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Do you Americans still think you are safe?

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Old 09-27-2004, 02:45 PM
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Do you Americans still think you are safe?

There has been a lot in the news the last few days about Iran's upgraded capaity to strike countries outside it's borders. For those of you that still think that Islam is a religion of peace and that America is invincible, what do you think of this story I just read?
Things have just got a LOT hotter in the middle east. Anybody want to bet that Israel does not wipe out Iran's new reactor by the end of the year?
Then what????????

Iran Issues Threat to Anglo-Saxon Civilization

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) just posted this ominous threat after it became known that Iran has a missile capable of hitting London, “Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Official Threatens Suicide Operations: ‘Our Missiles Are Ready to Strike at Anglo-Saxon Culture …’”

This is something I greatly feared would happen – the marriage of Shi’ite suicide squads to nuclear missile capability. This is an alarm that should be shaking the entire Western Civilization.

The Ayatollah’s of Iran are capable of launching a nuclear barrage at Israel, England and the USA that they know would bring a devastating retaliation from the West. It would be a national suicide mission for the glory of Allah. This is the way they think in their twisted Fundamental religious minds.

If you think this is extreme, just listen to some of their latest comments. Agence France Press reported on September 21, 2004, “Iran showed off its range of ballistic missiles at an annual military parade on Tuesday, with the rockets draped in banners vowing to ‘crush America’ and ‘wipe Israel off the map.’

A banner stating ‘Israel must be wiped off the map’ was draped on the side of a Shahab-2 missile, while a banner saying ‘We will crush America under our feet’ was on the side of a trailer carrying the latest Shahab-3 missile.” The report continued, “These missiles enable us to destroy the enemy with missile strikes.”

The London based Arabic-language daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported that “an Iranian intelligence unit has established a center called The Brigades of the Shahids of the Global Islamic Awakening to replace the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Department of Liberation and Revolutionary Movements, which had been in charge of helping and training revolutionary forces across the world.”

The article went on to report a speech given by an official of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, threatening the U.S. with suicide and missile attacks at already-selected sensitive targets, and threatening to “take over Britain”.

There is no question that Iran has received much help in developing their nuclear and missile program. Russia, China, North Korea and Pakistan have all helped them accelerate their program – probably much faster than Western Intelligence groups realize.

From the nature of their increasingly brazen warnings to Israel, Britain and the U.S., they must be very near the point of operational readiness.

I am sure this is why Israel has accelerated preparations to deal with this monumental threat to their survival as a people and a nation. They are acutely aware that the time for effective action is fast drawing to a close.

Israel helped engineer and developed new versions of F-16 and F-15. They are officially known as the F-16i and F15i. These are very different aircraft than their predecessors. They have the most advanced targeting and defensive electronics ever put on an operational aircraft.

Both have been given engines with increased efficiency and power. Both have large conformal fuel tanks that fit along the sides of the fuselage, which enormously increased their range. Both have a two-man crew. The second pilot operates the very advanced electronics system. Both can fly to Iran and back, non-stop.

Another indication that Israel is preparing for action is its recent purchase of 500 ‘bunker buster’ bombs. These JDAM bombs (GBU-32) are capable of penetrating through 7 feet of reinforced concrete before detonation. .

The latest JDAM bombs can be launched from 15 miles away and hit targets with deadly accuracy. It weighs 2000 pounds. Each one is independently targeted by both an inertial navigation system and a global positioning system guidance kit. It is a perfect weapon for destroying uranium enrichment plants and nuclear reactors.

Israel knows that it cannot stand by while the U.N. plays the shell game with Iran and hopes to somehow get inspectors into the right places at the right time. Too many rogue nations have been able to play the delay game until they suddenly come out with nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them.

Such a raid will no doubt prove to be costly for Israel’s attacking aircraft. But it is a risk they know they must take.

Israel cannot afford even one mistake in its defense against the Muslim threats that face it. So if the U.S. doesn’t take action soon against this clear and apparent danger – count on it, Israel will. Thank God.
Old 09-27-2004, 03:04 PM
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Wait...i thought according your main man Bush, that things were looking up in the middle east? now you are afraid again?....oh wait, they would never strike Mexico of course silver might be a hot commodity out there in Edit If Iran threatens the US...by all means i thinkwe should evaporate them..just don't drag it out.

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Old 09-27-2004, 04:03 PM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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Originally posted by TurbosAmongUs
[B]Wait...i thought according your main man Bush, that things were looking up in the middle east? now you are afraid again
It seems to me that you may be mixing your countries up. Bush is mainly concerned about Iraq and he has been quite open in saying that things are not going quite as planned there.

The story I pasted concerns Iran which is a different country. Bush and many more ARE very concerned about what is happening there.

Your idea to nuke any country that threatens the US is VERY shortsighted. Perhaps you are not aware of the word "Armageddon", and I would suggest that you look it up, because if you do vaporize these guys as you suggested, you well could be next from sympathetic countries or those countries just looking for an excuse to vaporize America.

No, I am NOT afraid of what may be coming down the tube and never have been. What I am afraid of is what America is becoming and where it will end up.

Sorry, I was not aware that I had violated any rules. So enlighten me, which rules have I violated and in what way? If I had broken the rules don't you think that the admins would have jumped on me and edited my post?
Old 09-27-2004, 05:16 PM
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Welcome to the beginning of Armageddon. Iran hates Israel, Israel hates Iran. Iran houses Hamas, and Hezbollah. Russia just lost 300 people because of terrorism. Iran keeps sucker punching Israel. The UN doesn't support Israel, the EU doesn't support Israel. So Israel has no choice but to defend itself by whatever means it has at it's disposal.
I wouldn't want to be in Iran's shoes at this time in history.. All it takes is one goofball to push that red button, and then everything is going to go up into a shroom. then everyone will start pushing all thier red buttons... and whal-la you have a planet that has been damaged by some knucklehead getting stupid.

There's nothing to be afraid of. The Bible says these things will happen, and it also explains how to not endure these things. Religion is a touchy subject. Islam and true Christianity are different as day and night. True christianity says to love your enemy, Islam says to make them and thier whole family "sleep with da fishes". Lemme see.....................some people say that true christianity is living in a pipe dream........ might seem like it but it sure is a whole lot more peaceful than Islam. Or you could just walk around worshiping trees......... As a matter of fact the holy wars of the medevil days were brought on by catholisim. Catholocism happens have a bloddy history almost similar to tru christianinty.
When I say true christianinty, I am not talking about religious nuts. I am not talking about the hypocrites that are sunday christians.
Old 09-27-2004, 06:51 PM
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(What I am afraid of is what America is becoming and where it will end up Mextans (quote) Again I ask you Mextan why is it your concern?? You have chosen to live somewhere else, In my opinion you should be worrying about Mexico instead of the USA, your thread subjects are controversial due to the fact you have chosen to leave the USA and subside elsewhere. But again this is just my opinion take it for what it is worth. I believe in the USA and have all the confidence she will stay true and make it thru these trying times as she has in the past, if you are not on board as in living here, I say again as I have before to you, you do not have the right to voice any thoughts about HER. Goodluck, Rick and Let us all pray for Peace.
Old 09-27-2004, 07:14 PM
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Mextan, you post a lot of good thoughts and I enjoy reading them.
But, I need to correct you.
You are an AMERICAN also!!
I prefer to be called a US citizen.

Now to answer your question, We probably are more safe, only time will tell.
But, it only takes one -wanting to be dead terrorist- to pull the trigger on something. And that can cause issues.
I have not been a soldier and am not a cop, but I'd easily give my life -if need be- to stop any of these satans.
Old 09-27-2004, 07:32 PM
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Gee Mexstan, I think you hit a nerve

I wonder if the Ayatollah's hard hat is more than 7' thick?

Old 09-27-2004, 07:34 PM
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Uhh last I recalled Mexstan Stan is/was a Canadian who has relocated to the warmer climes of Mexico.
Am I correct Stan?


It still makes me nervous knowing that all along and just below the border of Canada and the USA are a large number of missile silos set up to take down missiles overtop of Canada. Now ain't that SPECIAL!

Old 09-27-2004, 08:12 PM
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Yes, Scotty. When I was in eight grade, we calculated the times for everything, based on some assumptions of reaction time and confirmation. The Canadian Shield just might have started glowing in the dark, but we also thought it possible many of the interceptions would be so high up as to blast mostly into space. No guarantees, though. I lived in Northern Wisconsin, and we used to watch the B-52's fly over head, way up, heading to KI Sawyer AFB in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Used to actually make me feel safe knowing they were there, training, and prepared. Now, KI Sawyer has been closed a good many years, meeting the defense dept. budget ax.

Stan, I hope cooler heads prevail in Iran, but history is a good teacher. I think we will be seeing some preemptive work by Isreal, with radical extremist retaliation, possibly all out war. Makes me wish more of us were militarily trained here, as most Israelis are!
Old 09-27-2004, 08:15 PM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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Heh- heh. In actual fact I am a South African who is now retired in the beautiful climate of Mexico under a Canadian passport. Never was an American but do have an American SIN number because I used to work in the states for a while.
kandgo, it surprises me that you appear to be so bothered as to why I am concerned about my neighbor - America. Well, there are many reasons. Just a few; America is the greatest country in the world but if the present decline continues, America will soon become a non entity. I don't want to see that. Also have you tried sleeping next to an elephant? Every time it rolls over I have to either move also or be squished.
And there are more reason's but really, who cares anyway.
Old 09-27-2004, 08:26 PM
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Until we get the H out of the Middle East the people are going to hate us. Plain and simple. The longer we stay, the madder they get. They don't like our culture, they don't like our general religion, and they don't like our success. They don't like us. And more than anything they don't like us support Israel. They (Arabs in general) view Israel as a bunch of land theives. And all of this hatered boils down to religious views. And that their religion is better than someone elses. Or vice versus. It is absolute madness. And a never win situation. Sometimes you gotta know when to fold them and know when to run. The U.S. cannot police the world. Afhganistain (sp?) is a just fight against the murderous terriost that attack the U.S. It is my humble opinion that Iraq is not a just fight. God help our troops over there in the middle of it. What is it now. 1050 dead. And even more shocking 27,000+ injuried and mentally ill!!!! And for what? Iraq had a murderous tyrant for a leader. And now there seems to be 100 more to replace him. God help everyone (including the Arab people) through this mess. What ever happened to love my fellow man.

Do I think the U.S. is safe? Sort of. Maybe. Maybe not. That is exactly what terriost want you to worry about. They want posts on a Diesel truck site like this. Post that say "Hey are you worried about living in the USA?" I can't worry about it. You just gotta live one day at a time and hope for the best. If you wanna worry about something start thinking about if China teams up with N. Korea and some of the unstable Arab countries. Then we will have some serious problems to contend with. China will and is becoming the #1 manufacturing country in the world. And when you can build stuff you can build bad stuff like bombs, tanks, missles.......worried yet?
Old 09-27-2004, 08:46 PM
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Originally posted by PapaPerk
Until we get the H out of the Middle East the people are going to hate us. Plain and simple. The longer we stay, the madder they get. They don't like our culture, they don't like our general religion, and they don't like our success. They don't like us. And more than anything they don't like us support Israel. They (Arabs in general) view Israel as a bunch of land theives. And all of this hatered boils down to religious views. And that their religion is better than someone elses. Or vice versus. It is absolute madness. And a never win situation. Sometimes you gotta know when to fold them and know when to run. The U.S. cannot police the world. Afhganistain (sp?) is a just fight against the murderous terriost that attack the U.S. It is my humble opinion that Iraq is not a just fight. God help our troops over there in the middle of it. What is it now. 1050 dead. And even more shocking 27,000+ injuried and mentally ill!!!! And for what? Iraq had a murderous tyrant for a leader. And now there seems to be 100 more to replace him. God help everyone (including the Arab people) through this mess. What ever happened to love my fellow man.

Do I think the U.S. is safe? Sort of. Maybe. Maybe not. That is exactly what terriost want you to worry about. They want posts on a Diesel truck site like this. Post that say "Hey are you worried about living in the USA?" I can't worry about it. You just gotta live one day at a time and hope for the best. If you wanna worry about something start thinking about if China teams up with N. Korea and some of the unstable Arab countries. Then we will have some serious problems to contend with. China will and is becoming the #1 manufacturing country in the world. And when you can build stuff you can build bad stuff like bombs, tanks, missles.......worried yet?
Looks like they already are ----luving thier fellow man.....and girlfriend too......but on a serious note:
Old 09-27-2004, 08:57 PM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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bdramsey, your post reminded me of a cartoon I saw recently. Had to do some digging to find it, but it can be viewed at:


I don't expect some of you to understand this cartoon and I am not posting it to start a huge discussion, just info FWIW.

papaperk, sorry but I disagree when you say that we need to get out of the Middle East to stop the Arabs hating America. Even if America did not go into Iraq, the Arabs are going to CONTINUE to hate you. You are partially correct that this boils down to religious views. In actual fact this whole Arab/Israel/America deal is a religious war. I am not going to get into that here. The Arabs are not going to rest until Israel and EVERY Jew is annihilated. At least that is what they want to happen, but according the Bible, God is going to stop them majestically. The Islamics also want control of America and are working tirelessly to that end, but most Americans are either not listening, don't care or don't believe the "fear mongering".
I am just starting to get wound up here, but had better quit before I get into something REALLY controversial.

Thanks to you guys who have told me that they enjoy my posts, even if they are controversial.
Old 09-27-2004, 09:22 PM
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I was looking through that site the other day. well, yesterday i think. got some interesting cartoons. But, the reality of it all is that the Bible is 100% accurate, no matter what anyone else say.

I think I am going to start a new thread..........Biblical references..... That way there can be a thread, that when someone goes there they can be prepared what to expect.
Old 09-27-2004, 09:29 PM
It's my pot and I'll stir it if I want to. If you're not careful, I'll stir your's as well!
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bdramsey, sorry if I mislead you. I expected you to get the thread, but some other readers may not. Or if they did, may want to argue about it. There is nothing to argue or discuss with this one.

Quick Reply: Do you Americans still think you are safe?

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