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Old 10-08-2004, 10:35 AM
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Originally posted by kandgo
If at the end of your life you find out you are wrong you will have lost everything and if at the end you are right in your beliefs you have lost nothing, If at the end I have found that I was right in my beliefs, I have gained everything and if I am wrong I have lost nothing} It was short and to the point, God gave each of us a free will to choose, the choice is up to each of us to make.
What if God isn't really happy at all with folks who believe that people who have never heard of Jesus are damned simply because they have never heard of Jesus? God might be pretty insulted that anyone would consider his judgement to be so unfair. He might even send them to Hell! After all, they had a choice and actually chose to believe that God was so unfair and vengeful.

Hey, even if I can't prove that, what if I am right? If at the end I have found that I was right in my beliefs I have gained everything and if I am wrong I have lost nothing. If you doubt my word and you are wrong then you are going to Hell. Are you willing to TAKE THAT CHANCE..?

And, by the way, if you live your entire life with what might be a false belief (and before everyone jumps down my throat notice that I said what might be false, not what is false) you have not 'lost nothing'... you have lost a lifetime of having a free and open mind. That isn't 'nothing'....

Just another view.
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Old 10-08-2004, 10:40 AM
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According to what I have been reading there are 2 types of evolution - microevolution and macroevolution. Microevolution says there are minor variations within species and is recordable and verifiable. An example of microevolution is one Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands. During a drought period larger finches survived better and the average beak size increased. However when it started raining again beak size returned to normal. Almost everyone accepts microevolution. Just look at the size of athletes today. When I was in high school almost 40 years ago we had one man on the team that was over 200 lbs. Now a 200 lb player is the rule not the exception.

Macroevolution says that there are major variations within species (man evolved from a monkey). That is neither recordable or verifiable. As I understand it no one has ever been able to prove that life started by accident or that one species evolved from another. The "missing link" has never been found.

“Not one change of species into another is on record…we cannot prove that a single species has been changed.” This is a quote from Charles Darwin the man that wrote the book on evolution.
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Old 10-08-2004, 12:05 PM
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IM sorry but evolution is a joke

these professors are willing to beleave that we came from dirt but there not willing to beleave that we came from adam & eve

Ive read alot on the bible and how evolution is a joke by preachers but the main reason that sticks in my head is............

High tides and low tides are caused buy the moon when the moon is closest its high tide due to the gravity force it creates on earth and when the moon is the ferthest its low tide . Its proven that the moon moves away from earth like .....an inch a year or something like that so if the world was billions of years old like the scientist say......................... it would of been completely flooded everyday because the moon would of been so close .........and that would of killed all that carbondating trash.


Scientest did a study before they landed on the moon and they figgered for every 5000 years an inch of space dust would add to the moons suface so they did the math and bulit the legs on their ship to accomendate sinking on the moon. now when lance was getting off the ship did you notice something he had to jump........ the scentist were mind boggled but how they were thinking .....its because the world isnt as old as you say ....I wish sometimes people would open the eyes alittle.

Last but not least heres something Ill tell my son when he's in school

If book says millions and millions of years ago you might as well throw it right out the window because thats obviously stating it has no idea !! and do you want something teaching you that doesnt have no idea ?? If you do then thats how you'll be.

Just going on memory on the details above . I beleave there from a set of evangist tapes. that was filmed in front of a board of scientist who were dumb founded
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Old 10-08-2004, 12:55 PM
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Originally posted by dieselminded
IM sorry but evolution is a joke

these professors are willing to beleave that we came from dirt but there not willing to beleave that we came from adam & eve

Ive read alot on the bible and how evolution is a joke by preachers but the main reason that sticks in my head is............

High tides and low tides are caused buy the moon when the moon is closest its high tide due to the gravity force it creates on earth and when the moon is the ferthest its low tide . Its proven that the moon moves away from earth like .....an inch a year or something like that so if the world was billions of years old like the scientist say......................... it would of been completely flooded everyday because the moon would of been so close .........and that would of killed all that carbondating trash.
Man, is it ever hysterically amusing reading input from all of the scientists out there. Tides are not caused by changes in distance between the Earth and the Moon, rather by where the Moon (and Sun) are in relation to each other. Newton figured this out a few centuries ago, you would think that most people would have caught on by now. All you have to do to get correct info is do a simple Internet search. But then again, I guess such investigation is unecessary when you already know the 'truth'.

There are so many examples of so many complete lack of understandings of basic scientific principles in this thread that I can't begin to address them all... but some of you really might want to consider a night class or two at your local college. Ooops... forget that... I forgot... those classes are taught by those evil 'professors'.
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Old 10-08-2004, 01:10 PM
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"Just going on memory on the details above . I beleave there from a set of evangist tapes. that was filmed in front of a board of scientist who were dumb founded"

Look familiar I stated I was going by memory its been about 4 years sence I seen the tapes and What ever the moon is doing with its time is the least of my worries.

You can only hold your self accountable for what you think and do and when your standing at the gates being read your convicions you can't complain ....but,,,but A real life scientist said so .........

You'll surely get a Laugh

NEVER hold MAN up so high he WILL fail you EVERYTIME

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Old 10-08-2004, 01:11 PM
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I to struggle with this whole thing about how old the earth is.

I wathced a program the other day on PBS about the creation of the earth and moon and life. They were saying the earth was 5 billion years old, and they were theorizing about how water came to be on the earth and how life came to be on the earth and how it evolved into creatures of the sea and then land animals on so on till man.

Well this really got me thinking so I decided to go back and read Genesis again. I found it very interesting that what scientists were theorizing about coinciding with what the bible say.

As far as I know I can't find anywhere in the bible would lead me to know what the age of the earth is. It just say that God created the heavens and the earth and all living creatures including man by the sixth day and a day to God could be a billion years.
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Old 10-08-2004, 01:16 PM
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YEs theres a chart that goes backwards by the ages of noahs kids

you know the ones that were threehundreadandfiftyfifeyears old

Its been worked out its the bible timeline.

Kent HOVEN I think was the guys name
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Old 10-08-2004, 02:16 PM
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I'v seen a timeline that spans about 8,000 years from Adam & Eve to present, but havn't seen or heard of one from the creation of the earth to Adam & Eve.

Here was the progam I was talking about.

The show was called "Origins"
It aired Tuesday, September 28, 8:00pm

Origins Part 1: Earth is Born/How Life Began
Who would have predicted that a hot spot left over from the Big Bang would eventually lead to the Earth, the cosmos — and to us? NOVA covers all the exciting steps in between in this four-part miniseries about the beginnings of Earth, life and the universe. Hosting the series is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History and one of the world's most popular lecturers on astronomy.

'Earth Is Born'--The first episode shows that ancient cataclysms made our planet what it is today. Ironically, says Neil deGrasse Tyson, 'Earth became a hospitable planet only after a series of devastating disasters in its early years.' Chief among these was a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-sized object, an impact so immense that it obliterated the colliding object and part of the Earth itself to create a dense ring of orbiting material that eventually collected into the moon. The collision tilted Earth's axis at an angle of 23.5 degrees — enough to cause the seasons. Other milestones in this eventful era include the formation of continental crust and the precipitation of water out of a hellish atmosphere. All of these events happened in a remarkably short period of time, perhaps in the first few hundred million years of Earth's 4.5-billion-year history. This new picture of our planet's formative era implies that Earth may have reached a habitable stage much earlier than previously thought.

'How Life Began'--The second episode highlights the most radical transformation in the history of our planet and perhaps the cosmos: the moment when inert, lifeless matter managed to organize itself into life. However it began, life may have developed as early as a few hundred million years after the formation of the planet, possibly at the earliest moment that conditions allowed. Afterward, it increased in complexity over the course of hundreds of millions of years, until primitive organisms in the oceans started converting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into a waste molecule — oxygen. This reactive gas combined with iron in seawater. Later, it began to build up in the atmosphere, setting the stage for a whole new class of organisms — including human beings — that thrived on oxygen.
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Old 10-08-2004, 04:05 PM
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Ps 104:2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:

Here is a very interesting website that deals with creation.

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Old 10-09-2004, 10:54 AM
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Wow….. where do I begin????

Originally posted by dieselminded
IM sorry but evolution is a joke

these professors are willing to beleave that we came from dirt but there not willing to beleave that we came from adam & eve

I find it very hard to believe that anyone can believe that we came from this mythical place of Eden. You have no trouble believing in a talking serpent or that woman was created from the rib of Adam but you can’t believe scientific facts. Facts that can be proven over and over again. You have no trouble in accepting all of the incest that must have taken place to populate the world (Twice if you believe that the world was destroyed by a “great flood” ) but you can’t believe that dinosaurs lived “millions” of years ago.
You have no trouble believing in a god that would ask you to take your only son and offer him up as a burnt offering. It didn’t happen but what kind of god would ask you to do that??????
You have no trouble in believing in a god that would allow billions of people to go to this so-called hell because they have no chance of ever learning about Christianity (as discussed earlier in this thread).

Yes, let me stand with the professors. Let me stand with the facts. Proven facts.

As I stated in my first post, I believe in god but I do not believe in religion. I don’t believe that we came from nothing but I don’t believe the religious versions of it.

Originally posted by dieselminded
Ive read alot on the bible and how evolution is a joke by preachers but the main reason that sticks in my head is............
Here is the first problem. Preachers are biased toward the religious side. Of course they’re going to say evolution is a joke. They have to. If they didn’t they would be out of a job.
You believe evolution is a joke but you can believe that Jonah lived in the belly of a great fish for 3 days and nights?

Once again, evolution is a proven fact. Species evolve to their surroundings. Surely you believe in survival of the fittest?

Here is a quote form Ernst Mayr:

A modern evolutionist turns to Darwin's work again and again. This is not surprising, since the roots of all our evolutionary thinking go back to Darwin. Our current controversies very often have as their starting point some vagueness in Darwin's writings or a question Darwin was unable to answer owing to the insufficient biological knowledge available in his time. But one returns to Darwin's original writings for more than historical reasons. Darwin frequently understood things far more clearly than both his supporters and his opponents, including those of the present day.

No Darwin didn’t have all of the answers. No one does. But I would say he was on the right track.

Originally posted by dieselminded

High tides and low tides are caused buy the moon when the moon is closest its high tide due to the gravity force it creates on earth and when the moon is the ferthest its low tide . Its proven that the moon moves away from earth like .....an inch a year or something like that so if the world was billions of years old like the scientist say......................... it would of been completely flooded everyday because the moon would of been so close .........and that would of killed all that carbondating trash.
Smiller already answered the first part of this statement.

I guess you don’t believe in carbon dating now.

Quote form BBC Site:
The fact that carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years helps archaeologists date artifacts. Dates derived from carbon samples can be carried back to about 50,000 years. Potassium or uranium isotopes which have much longer half-lives, are used to date very ancient geological events that have to be measured in millions or billions of years.

Is carbon dating 100% perfect? No. Nothing in this world is but it gets us VERY close. And it is more reliable than mythology.
Now if you want me to I can get VERY percise about carbon dating. It's up to you.

Originally posted by dieselminded

If book says millions and millions of years ago you might as well throw it right out the window because thats obviously stating it has no idea !! and do you want something teaching you that doesnt have no idea ?? If you do then thats how you'll be.

If that is what you want to believe cool. But you will probably be throwing out some good hard facts.

Originally posted by dieselminded
Just going on memory on the details above . I beleave there from a set of evangist tapes. that was filmed in front of a board of scientist who were dumb founded

Dumb founded? I doubt it.

Set of evangelist tapes? Now the truth comes out.


Please don’t think that this post was directly aimed at you personally. Every time that “you” is mentioned in this post it is meant at everyone with a belief like yours. I take nothing away form any ones beliefs. We all have that right.

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Old 10-09-2004, 11:03 AM
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Originally posted by t-7 firefighter

Please don’t think that this post was directly aimed at you personally. Every time that “you” is mentioned in this post it is meant at everyone with a believe like yours.
You should start substituting "y'all" for "you", will avoid some confusion.

I'm sure there's some software out there that not only spell checks, but spell checks "southern" style.

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Old 10-09-2004, 11:15 AM
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Originally posted by t-7 firefighter
I find it very hard to believe that anyone can believe that we came from this mythical place of Eden. You have no trouble believing in a talking serpent or that woman was created from the rib of Adam but you can’t believe scientific facts. Facts that can be proven over and over again. You have no trouble in accepting all of the incest that must have taken place to populate the world (Twice if you believe that the world was destroyed by a “great flood” ) but you can’t believe that dinosaurs lived “millions” of years ago.

Here's how I see it:

It has been mentioned that Gods measure of time is a bit different than we earthlings.
Something in the neighborhood of a thousand years being a second on Gods clock.
Therefore, the belief that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days could very well be true.
6 days "God time" would be a over a billion years or so "earth time".

I don't think on the 6th day God said "BAM" and Man appeared.
This 6th day, 24 hours God time would be a few million+ years,
long enough for Man to emerge from whatever we evolved from.
Perhaps it took a bit of "higher power" to massage this evolution just right so we would be the way we are today, but Evolution is a proven scientific fact.

Regarding the "flood".
Someone brought up an interesting fact (not here, in casual conversation away from here),
Way back in Noah's time, the Middle East was the entire world as they new it.
They had no idea there was anything else out there.
This "Great Flood" that covered the land could have just been in that area.
Water as far as the eye can see, where there used to be sand as far as the eye can see, you would think the entire world had flooded, especially after rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

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Old 10-09-2004, 11:28 AM
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Originally posted by phox_mulder
You should start substituting "y'all" for "you", will avoid some confusion.

I'm sure there's some software out there that not only spell checks, but spell checks "southern" style.


you're probably right phox. point taken.

i very rarely use y'all though. i grew up in hawaii and california.
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Old 10-09-2004, 11:31 AM
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Originally posted by phox_mulder
Here's how I see it:

It has been mentioned that Gods measure of time is a bit different than we earthlings.
Something in the neighborhood of a thousand years being a second on Gods clock.
Therefore, the belief that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days could very well be true.
6 days "God time" would be a over a billion years or so "earth time".

I don't think on the 6th day God said "BAM" and Man appeared.
This 6th day, 24 hours God time would be a few million+ years,
long enough for Man to emerge from whatever we evolved from.
Perhaps it took a bit of "higher power" to massage this evolution just right so we would be the way we are today, but Evolution is a proven scientific fact.

Regarding the "flood".
Someone brought up an interesting fact (not here, in casual conversation away from here),
Way back in Noah's time, the Middle East was the entire world as they new it.
They had no idea there was anything else out there.
This "Great Flood" that covered the land could have just been in that area.
Water as far as the eye can see, where there used to be sand as far as the eye can see, you would think the entire world had flooded, especially after rain for 40 days and 40 nights.


VERY good post. you bring up some very good points. well said!


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Old 10-09-2004, 02:25 PM
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Originally posted by phox_mulder
Here's how I see it:

Regarding the "flood".
Someone brought up an interesting fact (not here, in casual conversation away from here),
Way back in Noah's time, the Middle East was the entire world as they new it.
They had no idea there was anything else out there.
This "Great Flood" that covered the land could have just been in that area.
Water as far as the eye can see, where there used to be sand as far as the eye can see, you would think the entire world had flooded, especially after rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

How then would that explain an object the size of the ark would land on top of a Mountain, and that the birds that he let out returned?

Those would'nt have been possible if there would not a great amount of water as described in the Bible.

Jeez here in Texas if it rains for 8 hours, then half of ft worth floods.
The Bible says that he opened the fountains of the deep also. That would have made water rise as well as rain fall.

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