter what the person beleives in his or her mind there is somewhere in there Heart or Soul that knows that there is a Higher Power.

Here is my life story: Read if you want!

I use to never Pray about/for anything. I quit going to Church around the age of 12-13 because there was so many people that would be in Church early in the morning and then go out and do things that were totally against the Christian beleifs. I went for 10 years only praying when my Father would be in the Hospital or I just wanted something for myself that was a far cry from ever happening. Things were just ok, and I never felt that I had a chance to get out of the everyday rut that I was in. Then one day I found out that my Girlfriend and I were going to be parents. We got so excited and told everyone only to find out 7 weeks later that our hopes and dreams were not going to come true. I paced back and fourth in my mind of why good people like my now wife and I could have this happen to us when there were people in the world that are mislead/bad people that are having more children then they can even take care of. I remembered laying in bed the night before all this happened and telling my Girlfriend that I felt that there was something wrong. She asked why and I told her that I saw a light fog above her that quickly went away. As soon as I saw the fog dissappear I had a vision in my mind of an Angel smiling holding a little baby. The next night she started spotting/bleeding and our worst fears came true. I blamed myself for everything because I felt that I had caused her the stress that day from telling her what I saw and felt. Come to find out the Baby had never developed past the 5th week and we were at the 7th. So I turned to a man that I had left behind years ago. I started asking for forgiveness for the years of disbeleif and sins. A year went by and everythig in my life started to change. My wife and I had a really hard time dealing with the loss of our little future. I felt though that this had really brought us together even stronger than we were before. One night after finishing up with a certian thing I looked into the mirror and told the Lord that I knew that she was pregnant and I only hoped that we could have a Healthy child. 4 weeks past and she came to me with teary eyes and guess what. YEP! We told no one this time and waited until we could hear the HeartBeat and movement. She was so scared at first but there was never a doubt in my mind because I knew that I was going to be a proud Father soon. It is almost 4 years since that time and we have a beautiful little Girl named Alexis. I look at her everyday and thank the Lord for what he has given us. I do not wish for anything but the health of my family and am greatful for everything that we have. I hope that everyone on here has an empowering story that makes them sit back and realize that you are Loved by something more powerful than anything on Earth. Do not go through life with hate for someone else that just hasn't had there awakening moment or walk away from what you feel is right because others make it seem so unlikely. Be thankful for what you have and be sure to take care of everyone that you can wether you know them or not. Planting seeds in life is what will make this world a better place in the long run. You are all in my prayers everyday because I know that someday we will all meet together in a place that is truly Great. May God Bless you all like he has done me. JB
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Old 11-24-2007, 12:39 AM
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Okay, I’ll add to the discussion (though I figure this thread will be shut down pretty quick). I’m pretty far from being a believer. About as far as you can get for that matter. I believe there “might” be something out there but you can’t prove it one way or another. I could poke holes through the one-sided discussion in the first post all day long but I figure that will have to be on the sister site.

JB. That is a great story and I’m glad everything has turned out for you. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. But do you think it would have turned out differently if you had not prayed or would things still be exactly like they are right now? The reason I ask this is I have lived a life of many regrets. I have done many things that I’m not proud of (in fact if you name it I’ve probably done it). When I was 23 I finally had enough of the way I was living and decided to change my life. I joined the Fire Dept. and have made a career and a life for myself. I have been through a divorce (mostly of my making) but now I have a great family (also of my making). I have never asked any higher power for any of this. Any strength that I have, I have brought on myself. I make my own life and destiny. When things go right in my life I don’t give credit to anyone else but myself and when things go wrong I don’t blame anyone or “anything” for my problems. They are usually of my making and I figure out how to correct them. I haven’t prayed since I was around 14 and I figure things would have turned out pretty much like they have one way or another.

Believe me….. I, in no way, deserve this……But she is my life....

Now before anyone says anything…. My wife and my parents are Christian and my parents take my daughter to church every Sunday. Believe me…. I’m the black sheep of the family. But when my daughter eventually asks me what I believe I am going to tell her. I won’t lie to her. She will, at some time, have to make up her own mind what she believes just like I did.

I had an invisible friend when I was 4. His name was Greg. Maybe I should pray to him? Nah… things would have turned out the same I figure……..

Originally Posted by madhat
There are no athiests in a fighting hole...
Not necessarily true....Though I know what your getting at.


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Old 11-24-2007, 06:07 AM
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God rains on the just and the unjust.
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by t-15 firefighter
Okay, I’ll add to the discussion (though I figure this thread will be shut down pretty quick). I’m pretty far from being a believer. About as far as you can get for that matter. I believe there “might” be something out there but you can’t prove it one way or another. I could poke holes through the one-sided discussion in the first post all day long but I figure that will have to be on the sister site.

JB. That is a great story and I’m glad everything has turned out for you. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. But do you think it would have turned out differently if you had not prayed or would things still be exactly like they are right now? The reason I ask this is I have lived a life of many regrets. I have done many things that I’m not proud of (in fact if you name it I’ve probably done it). When I was 23 I finally had enough of the way I was living and decided to change my life. I joined the Fire Dept. and have made a career and a life for myself. I have been through a divorce (mostly of my making) but now I have a great family (also of my making). I have never asked any higher power for any of this. Any strength that I have, I have brought on myself. I make my own life and destiny. When things go right in my life I don’t give credit to anyone else but myself and when things go wrong I don’t blame anyone or “anything” for my problems. They are usually of my making and I figure out how to correct them. I haven’t prayed since I was around 14 and I figure things would have turned out pretty much like they have one way or another.

Believe me….. I, in no way, deserve this……But she is my life....

Now before anyone says anything…. My wife and my parents are Christian and my parents take my daughter to church every Sunday. Believe me…. I’m the black sheep of the family. But when my daughter eventually asks me what I believe I am going to tell her. I won’t lie to her. She will, at some time, have to make up her own mind what she believes just like I did.

I had an invisible friend when I was 4. His name was Greg. Maybe I should pray to him? Nah… things would have turned out the same I figure……..

Not necessarily true....Though I know what your getting at.


I care about peoples decision in this matter. I have a link in the sig.

Are you willing to bet your lives for eternity that there is no God, no heaven or hell?

Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Joh 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved

Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
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Old 11-24-2007, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by RAF
Are you willing to bet your lives for eternity that there is no God, no heaven or hell?
I guess first that would require me believing that their is a God and a heaven and hell. I grew up in church and was required to go until I moved out on my own so I know the scriptures (probably better than most truth be known). Religion has always been something of interest to me and, believe it or not, I have spent much time researching. Believe me, there is nothing more dangerous to a Christian than an informed atheist (though I am more of an agnostic).

It all comes down to this. You MUST have faith to believe. You have to have faith that Jesus is the son of God and that he was sent to die for your sins because you certainly can't prove it. You have to have faith that their is and invisible buddy watching over you at all times because you can't prove that either. The only thing that I have faith in is myself.

Take care


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Old 11-24-2007, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by t-15 firefighter
Okay, I’ll add to the discussion (though I figure this thread will be shut down pretty quick).

Not to worry, just like with all other threads, as long as it stays civil, it can stay.

I’m pretty far from being a believer. About as far as you can get for that matter. I believe there “might” be something out there but you can’t prove it one way or another. I could poke holes through the one-sided discussion in the first post all day long but I figure that will have to be on the sister site.
I am in the same boat Britt. Could there be? Maybe, or maybe not.
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Old 11-24-2007, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by jrs_dodge_diesel
Not to worry, just like with all other threads, as long as it stays civil, it can stay.
Agreed. But, believe me, we are watching it... like a hawk. Opinions are great, respect each others beliefs, and don't try to push what you believe on someone, or tell them that they are wrong, and this thread will go on smoothly.

Thanks for keeping it good so far...
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Old 11-24-2007, 03:46 PM
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I'm happy for so many of you devout Christians that have found the answers to your need for a supreme being to worship. And glad that you can find no conflict in your beliefs. That, for you, it's absolute and correct.

For many others it is an undecided issue. Or it's an issue that is defined differently. That doesn't mean it's less important. And it doesn't mean we haven't heard it all before.

The whole question is far bigger than any human can comprehend so it's all a matter of faith, or need, or culture, or logic, or whatever. Anyone living in America that has been around a few years has heard the whole story. We all pretty much know the Christian dogma.

Probably more good could be done and more people would become interested if there was less talk about eternal damnation and burning in Hell. More living a peacefull nurturing life and less effort to change others minds by whatever means are necessary. More truly acting as Jesus did. A more humble, accepting and giving existence.

I'm having a hard time understanding how this discussion fits on this site. Is it because there is such a need to try to convert others? I'm not saying it should not be here, I'm just curious how it fits in.

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Old 11-24-2007, 03:50 PM
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I believe GOD exists, I dont call it luck that whenever things get tough and I'm not sure how they are going to turn out, the pieces always come together. Have I ever seen GOD or an angel? No but I still believe they are with us. If my father wasn't up in heaven would I be able to talk to him in my dreams?
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Old 11-24-2007, 05:00 PM
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Faith is a gift from God, If you dont have it, it is because God hasnt chose that you to believe.
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Old 11-24-2007, 06:17 PM
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overcomer you are right. God God is at the door, we must choose to open it. If I choose not to then that is my desicion. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock"

My choice as well as others is a freedom. If we wre not given a choice to freely love God, it would not be true love.

I dont understand athiest's. I dont belive in leprachauns but Im not anti-leprachaun.
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:41 PM
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There once was a man from Nantucket
He had his head stuck in a bucket
He made with a cry
Give me a pry
To get my head out of this bucket
Moral of the story, don't get your head stuck in a bucket.
No offense to any one in Nantucket
Dharma teaches: right thoughts, right speech, right actions. What more can one do?
Is there a God, and which one is better, the one with the bigger sword ?
I post this in a most non judgmental way only as food for thought.
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