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Old 01-13-2006, 09:11 AM
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Just some thoughts on foreign policy, mostly based on me being a cheap SOB.

1. Keep our nose out of other country's issues, PERIOD. Unless of course we are forced to defend ourselves. This means not helping poor starving people who are too ignorant to feed themselves. Nobody else sends anything to them, why waste our money being heros to people who will just still hate us?

2. Related to No. 1. NO MORE AID!!! When there are floods, tsunamis, etc., stay out of it! I know it sounds cruel, but we have been the first to jump in and help anyone, and spend the most. And we are still hated. Its time we take care of ourselves! We have our own poor to take care of. Not that I want my tax money doing it, but there is no reason to give it to others either.

3. If we are forced to invade a country, then we go in and seize whatever we need to get the job done and make it worthwhile. Just like what used to happen during times of war, if we invade, take any money and assets that we need. Right now we should be pumping oil into tankers and shipping back home.

4. During times of war, there should be a complete media blackout. No televised coverage, no bystanders judging whether we are winning or losing, or crying about how prisoners are treated. Let the professionals go over and do what they were trained to do. Could you imagine what would have happened if we had this kind of coverage during WWII? Do you think we would have won if everying was crying about how we were fighting the war?

5. No more crying and whining for every soldier who dies, and making a big media circus out of it. They fought for our country, and I highly respect them for it. I also feel bad for the loss. But the liberals use it as ammo against the war. These men and woman volunteered, they knew the dangers, and they went over there. So far we have lost what...a couple thousand troops? Yes, thats too many...on the other hand, how many hundreds of thousands did we lose in some of our previous wars?

6. Come up with laws about peace protesters. They have a right to protest, but there are just some places they don't belong. For example, veteran's hospitals; veteran's cemeterys; around soldiers and veteran's familys. That is just an insult to very brave people who have been through a lot.

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Old 01-13-2006, 12:35 PM
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I am typing this from the Sunni Triangle, I don't have time to argue with anyone who hasnt been here and saw it for themselves. The Civilian populous here enjoy having us and their newly acquired freedoms. It is a dirty 3rd world country BUT conditions are improving daily and it is very noticeable. Most of the "terrorist" here are foreign freedom fighters from Saudi, IRAN, Turkey, EGYPT and Syria. There are a few locals that want us out......it is their country and I can undersatand that because it is their home and noone wants bullets flying and bombs dropping around their home. I look forward to returning to the US in May and I'll never waste another sec of my life arguing with anyone about this....I came, I saw, I know.......they don't unless they've been here....

Yall take care, God Bless, support your troops

PS. went to a soccer stadium today where one of Saddams sons killed the olympic soccer team upon their return from losing some soccer games at the olympics....But SADDAM is innocent huh??? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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Old 01-13-2006, 12:51 PM
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Great post ZACK!

Your words are almost exactly like everyone I've talked to that has been over there.

Thanks for being there and serving your country and its citizens. Watch your rear and come home safely.
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Old 01-13-2006, 05:18 PM
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Thanks Zack, I appreciate that post and information. Nice to hear from someone who knows first hand what is going on rather than listen to our liberal one sided news reports. Thanks for your service - - come home safe.

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Old 01-13-2006, 06:02 PM
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Zack I second Bob's sentiment, don't let those other guys bother you, they don't have a clue. The only thing they ever served was french fries at Mickey d's
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Lary Ellis (Top)
Saddam was right in the middle of that stuff, anyone who believes the liberal stand that Dear Sweet Saddam never had anything to do with Terrorism, is living in a dream world.

The guy and his regime were bad news, and always were.
Larry Larry Larry:

How did Saddam get the power he obtained? Where did he get the majority of his weapons -- who supported his war against Iran ? Who looked the other way while he gassed the kurds with the gas ability he got from where?

No doubt he was a renegade but he didn't obtain his power from the sand's of his land.
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:44 PM
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Herb, Herb, Herb...........

I guess you have NEVER done ANYTHING that you decided later was not the right thing to do? You have never made a decision that seemed like a good idea at the time, but wasn't? Did you go back and try to rectify your mistake?

You owe ZACK an apology for even the least bit of a hint that he is not making scarifices for the good of Iraq, the USA and the rest of the world.
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Old 01-13-2006, 08:21 PM
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I want to clear up something I said above, and in the translation from thought to print it lost something, and doesn't look right. In the paragraph about losing soldiers, it sounds like I don't care. That is most definately WRONG!!! Losing 1 life is too many! What I ment is that the left's use every soldier's death as cause to end the war and bring all of our troops home. They act like its realistic to be able to go over there and take care of things without losing a single human life. As much as it would be nice, that just ain't gonna happen. We need to stop letting the left media use these hero's deaths as leverage against what we are doing.

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Old 01-13-2006, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by NHDiesel
I want to clear up something I said above, and in the translation from thought to print it lost something, and doesn't look right. In the paragraph about losing soldiers, it sounds like I don't care. That is most definately WRONG!!! Losing 1 life is too many! What I ment is that the left's use every soldier's death as cause to end the war and bring all of our troops home. They act like its realistic to be able to go over there and take care of things without losing a single human life. As much as it would be nice, that just ain't gonna happen. We need to stop letting the left media use these hero's deaths as leverage against what we are doing.

I agree 100%!! War is War..It is the cost of freedom, because, im sorry if this news shocks you, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!!! Each soldier who enlists in the army should be aware of the fact that YOU JOINED THE ARMY!!!You know army, guns, death, blood, WAR!!!Not just a free education....So when a soldier dies, they die for their family, their country, and millions and millions of people they dont know....Yes its sad when a soldier dies, but this is one of happenings of war...See what i dont understand is this is one of the lowest casualty bearing wars, so why is the fact that we hit 100, 500, 1000, 2000 deaths a shock to so many people?I mean, yeah its sad, yeah it sux, but thats not an excuse to bash one person whos trying to promote the well being of millions of people...We watch the news.. Left news , Right news, Independant news, but ya know what? Its all wrong...It all shows death and terror...ask any soldier how it feels when they go in to a city and are greated by a 5 year old little girl whos dad was exucuted by a sick freak....Thats what doesnt make it on the news....

Im stopping now, because I have a tendency to let my true opinions show, tho there not the cleanest and i'd get a PM from the admins saying to tone it down....

Thank you,


P.S - Please dont start on the your only 14, you have no true opinion thing again, cuz that only shows my opinion bothered you and you want me not to think that...
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Old 01-14-2006, 03:14 PM
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Baja, I don't know what you've been smokin but dang, that's some strong stuff.

"It is amazing that there are those who still believe that Iraq and Saddam are responsible for the attacks on 9-11. ALL reports comissioned by either independent groups or our own government have ALL said that there is NO connection between the two. ALL reports have shown that Iraq and Saddam had no WMD's whatsoever"

you're joking right? If Saddam funded/aided/equipped/trained Al-Queda and Al-Queda picked/assigned/trained/placed the hijackers, how is there no connection from 9/11 to Saddam?!?!?!?!?!

I agree with NHDiesel's post right above yours because I've talked to troops that have seen that crap with their own eyes, they found places with crates of warhead-capable missiles in one room and nuclear or biological material in the next room. so no, technically they didn't find "WMD's", they just found all the necessary pieces to assemble them. I'm not pulling that from some crazy right wing news article, that's from discussion with guys that saw it with their own eyes. one of the guys used to be a staunch commie liberal before he went over there too. now for some odd reason he's not biased against bush like he used to be.

there were entire villages and towns that were wiped out because of nuclear and biological poisoning, and isn't it coincidental that these were downstream from the places that stored the weapons? There were mass graves found where biological warfare was "experimented" with on groups of people...*** do you think they're going to use that technology on when they get it perfected? not china, not israel or iran. US.

and to say the 9/11 bombers were their own group?! where did that come from? they were handpicked and put in place here and funded by their leaders back home. how is that no connection?

And what's with the generalization of the Al-Queda just being anyone anti-america? the AQ is a very specific, well funded, well trained network(um, used to be at this point ) SOC had been going after them very specifically for years before 9/11 happened; 9/11 was a drop in a lake compared to what they could be capable of if we didn't go after them. They were referred to as the AQ network far before Bush was in office.

1+1=2 unless Bush says it does

and you know what? Iran and China are definitely a threat. anyone see anything wrong with Iran having the nuclear technology that they have(most of which came indirectly from the *ahem* FORMER administration) Anyone see anything wrong with the billions of dollars we dump into china and the technology we share with them regardless of administration?
if/when we go up against them I sure as someplacehot hope that our country has not turned it's back on Israel because it will not go well for us, we will not have a prayer because the only One that listens to anyone's prayers will not hear ours if we don't support Israel.
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Old 01-14-2006, 03:21 PM
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Zack, thank you, for your commitment and sacrifice.
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Old 01-14-2006, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by jon96ctd
Baja, I don't know what you've been smokin but dang, that's some strong stuff.

"It is amazing that there are those who still believe that Iraq and Saddam are responsible for the attacks on 9-11. ALL reports comissioned by either independent groups or our own government have ALL said that there is NO connection between the two. ALL reports have shown that Iraq and Saddam had no WMD's whatsoever"

you're joking right? If Saddam funded/aided/equipped/trained Al-Queda and Al-Queda picked/assigned/trained/placed the hijackers, how is there no connection from 9/11 to Saddam?!?!?!?!?!

I agree with NHDiesel's post right above yours because I've talked to troops that have seen that crap with their own eyes, they found places with crates of warhead-capable missiles in one room and nuclear or biological material in the next room. so no, technically they didn't find "WMD's", they just found all the necessary pieces to assemble them. I'm not pulling that from some crazy right wing news article, that's from discussion with guys that saw it with their own eyes. one of the guys used to be a staunch commie liberal before he went over there too. now for some odd reason he's not biased against bush like he used to be.

there were entire villages and towns that were wiped out because of nuclear and biological poisoning, and isn't it coincidental that these were downstream from the places that stored the weapons? There were mass graves found where biological warfare was "experimented" with on groups of people...*** do you think they're going to use that technology on when they get it perfected? not china, not israel or iran. US.

and to say the 9/11 bombers were their own group?! where did that come from? they were handpicked and put in place here and funded by their leaders back home. how is that no connection?

And what's with the generalization of the Al-Queda just being anyone anti-america? the AQ is a very specific, well funded, well trained network(um, used to be at this point ) SOC had been going after them very specifically for years before 9/11 happened; 9/11 was a drop in a lake compared to what they could be capable of if we didn't go after them. They were referred to as the AQ network far before Bush was in office.

1+1=2 unless Bush says it does

and you know what? Iran and China are definitely a threat. anyone see anything wrong with Iran having the nuclear technology that they have(most of which came indirectly from the *ahem* FORMER administration) Anyone see anything wrong with the billions of dollars we dump into china and the technology we share with them regardless of administration?
if/when we go up against them I sure as someplacehot hope that our country has not turned it's back on Israel because it will not go well for us, we will not have a prayer because the only One that listens to anyone's prayers will not hear ours if we don't support Israel.
"anyone see anything wrong with Iran having the nuclear technology that they have(most of which came indirectly from the *ahem* FORMER administration) "

As per Cobtex

I guess you have NEVER done ANYTHING that you decided later was not the right thing to do? You have never made a decision that seemed like a good idea at the time, but wasn't? Did you go back and try to rectify your mistake?
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Old 01-14-2006, 04:02 PM
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Herb, im lost at waht your last post was accompleshin besides quoting cobtex and jon
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Old 01-15-2006, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by crobtex

Thanks for being there and serving your country and its citizens. Watch your rear and come home safely.
Ditto from me Zack!
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Old 01-15-2006, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by herb
Larry Larry Larry:

How did Saddam get the power he obtained? Where did he get the majority of his weapons -- who supported his war against Iran ? Who looked the other way while he gassed the kurds with the gas ability he got from where?

No doubt he was a renegade but he didn't obtain his power from the sand's of his land.
Might wish to get your facts straight. Very little of the weaponry that Saddam had came from the US. 99.9% was Russian and French, including the ability to create the gas he used to kill the Kurds.
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