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Old 06-09-2013, 09:51 PM
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Fiver, when I was born I was a preemie. When I came home from the hospital my dad could put my head in the palm of his hand and my feet wouldn't reach his elbow. In my grade 8 class picture I was still one of the short kids sitting in the front row of the picture. Something happened starting in grade 11. Over a 3 year period I grew 6 inches, 8 inches and 6 inches. Now THOSE were growing pains. As my screen name would suggest, I am now 6' 7" tall.
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Old 06-09-2013, 10:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Tallguy67
Fiver, when I was born I was a preemie. When I came home from the hospital my dad could put my head in the palm of his hand and my feet wouldn't reach his elbow. In my grade 8 class picture I was still one of the short kids sitting in the front row of the picture. Something happened starting in grade 11. Over a 3 year period I grew 6 inches, 8 inches and 6 inches. Now THOSE were growing pains. As my screen name would suggest, I am now 6' 7" tall.
Strange how that works. I grew 10 inches when 13 and was 6'3" when I turned 14. Shoe size grew 3 full sizes in one jump in 6 months. Still have crooked big toes because my mother would not believe me when I told her my "new" shoes were too small - - went from an 8 to an 11. One other guy in my class was also 6'4" -- we were the tallest in the school.

I have a good friend 6'7" who just came down with a horrible type of cancer. We call him the gentle giant. Good musician - - neat guy. Tough to see him so helpless in these horrible treatments he is taking. Stay healthy, OK???

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Old 06-10-2013, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Totallyrad
Head has been splitting for two days.This week coming has me stressed to the max so I'll just have to wait it out a bit more to see if it's really something wrong or just the situation.
I'm hoping it's the situation too. Call me if you wanna talk. I'm always here for ya... 'cept when I'm not.

Originally Posted by FiverBob
Really, I appreciate your comment - - very kind.
SEE HEIDI? I'M ALWAYS NICE! And I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true!

Happy Monday everyone!

Today is the 10th of June already!

1776 - The Continental Congress appointed a committee to write a Declaration of Independence.

1801 - The North African State of Tripoli declared war on the U.S. The dispute was over merchant vessels being able to travel safely through the Mediterranean.

1854 - The U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, held its first graduation.

1898 - U.S. Marines landed in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.

1909 - The SOS distress signal was used for the first time. The Cunard liner SS Slavonia used the signal when it wrecked off the Azores.

1920 - The Republican convention in Chicago endorsed woman suffrage. (They advocated the suffering of women???)

1925 - The state of Tennessee adopted a new biology text book that denied the theory of evolution.

1935 - Alcoholic Anonymous was founded by William G. Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith.

1940 - Italy declared war on France and Britain. In addition, Canada declared war on Italy.

1943 - The Allies began bombing Germany around the clock.

1948 - Chuck Yeager exceeded the speed of sound in the Bell XS-1.

1954 - General Motors announced the gas turbine bus had been produced successfully.

1970 - A fifteen-man group of special forces troops began training for Operation Kingpin. The operation was a POW rescue mission in North Vietnam.

1984 - The U.S. Army successfully tested an antiballistic missile.

1990 - Bulgaria's former Communist Party won the country's first free elections in more than four decades.

1993 - It was announced by scientists that genetic material was extracted from an insect that lived when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

1994 - U.S. President Clinton intensified sanctions against Haiti's military leaders. U.S. commercial air travel was suspended along with most financial transactions between Haiti and the U.S.

Today's thought:
The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.

C0ffee and ph00 are hot 'n ready!
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Old 06-10-2013, 08:47 AM
"How in the heck do I change the phrase in between my user name and avatar?"
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Bob....those kiddos are some cuties for sure.....congrats man. Little ones are so much fun. Sons graduation has come and gone......and so have all the visitors......what a relief!!!!! Told the wife I was to the point of getting a motel room for myself so I could have some peace and quiet. Couldn't take it anymore.

All is quiet now on the homefront. Sleep was GOOD last night. Son is off to church camp as a counselor for 2 months....home for 2 weeks....then packing up and heading for N. Texas (Wichita Falls) for his college experience. Let's hope that he doesn't do all the things I did in college.....he's actually smart. Oh well, I met some of my best friends while doing a 5 year stint in Stephenville.......no, there's no state prison there......only cattle, open land, and Tarleton State University!!!!

Ok...off to study. Got a test today in my Powertrains class over twin countershaft, Eaton Road Ranger transmissions, along with figuring powerflow through the gears......a bit confusing but eventually I get it.
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Old 06-10-2013, 09:38 AM
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Heheheh, chaikwa the hot head offering to help my hero T rad calm down........oh well- Scott IS being nice today, we'll take it.

Justin - you ROCK too!!! glad you got some sleep.....
Cougar, guess you are gonna need some seep as well- hope your area dries out.

Sponsored a WWII vet for Honor Flight. got a beautiful letter from the nursing home staff, he is thrilled to go and getting healthy for the trip.
what he doesn't know is that I wrote/telephoned his son as to how important this last trip will be for both of them. His son agreed to be his escort without being a jerk. I would do anything for one last day with my dad.
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Old 06-10-2013, 03:01 PM
"How in the heck do I change the phrase in between my user name and avatar?"
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Slow day in here today. Test went quite well if I do say so myself.....a 98!!!! That must be why the school sends me a certificate every semester for maintaining a 3.75 to 4.00 GPA. That never EVER happened in high school or college. I guess with age comes wisdom.......old folks, chime in on this!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist it. I barely scratched by in college the first time getting my B.S. in Animal Science and now that I'm doing what I SHOULD have done right out of high school I'm achieving straight A's. I guess hindsight is 20/20.

Things have worked out in my favor over the years though.....I have a happy, healthy family and things are only looking better.....what more can a person ask for?
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Old 06-10-2013, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by jhenson
Slow day in here today. Test went quite well if I do say so myself.....a 98!!!! That must be why the school sends me a certificate every semester for maintaining a 3.75 to 4.00 GPA. That never EVER happened in high school or college. I guess with age comes wisdom.......old folks, chime in on this!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist it. I barely scratched by in college the first time getting my B.S. in Animal Science and now that I'm doing what I SHOULD have done right out of high school I'm achieving straight A's. I guess hindsight is 20/20.
Afraid I fell somewhat into that category. Did great in HS, advanced classes in math and physics, straight A's in that stuff - - F in study hall. LOL On to college, hung around 3.0 for first two years, then 3.5 on into graduation. Got married, had three kids and decided I needed to get back to college and get my masters. Working full time teaching in a tech school, three kids at home, music director in our church and taking 8 - 9 credit hours in college working toward my masters in math and physics. Took four years and came out with 4.12 average for those years. Loved it - - ended up teaching math and physics at the college while still working on my degree. Even taught a 700 level physics class because no one else knew anything about the subject (fairly new college) and I still didn't have my masters yet. That was interesting. I did apply myself much harder in my late twenties with many responsibilities than when single. 20/20 is about right.

Slow day here - - one person back to fix stuff left undone. More tomorrow and they should be finished. Then I can get back to work to wrap this project up. Can't wait. We leave out on the plane early Monday for Seattle, so gotta hustle my buns. Be gone a month. Can't wait to haul everything out of the house when we get back and set up the lanai. Don't want it out while gone perchance ma nature decides we have not had a storm in too long a time. ...........................

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Old 06-10-2013, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by FiverBob
Afraid I fell somewhat into that category.
I gotcha both beat. I was only promoted from one grade to the next in grammar school because the teachers wanted to get rid of me. Junior high school was more of a disaster. By 9th grade my options were the trade school or drop out. I tried to get into the ag school but they told me, (basically), I wasn't smart enough to be a farmer. Went to trade school, did a hair above average and started working in my junior year. Got on the fire department because it seemed like a neat thing to do. They made me get my medic certification and had I known I had any interest in medicine, I might have been a doctor. 'Course, it probably would have taken me 20 years IF I could have found a school that would take me! I'm a firm believer in exposing kids to many different things while they're still in school and able to take advantage of it.

Evenin' all!
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Old 06-11-2013, 01:01 AM
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We started at 6 this morning. Corry's father-in-law is helping us spray thistles since both the boss's kids are gone this week. Put him in the Yamaha Rhino and the thing keeps overheating, so we are getting the Rincon going again. Dang POS rhino anyhow. Maybe it will burn up some day. The thing's a fire hazard anyhow, the way the skid plates are overlapped, it directs corn stalks directly up against the muffler.
Came home at 4 and fell asleep, til almost 9. And now here I sit, 1AM, and still wide awake.
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Old 06-11-2013, 05:17 AM
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Mornin' all.

Today is Tuesday, June 11th.

1776 - The Continental Congress formed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence from Britain.

1880 - Jeanette Rankin was born. She became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress.

1895 - Charles E. Duryea received the first U.S. patent granted to an American inventor for a gasoline-driven automobile.

1910 - Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born. He was the French underwater explorer that invented the Aqua-Lung diving apparatus.

1927 - Charles A. Lindberg was presented the first Distinguished Flying Cross.

1930 - William Beebe dove to a record-setting depth of 1,426 feet off the coast of Bermuda. He used a diving chamber called a bathysphere.

1940 - The Italian Air Force bombed the British fortress at Malta in the Mediterranean.

1942 - The U.S. and the Soviet Union signed a lend lease agreement to aid the Soviets in their effort in World War II.

1943 - During World War II, the Italian island of Pantelleria surrendered after a heavy air bombardment.

1947 - The U.S. government announced an end to sugar rationing.

1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested in Florida for trying to integrate restaurants.

1963 - Alabama Gov. George Wallace allowed two black students to enroll at the University of Alabama.

1990 - The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a law that would prohibit the desecration of the American Flag.

1993 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that people who commit "hate crimes" could be sentenced to extra punishment. The court also ruled in favor of religious groups saying that they indeed had a constitutional right to sacrifice animals during worship services.

1998 - Mitsubishi of America agreed to pay $34 million to end the largest sexual harassment case filed by the U.S. government. The federal lawsuit claimed that hundreds of women at a plant in Normal, IL, had endured groping and crude jokes from male workers.

Today's thought:
If we'd put a giant mirror 10 lightyears away from Earth and looked through a telescope, we'd see 20 years into the past.

Here's your c0ffee, here's your tea. I made ph00, but not for me.
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Old 06-11-2013, 07:32 AM
"How in the heck do I change the phrase in between my user name and avatar?"
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Originally Posted by chaikwa
Mornin' all.

Here's your c0ffee, here's your tea. I made ph00, but not for me.
A regular Dr. Suess!!! There, see, you COULD HAVE been a doctor....just not of the medical type.
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Old 06-11-2013, 09:25 PM
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Wow, slow in here today - - total of 3 posts for the day. Hope everyone's day was not as hectic as mine. Up at 5:30 and bben going ever since. Just
quit and sat down to watch the ball game. Got lots done - - slowly coming together. Another long and busy day tomorrow. Just stopped by to say nitey nite. Ya'll sleep well.

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Old 06-11-2013, 10:27 PM
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All right all y'all, I haven't made a single complaint since the site was sold to Internet Brands. I am about to make a small rant and I hope that Top will forward it to someone who cares. I haven't complained about any of the advertising a single time, even though I am a registered user. Suddenly today, every time I load a new page, a banner loads across the bottom 1/5 of the page that blocks my view until I hit the 'x'. This enough to make me really unhappy and it is intrusive enough to make me change my participation habits. Please make this stop. If any of the owners of IB would like details or screen shots, just 'private message' me.
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Old 06-12-2013, 05:12 AM
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OK childred, rise and shine - - outa bed. Get dressed, pretty up and come get your breakfast or you will miss your school bus. Coffee is on, ph00 is hot and delicious and fresh sprinkles on the counter - - they looked like they had just been put in the dumpster late last night. ...........................

Interesting about the banner ad - - I have not had that happen at all. Do you have "popup" blocker enabled? Sometimes that will not work depending how the popup is embedded. My biggest complaint is the slowness of the site - - I am wearing out the refresh button trying to get in and move around on the site.

I am gone - - busy day again today - - helper coming to try and wrap up this lanai - - installing tops and equipment today. That will be fun. Also the entry ramp on each door and seal front pavers. Wow, if I get all that done in the next two days I will be one happy camper. Have a gudurn.

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Old 06-12-2013, 05:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Tallguy67
All right all y'all, I haven't made a single complaint since the site was sold to Internet Brands. I am about to make a small rant and I hope that Top will forward it to someone who cares. I haven't complained about any of the advertising a single time, even though I am a registered user. Suddenly today, every time I load a new page, a banner loads across the bottom 1/5 of the page that blocks my view until I hit the 'x'. This enough to make me really unhappy and it is intrusive enough to make me change my participation habits. Please make this stop. If any of the owners of IB would like details or screen shots, just 'private message' me.
I'm sure IB would like a screen shot as well as any details you have about the ad. I think I'd forward them to Top in a PM as he doesn't get in here everyday, (a lot of days he just comes in and sits in the bathroom all day), but he will get them to the appropriate people at IB.

Mornin' all.

3 posts all day yesterday? REALLY people? REALLY? Slackers!

Today is Wednesday, June 12th.

1665 - England installed a municipal government in New York. It was the former Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam.

1838 - The Iowa Territory was organized.

1839 - Abner Doubleday created the game of baseball, according to the legend. However, evidence has surfaced that indicates that the game of baseball was played before 1800.

1897 - Carl Elsener patented his penknife. The object later became known as the Swiss army knife.

1918 - The first airplane bombing raid by an American unit occurred on World War I's Western Front in France.

1935 - U.S. Senator Huey Long of Louisiana made the longest speech on Senate record. The speech took 15 1/2 hours and was filled by 150,000 words.

1939 - The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum was dedicated in Cooperstown, New York. This was exactly one hundred years to the day on which the game was invented by Abner Doubleday.

1941 - In London, the Inter-Allied Declaration was signed. It was the first step towards the establishment of the United Nations.

1944 - Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-tung announced that he would support Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek in the war against Japan.

1967 - State laws which prohibited interracial marriages were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

1987 - U.S. President Reagan publicly challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

1990 - The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declared its sovereignty.

1991 - Russians went to the election polls and elected Boris N. Yeltsin as the president of their republic.

1992 - In a letter to the U.S. Senate, Russian Boris Yeltsin stated that in the early 1950's the Soviet Union had shot down nine U.S. planes and held 12 American survivors.

2009 - In the U.S., The switch from analog TV trasmission to digital was completed.

Today's thought:
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.

C0ffee & ph00... yada, yada, yada.
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