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Old 10-25-2004, 06:08 PM
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Ya know, alot of folks get upset cause thier grand-parents "drug" them to church, and use that as an excuse to not go now. I got to thinkin about it, and decided that the old timers might have figured out a thing or two in thier lifetimes. It is absolutley amazing how a child is formed inside a woman's body. This would not be possible without a controller to orchastrate the DNA makeup of the formation of a child. For an example, a child to have 4 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand, and for the other hand to be an EXACT opposite, exact in size, and length, even down to the fingernails being the same size and length.
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Old 10-25-2004, 08:59 PM
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Originally posted by Haulin_in_Dixie
T7 you need to look into history better on the flood issue. It is fairly well documented in all ancient texts of any religion or civilization. There are several theories on how this could have happened. One that sounds fairly realistic follows.

Before the flood there was no rain "for a mist used to rise to water the plants" There also was no sunshine proved by the fact that no rainbow had been seen. Men also lived many times as long. Sun is the aging process, no sun, not as much aging.

Other religions and ours also, along with other documents and beliefs, refer to the Canopy of heaven. An actual canopy that was above the earth. A canopy as in the ice rings around Saturn, that shielded the earth from the sun. Something happened causing the collapse of the rings or canopy, causing rain in immense amounts and finally allowing the sunshine in the area of the recorded Biblical events.

This rain both from the weight and the cooling effect on the earth caused a cataclysm that more or less reformed the proportioning of the dry land and ocean levels and areas.

Is this a fact, I certainly don't know, but it is a plausible reasoning to the events recorded in hundreds of writings around the earth. After it was over, the rainbow appeared. It is also promised in no uncertain circumstances that this could never happen again, and man then was to live 70 years from that point on.

Food for thought if noting else.

Hello Haulin in Dixie,

While I am certainly not arguing against your point on the flood I’m afraid I disagree with this theory (I know big surprise right? ). I guess it would be plausible if there were not at least 4 other flood legends that predate the bible (some by 5000 years). My own personal belief is that it was a great moral story. It taught a very good lesson and made it into the bible.
It is a proven fact that the ark as it is described in the bible could not be made the way that it was given the technology of the day. For it to stand up to the pressures that it was going to be under it would need some sort of steel. Steel wasn’t around at that time as everyone knows.
Now we come to the animals. There are 33 million species of animal on the face of the earth. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it is an impossibility to store this many animals in a small space much less carry the food and get rid of the waste products. Now lets say that there wasn’t that many animals back in the day. Lets say there were only half. 16.5 million. It is still an impossibility for the same reasons. Then Noah sent out the dove and it came back with a olive branch. If the world was under water for this length of time how in the world did a olive tree grow enough to provide a branch? Then god sent the rainbow as a sign that he would never do this again. I guess light shown through water droplets differently before the flood. This also implies that god made a mistake in sending the flood if he made a promise to man that he would never do this again.
The ark was supposed to rest on the top of mount Ararat. There has NEVER been any definitive proof of any such ark on the mountain. It has been searched over and over until it became a hot spot for arms trading with Iran and became off limits. It has also been searched with satellites with no proof whatsoever.
Lets also talk about what happened after the ark came to rest. How much incest had to take place to repopulate the world???? I mean come on. Lets be real. Do you guys really believe this? It was okay back then but it certainly isn’t now. I don’t see how anyone could separate this fact. I’m not saying that incest doesn’t occur but I don’t see god telling people to do it.
Do people just believe these stories because this is what they were taught all of their lives? Surely some have asked these questions before. If you ask the questions I just can’t see coming back and thinking this REALLY happened.

Like I said these are just my ideas and I am sure not saying I’m right.

Originally posted by Haulin_in_Dixie

T7 you have just never had that serious a disaster in your immediate family, that is where you kneel and pray in desperation. I have seen the miracle happen, and I am not even referring to my grandson this year. A much more dramatic situation.

It only takes on instance in pure desperation to cause you to have faith and believe.

Oh yeah….. believe me, I have!

What I don’t understand is why it would take a disaster to make you come closer to god. You would think that is the time it would push you away. I don’t see how pure desperation would make you have faith and make you want to believe.

I have seen so many bad things in my line of work and believe me it really makes you wonder if there really is a god. I can understand things happening to adults. It is terrible but I understand. It’s the kids that I can’t ever come to grips with. They have no clue why this terrible thing has happened to them. When you pull a child out of a fire and the skin is coming off of them in sheets or when you see a man swing his baby into a wall like a bat you would wonder too. No believe me, god is not here watching every little thing that goes on in our lives.
Don’t get me wrong, I still have the best job in the world. I also see many great things and get to see the best of human nature. But it is just that…. Human nature.

While I’m not sure what happened to your grandson I hope everything is okay now.


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Old 10-25-2004, 09:29 PM
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The depth of man's actions is unmeasurable.
The height of man's actions is also unmeasurable.

Such is free will.
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Old 10-25-2004, 11:05 PM
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To start it again---

It's not the desperation which makes you faithful. No, rather it is the love experienced which makes you understand how incredible Jesus was that allows you to find faith in God...

God is most definitly watching everything. Life is just a complex institution, and you cannot have good without evil. For good, you must also look upon evil, that is the difference which human minds, human algorithms are based on, and that is which allows us to understand. Without relativity, what can we comprehend? Absolutely nothing. The great flaw in humans is that we cannot know hot without cold, or far without short.

And God not only sees everything, he sees everything that is happening and will happen; he's in the future, and he is seeing that future playing out just as I am typing this here. He sees what we're going to do, because in the future we already did it. Or we already are going to do it. The only thing that can change this is a miracle, and whenever someone is saved by God it is a miracle, it is a changing of that which would happen.
Well, I'm confused now. That was a bunch of rhetoric.
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Old 10-26-2004, 05:31 PM
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I see no flaw in human being's ability to reason. Hot and cold are relative to what's normal for us. Ice melts if it's too warm for it. But we're cold in 35*F. Our trucks run cold below 160*F but it would burn us. Far depends on how we can get there. Near is within easy reach. Tall is a perception based on our own height. So is short. But short guys can go far if they have the mind to.
You cannot have good without evel? Then why did our loving and forgiving God punish us for all eternity because Eve ate of the tree of knowledge without having knowledge of right or wrong in the first place?
If God is all knowing, and everything is for a reason as part of God's plan, why would God create the soul of Hitler and plan the killing of millions. Why would God write the script for this war we're in now with thousands of people being killed and tortured? Why did God create cancer and polio and AIDS?
Who created God? And why did God create such a flawed world? Religious folk think the theory of evolution is totally ludicrous and only morons would believe such nonsense. Yet those same people believe in things that if claimed today would put anyone in the insane asylum.
All religions are based on fear of death and the never ending hope that there's life after death. This can't be all there is... There has to be more to our being than just this... To religious folks this fear is overwhelming. They receive great comfort in their belief for which without they would go insane. I too am afraid of dying. It's pretty final and forever. But there's no evidence that any God exists and too much evidence that we evolved as other animals have. We're just lucky enough to have evolved to the point that we developed the ability to reason. Unfortunately, the ability to reason is also our downfall. If you study human nature, we're not that far removed from our animal ancestors yet we try desperately to do just that. And we'll kill each other over who's myth is the one true myth. I guess the ability to reason is a flaw after all...
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Old 10-26-2004, 05:57 PM
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I agree that life is all about perception. One person can veiw the trials in life as bad times and other may view it as ways to grow. Just as some look at death as final, I look at it as just the begining, myself I'm not afraid dying.
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Old 10-26-2004, 07:44 PM
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Why did Eve have to know the difference between good and evil BEFORE she took the fruit? That was'nt the cause of her failure. Her failure was caued by disobedience. Adam's was caused because he saw her standing there, she did'nt drop dead. But, because of thier limited knowledge they failed to understand the death that God had known all along would happen.

Evolution.............Interesting THEORY, and it is still a THEORY, and as long as it is a THEORY it must be taught as such.

How is it possible that an oak tree can be different than an Ash tree? Or how come a cottonwood is able to grow so much quicker than an oak tree? How is it that a horse can be so much different than a donkey?

To follow evolution's theory they would all have to be the same.
Just as all felines must be the same.
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Old 10-26-2004, 08:10 PM
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trust me... the bible is just a theory also. it is beyond me that someone could take it as fact

someone please address the incest issue. i would be courious to hear what you guys think.


your theory on evolution doesn't really hold water. all living things evolve to their surrondings. which explains some of the difference between all creatures.
i believe there was something that started all of this but the stories in the bible are mythology to me. i can't believe that people really believe in a talking snake but can't believe in evolution.


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Old 10-26-2004, 08:16 PM
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Her failure was caused by disobedience? How could she know disobaying was wrong? She didn't know the difference between right and wrong until she ate the fruit. Yep, they failed to understand and were punished for eternity. Yet they were created to be ignorant. They were created to not know right from wrong and then punished for it.
Evolution IS being taught as a theory. But it has a lot of evidence to back it up. How would anything have to be the same? Who told you that? Evolution is about how organisms adapt to their invironments by survival of the fittest. Viruses do this pretty rapidly. So do larger organisms but at a much slower rate as generations replicate the strongest members while the weakest members don't get to mate and reproduce. IF the story of Adam and Eve were true, how did people become so different in appearance and the differences are very regional? Over thousands of generations, humans adapted to their environments and their appearances slowly changed to accomodate their environment. So whether we surpassed primates and evolved into a superior primate or we all started from Adam and Eve, we evolved into many different races. No a monkey didn't give birth to a baby. No scientist has ever suggested such nonsense. Are you suggesting a black mother gave birth to a lilly white red head and told him to go to Ireland and make a nation? If so, with who did he mate?
I never new all felines had to be the same. Saber toothed lions became extinct while others adapted to their environment and survived.
Anyone who doesn't believe we evolved from pond scum hasn't watched MTV lately. Some never made it past pond scum.
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Old 10-26-2004, 08:19 PM
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"Anyone who doesn't believe we evolved from pond scum hasn't watched MTV lately. Some never made it past pond scum."

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Old 10-26-2004, 08:33 PM
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MTV suggestion I have to agree with

My argument about the felines was pertaining to housecats versus big cats. Evolution would have had them to all be the same size. To follow the same thought process for canines, if felines "evolved" to different sizes, then why did'nt canines "evolve" to different sizes?

The fossils do speak for themselves, I don't dispute the existence of dinosaurs, or saber tooth tigers.

My argument about the trees was the same things. What evolutionary catylist would cause an oak tree to be different than a pecan tree? They both make nuts, right? But, they make different types/sizes.

That is completely different than adaptation. I agree with adaptation, just disagree with one type "evolving" into another similar, but very different type.

As far as the different races of people..... I think that we are all similar, most of us have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands, 2 feet, walk upright. But there are different skin colors. This would be adaptation to the enviroment I believe.

Adam & .... oops I mean Adam and Eve......... were created with a free will, however due to thier limited knowledge they only had God as a mentor, whom they chose to disobey. They disobeyed without knowing the consequences of thier actions. They were'nt punished for eternity, thier punishment was clearly spelled out for them. Jee 900 yrs is a heck of a lot of Taxes to pay! I bet there was a kickin Social Security system in place

A flu virus does'nt transform into another type of virus, it keeps it's properties, and mutates to defend itself against anti-biotics it has experienced. Just like our white blood cells do.
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Old 10-26-2004, 09:18 PM
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I didn't realize all dogs were the same size. I'll have to take a better look next time I see some pooches.
I think the differences in races are more than skin color. People in areas that suited hunting tend to be more athletic while people in areas that favored farming were less athletic. Not to suggest farming is an easy task but compared to chasing an Impala with a stick so you can eat supper... Over thousands of years, generations of better suited will bear offspring and those less suited will become extinct in that region. Adaptation, evolution, it's the same thing. If within a species of hunting animals it's required to run fast to catch food, and one in ten has longer legs and can run faster than the shorter legged bretheren, the females will notice the better performance of the longer legged food catchers and mate with them instead of the shorter legged ones. Over a few generations, this will cause the entire species to become longer legged. Just like we did with weenie dogs and other breads. We managed their breading until we had caused the dogs to evolve into what we wanted them to be. Puerto Ricans are a whole new race of black and spanish mix. Mexicans are Spanish and Indian mix. We're still evolving. Even within our caucasian race, we're becoming taller over the past few hundred years.
I've often wondered why with the acceptance that the earth is a sphere and isn't flat like was once thought to be fact, that religious folk haven't accepted that maybe God created the universe over billions of years and that maybe evolution is God's work instead of holding onto the magic trick theory. I bet church attendance would blossom. Most people I know believe in God but have a hard time with the literal taking of the old testament. I believe it to be a parable to evolution and it fits perfectly. God created Adam from the dust of the earth. I don't know that any scientist would argue that! The great flood? Yep. The ice age ended. I bet a lot of cave dwellers drounded while trying to build boats to survive and relocate with their livestock and families.
Taxes? That concept started pretty early on to support the Kings and royal families. Wealth propped up by the working class. Not much has changed.
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Old 10-26-2004, 09:21 PM
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you said it better than i could!


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Old 10-26-2004, 09:42 PM
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Adaptation, evolution, it's the same thing.
Adaptation and evolution are not the same thing.

Main Entry: ad·ap·ta·tion
Pronunciation: "a-"dap-'tA-sh&n, -d&p-
Function: noun
1 : the act or process of adapting : the state of being adapted
2 : adjustment to environmental conditions: as a : adjustment of a sense organ to the intensity or quality of stimulation b : modification of an organism or its parts that makes it more fit for existence under the conditions of its environment

Main Entry: evo·lu·tion
Pronunciation: "e-v&-'lü-sh&n, "E-v&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin evolution-, evolutio unrolling, from evolvere
1 : one of a set of prescribed movements
2 a : a process of change in a certain direction : UNFOLDING b : the action or an instance of forming and giving something off : EMISSION c (1) : a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state : GROWTH (2) : a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance d : something evolved
3 : the process of working out or developing
4 a : the historical development of a biological group (as a race or species) : PHYLOGENY b : a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations
5 : the extraction of a mathematical root
6 : a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena

They look like different definitions to me

If they were the same thing then they would hold the same definition.

I was being sarcastic about the taxes

Because God used similar ingredients to create each organisim, tree, animal, human does'nt change anything. That is about as close to evolution as I'll agree with.

I guess I misunderstood your stance(s) on evolution. I was under the impression that you both felt that all species randomly formed into thier perspective families, and type without a creator (or designer). I apologize.

If that is what you believe, then I won't say no more about it, cause I'd never convice either one of you to forsake your beliefs.

Nice discussion though.
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Old 10-27-2004, 10:20 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hannibal
[B] ...God created the universe over billions of years and that maybe evolution is God's work instead of holding onto the magic trick theory. I bet church attendance would blossom. Most people I know believe in God but have a hard time with the literal taking of the old testament. I believe it to be a parable to evolution and it fits perfectly. God created Adam from the dust of the earth. I don't know that any scientist would argue that! The great flood? Yep. The ice age ended.

That's an interesting point!

because a day to God could have been a billion years.

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