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Old 10-02-2004, 05:58 PM
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Originally posted by bdramsey
what does your Bible show for Mt 5:20? Just out of curiosity, because as far as I can read it explains how righteousness gets people into heaven.

Not trying to start an argument, I understand different translations can give completly different meanings.

somthing so little as a comma can change the whole interpretation of a sentence.
Why would "my" Bible say anything different than "your" Bible?
If the Bible is indeed the "Word of God" it should read the same.

Did a quick search of online Bible References (as I don't have a Bible handy here at work) and found a different word for word translation on each site.
Some said "Scribes" some said "Teachers of the Law"
Both claiming to be the "New King James Version"

Define "righteousness"?

My definition is "leading a good life" no more, no less.

I'll let you know if my belief is true or not,
but only if the "powers that be" allow me to haunt someone after my untimely death.

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Old 10-02-2004, 06:28 PM
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nearest I can understand, this was ok because it was before God laid down the law and the 10 commandments. Even with Cain, God asked him where was Abel at. Who knows what the outcome would have been if Cain had not lied to God.

This was the only reference to attempted human sacrifice in God's name (notice I did not say a god's name). In the old testament God had a different approach in the manner that he spoke to men. Amazingly this manner of communication disappeared after Saul was blinded on the road. For what reason I do not know. But it changed.
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Old 10-02-2004, 06:32 PM
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Everyone that has posted in this thread has definiatly had some intersting talking points. It looks like everything that could possibly be discussed has been discussed. Let's see:

1. Life after death
2. Ways to get to heaven
3. Belief in hell
4. Types of religion

Looks like we have the manner of worship left.....anyone care to comment on that?
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Old 10-02-2004, 09:21 PM
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Originally posted by Joe N.
smiller, you seem to be more than a little put off by Christians and maybe just a little angry. If what we are talking about offends you don't have to participate in this post but I hope you will continue to be a part of this. We all stand to learn from this dialog. Let's just do it in a civilized way.
I am not at all put off by Christian beliefs, only the fundamentalist mentality that believes that there can be no question that their faith is not only absolutely correct and true for themselves, but all other human beings on earth as well. As far as 'civilized' discussions go...
Comment to Chaikwa: Don't you follow the traditional native people's religion? Hopefully you can keep that alive, that is a vital part of American history my brother!

Comment from Mexstan: Why? If the traditional religion will not provide a way for chaikwa to get to heaven and show how to save his soul for eternity, then why bother with it? Yes, it is part of history and that is all it is.
If you consider this comment (and the many comments like them denigrating other religions and proclaiming them false) as properly 'civil' while my taking offense to this as somehow unacceptable then we do indeed have a disagreement on what constitutes civilized behavior.

No, I have nothing against mainstream Christianity as my understanding is that it (like many other religions) teaches love and acceptance of your fellow man. I'm not yet sure that all Christians really believe that God's nature of giving love and acceptance (at any time) is preconditioned by all the regulations stated in this thread.

Are there no Christians reading this thread who want to speak up and say that they are perhaps just a little uncomfortable with some of the intolerance demonstrated by some of the comments posted here, or do these thoughts really represent what every Christian believes?
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Old 10-02-2004, 09:34 PM
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Originally posted by smiller
Are there no Christians reading this thread who want to speak up and say that they are perhaps just a little uncomfortable with some of the intolerance demonstrated by some of the comments posted here, or do these thoughts really represent what every Christian believes?
By George, someone gets it.

It seems the most vocal of the so called Christians are themselves acting the most un Christ like.

A ferinstance if you will.

LDS General Conference is going on this weekend in Salt Lake City.
As I get off light rail to go to work today, I am confronted by two "gentleman"yes, I use that term very, very loosely holding large signs calling the "Mormons" idiots for believing in their chosen religion.
These men are yelling yes, yelling at the top of their lungs that the Mormons need to find Christ and become "real" Christians just like them.

Thank you no, if these gentlemen are examples of true "Christians" then I'll pass.

Love your fellow man: Unless he/she has different opinions than you.
Love your fellow man: Unless he/she doesn't go to church every Sunday.
Love your fellow man: Unless he/she hasn't read the Bible from cover to cover.

Intolerance: The new Christianity.

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Old 10-02-2004, 09:37 PM
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smiller - What intolerance? Not one of the posters has questioned anybody's right to believe differently than they do. Questions have been asked of people, and they have answered with the truth as they see it.

phox- I haven't seen any behavior of that sort in this thread. I don't think it's fair to compare the posters in this thread to the morons in the train station. I think the zealots in the train station are closer to the animals in Iraq who are beheading the "infidels".

What is so offensive about a fellow who believes that you are going to hell and will tell you how he believes you can avoid it if you ask him? If you don't believe you are going to hell, how have you been harmed? Remember how this thread evolved, questions were asked, and people have answered to the best of their ability.
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Old 10-02-2004, 09:55 PM
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Originally posted by smiller
.............Are there no Christians reading this thread who want to speak up and say that they are perhaps just a little uncomfortable with some of the intolerance.........
Sorry smiller, I've been real busy since getting home from the Saturday cult meeting that some may refer to as Holy Mass. You know....if I've learned one thing from this thread, it's I now know why maybe the Muslims hate us so......
Man!...the self-righteousness.....
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Old 10-02-2004, 10:06 PM
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Originally posted by wannadiesel

phox- I haven't seen any behavior of that sort in this thread. I don't think it's fair to compare the posters in this thread to the morons in the train station. I think the zealots in the train station are closer to the animals in Iraq who are beheading the "infidels".
I wasn't trying to compare.
I was just submitting an example of intolerance.
I hold 99% of the members here in high regard.

Some of the posts have been, what's the word I'm looking for,
"you're wrong and surely going to hell, because you believe differently than I".

I'm sure most of them weren't intended to be read like that,
but obviously there are members that are reading them like that.

Yes, there are zealots in every religion.

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Old 10-02-2004, 10:08 PM
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Islam - now there's a religion where they won't yell at you in a train station if you don't believe in it. Some of 'em might cut your head off though...

"There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet." Yep, they're way more open minded over there than Mexstan and bdramsey.

edit: Dang it phox, you post too quick! This one was supposed to be after Tom's.
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Old 10-02-2004, 10:09 PM
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And please one more note so that I am not misunderstood... please do not interpret any of my more sarcastic comments as a ridicule of the Christian faith as that was certainly not my intention, they were aimed only at some of the boorish and comments contained in some of the posts. I have many Christian friends and their description of their faith (one of pure love and acceptance of man's faults) does not at all match what I've read here. I don't know for sure but I think many of these comments would make them sad.
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Old 10-02-2004, 10:11 PM
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Originally posted by smiller
And please one more note so that I am not misunderstood... please do not interpret and of my more sarcastic comments as a ridicule of the Christian faith as that was certainly not my intention,
I also tend to wax sarcastic just a wee bit as well.
I'm sure there was a twinge of that in my posts.

As I stated much earlier in the thread, I was born and raised Christian.
Believe it or not, the LDS religion is a Christian religion.
I grew tired of the hypocrasy and intolerence and stopped practicing.
There is some of that resentment in my posts as well.

I do believe I still am as good a person as I was before, if not better, in spite of religion.

Give it another 50 years or so, and we'll see if this Heaven or Hell exist or not.

If we're driving Cummins in the hereafter, it must be Heaven.
If we have blue ovals on our grills, then Hell it must be.

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Old 10-02-2004, 10:15 PM
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Originally posted by phox_mulder
Some of the posts have been, what's the word I'm looking for,
"you're wrong and surely going to hell, because you believe differently than I".
What is offensive about that statement? Obviously when yelled at people in a train station it's uncalled for. When you ask a man about his faith and he tells you, if you are offended by it I think you're the one with the problem. Remember, the guys who posted were asked, they didn't hijack a thread about gauges.
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Old 10-02-2004, 10:21 PM
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Originally posted by wannadiesel
Islam - now there's a religion where they won't yell at you in a train station if you don't believe in it. Some of 'em might cut your head off though...

"There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet." Yep, they're way more open minded over there than Mexstan and bdramsey.
No sarcasm here, obviously.
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Old 10-02-2004, 10:24 PM
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Originally posted by wannadiesel
What is offensive about that statement? When you ask a man about his faith and he tells you, if you are offended by it I think you're the one with the problem. Remember, the guys who posted were asked, they didn't hijack a thread about gauges.
Actually, the thread was hijacked.

It started out as "biblical references" and has become a lively discussion about religion.

I don't believe I said it was offensive, just how I and possibly a few others were interpretting a few of the posts.

The question that turned the thread was "How do I know which religion is the right one?" or words to that effect.

Some of what's been posted hasn't quite been an answer to that question.

It has been an interesting discussion thus far,
and I hope it stays that way, someone could learn a lot from what's been said so far.

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Old 10-02-2004, 10:25 PM
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Originally posted by phox_mulder
If we have blue ovals on our grills, then Hell it must be.
Hey, no one ever said anything about that! I guess I'd better convert pronto...
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