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Best and worst US presidents?

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Old 08-08-2004, 06:50 PM
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My two cents worth.

Worst? Has to be GWB the second, for all the reasons listed by others already.
Best? Reagan got the country moving again, an dput a sense of respect back into the presidents office.
Carter was a walking joke, tho a hell of a nice guy...
Clinton gaw, cant figure out where to start......YEECH
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Old 08-09-2004, 01:35 PM
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I dont get into political wars very often, kinda as useless as arguin about trucks hehe you aint gonna change anyones mind, but i like to hear people out and be heard.

I am a very conservative republican in most ways. I don't agree with Bush on everything (like his views on NOT closing our borders) however he is the most moral choice right now. I vote republican mainly because i do NOT condone killing babies and I won't support someone who does, I work hard for my money, and I think EVERYONE should, I have a right to own guns, and use them on animals for sport and to protect my truck, home and family, and I think GOD is still the most important thing to this country. If we remove God, we remove the greatness this country was built on.

I would like to ask some of the anti Bush guys to elaborate more. When people are against this war, it makes me wonder what they feel the better solution would be. It is easy to sit at home safe and trash the efforts being made in the war, as it is easy to sit at home safe and support the efforts without actually having to be over there. I see this war as tragic, but much needed. There is a montster over there that needs to be wiped out. FORGET the **** weapons of mass distruction, it is just a nat for anti-war people to choke on. With or without WMD these radicals are dangerous, who would have thought 2 airplanes could take so many lives? I just dont understand the people who think this is NOT our war, or our problem. Do You think that it will just go away if we play nice? These people hate us, and they are irrational. The only way I see to deal with people like that is to kill them. Even more important than the crazy ones that need to be killed, are the innocent ones that need to be freed. The people of Iraq have been tortured for years, things you could not even imagine and far worse than any movie you have ever seen.

So I just wanted to hear more of a point of view than just how many lives have been lost. And let me remind you the people of the military SIGNED up for the military and are proud to serve. The 5 men and 1 woman I know in irag right now, are proud to be there, and believe in what they are doing. I also have countless friends who are currently in or were in the armed forces and would be proud to serve in Iraq. Instead of sittin at home, watchin tv and bad mouthin Bush and the war efforts, let's thank God that we have people with the ***** to risk their lives to protect US and our future. I know this country is all about freedom of speech, that is why i choose to use mine SUPPORTING the people who give us free speech in the first place.
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Old 08-09-2004, 02:32 PM
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Restricting to my life-time.

Best: Ronnie - He ended a 40 year war and brought pride back to America. He turned a battered economy around and was one of the most (the most?) popularly re-elected Presidents ever.

Worst: Golly pick one, Carter, Ford, Johnson, Nixon. Probably Carter, he really was a bright, moral man, but he left both domestic and internatonal affairs a complete wreck!

As to Clinton and GWB, Clinton's economy was awesome, but I could never trust him, his is scum ddefined. I think only time will tell on GW, Right now he's got us in a terrible mess on many fronts.
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Old 08-09-2004, 04:44 PM
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Best President

Not sure, it sure isn't the one we got now. But I did see a all new bumper sticker that I liked real well. It says, Throw the son of a Bush out. Waam Holland, Mich.
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Old 08-09-2004, 06:30 PM
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Originally posted by CMNS_gal_4x4
I am a very conservative republican in most ways.....
I find it interesting that the folks in your camp put an un-american spin on things when speaking about anyone with liberal tendancies, just as your post implies.

Originally posted by CMNS_gal_4x4
...... let's thank God that we have people....
..and while you're at it, please pray for the one more GI who was killed yesterday.

Look, it's not a secret that public opinion on the conflict is reaching a tipping point. In fact there are polls out now that find a majority disapproving of the president's handling of Iraq. Many people feel the administration doesn't have a plan to bring the conflict to a successful conclusion. By alienating our allies, he is forcing the US to bear virtually all the costs of the war in dollars, and most importantly, in lives. It is estimated that the war bill will add up to an average of at least $3,400 for every U.S. household. My young colleague, an EE and reservist for an outfit up in New Hampshire has finally returned after one and a half years over there! While he was gone, the company had to give his position and projects to someone else, and are now trying to squeeze him in somewhere else. If you're suggesting that by criticizing Bush, I therefore don't support our country and the efforts of of our women and men in the armed forces, you couldn't be further off the mark.
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Old 08-09-2004, 06:43 PM
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Can't comment on the ones before my time, but in the 54 years I have been around it is Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Hands Down!!!

Thank God for men like these that realize the most important thing is freedom and defending our great nation. I am amazed at how some people put these things far down their list of priorities, even below there 401k's.

But I believe that is because they have gotten so soft they don't realize that one can't exist without the other first. During World War 1 and 2 people had no qualms with defeating evil because they knew it was the right thing to do.

Now we Americans have grown soft in out comfy lives and don't see the real danger that is staring us in the face. We listen to media reports that only exist to serve their own agendas, amounting to nothing more than pure propaganda.

We believe more in the fictional tales portrayed in movies, rather than acknowledge the simple facts that are all around us. I am personally saddened by this, having had the privilege of serving with true Patriots who sacrificed everything to keep us strong and free.

Worst has been Clinton again no close race there either. I think Johnson deserves a nod here as well. Neither one of these clowns should need any explanation in my mind.
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Old 08-09-2004, 11:20 PM
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So, let me get this straight.........If I dont think Bushie Jr. is a good president, and I think that he has really screwed up in Iraq..... I am anti-American and a woose besides?

Haha, that's rich.

Me being able to point out deficiencies in my country is a right my father spent 3 years in Africa and Europe fighting for. I guarantee you if he was alive now, he would be in doubt of Bushie's handling of this war just as he was sure of the mishandling of Viet Nam.

I voted for Bush, I regret it. I wont make the same mistake twice.

If he is sending our kids to Iraq to find WMD, (one of the excuses he tried to come up with to justify the war) Then why not send Americans to North Korea? We KNOW they have nukes and are crazy enough to use them.
If we are there to fight terrorism, why did we not finish the job in Afghanistan? Why arent we fighting the country that sent 18 people to hit the Towers (Saudi Arabia) Think about this folks!
Some say that they wont vote for kerry because he will allow unborn baby's to be aborted.......... DUHHHHH, they are being aborted under Bush.

I dont like Kerry any more than I do Bush, they are both crooks as are all politicians. But somethings gotta give.
Bush is really making hay about how he has pushed through a bill for prescription drug help for those on medicare. How he has saved everybody all this money.

Well, he gave the pharmaceutical companys several billion dollars to offset the costs of prescription drugs, then IMMEDIATELY the drug company's raised the prices of all drugs.
What does that mean? It means Bush just HANDED OVER several billions of YOUR TAX DOLLARS! A gift, no more, no less.

I believe history will show that Bush and his cronies were the biggiest thieves and traitors to their countrymen in years.

When you send American boys to war, to die, for unsrupulous reasons, such as enabling Halliburton and BIG OIL to reap windfall profits, You are a Benedict Arnold.

Before you start flaming, just think about things. Think about the spins and lies that have been told to us by the government. Use some common sense.

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Old 08-09-2004, 11:40 PM
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Worst President Ever-
Andrew Jackson. Broke his oath too the Constitution and deserved to be hung for treason. Now he is a hero and on the twenty dollar bill.

I'm too pessimistic, but I'd have to saw George Washington. Can't be wrong with that, now can I...
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:29 AM
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Pogorules, I cannot believe you are seriously comparing aborting an unborn baby with no **** choice to Military people who signed up to protect this country. That has got to be THE stupidist **** thing I have ever heard!

In advance I apologize for the language but give me a break

Also people forget that both houses of congress looked at the same information that the President did. The people that say the President lead us into this war are the same ones that say he is stupid? They think he should have seen something in these reports that almost 600 other men didn't??
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Old 08-10-2004, 08:16 AM
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To all,

Saddam has had WMD-BEEN DOCUMENTED in use against his own people, so give it up stop beating a dead horse!!
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Old 08-10-2004, 09:48 AM
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Washington, Quincy Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR

Sort of OK:

Monroe, Polk, Cleveland, Wilson (very tough call), Eisenhower

Not all that competent, but the country survived:

Adams, Jackson, Hayes, Hoover, Truman, Kennedy, Reagan (tough call), Bush One


Jefferson, Tyler, Grant, McKinley, Harding, Coolidge, LBJ, Nixon, Clinton


Everyone else. What can you say about Millard Filmore, Chester Arthur, Gerald Ford, or James Earl Carter, Jr.? Not much.

I won't judge the current occupant of the White House yet. This is an historical question.

Yeah, I have excellent reasons for placing these presidents where I did. The reason why there's a preponderance of bad or mediocre presidents in the 20th century is that it has been much more difficult to lead the United States after it became a global power. After 1898, you had to be very good to be a mediocre president.
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Old 08-10-2004, 11:40 AM
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It really amazes me how these conservatives And the church can spew abortion is killing babies, and we need to end welfare. They should put their money where their mouth is and start a fund to help raise these kids if they want to outlaw abortion. I don't see any wallets opening! Any of you that have raised any know it cost a bundle these days. I guess raising them at a poverty level will make this a better country yes you have all the answers.
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Old 08-10-2004, 11:56 AM
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Originally posted by cumminnotstrokn
It really amazes me how these conservatives And the church can spew abortion is killing babies, and we need to end welfare. They should put their money where their mouth is and start a fund to help raise these kids if they want to outlaw abortion. I don't see any wallets opening! Any of you that have raised any know it cost a bundle these days. I guess raising them at a poverty level will make this a better country yes you have all the answers.
How about personal responsibility?
I'll take care of the ones that I bring into the world.

If you can't feed 'em, Don't breed 'em.
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:10 PM
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LOL, How in the world are you reading that I am comparing abortion with Americans joining the service? You are trying to twist things around a little arent you? Or, are you just reading into my words what you want to read into my words? That is the problem I am trying to point out.

My point was that Bush's camp is twisting things by saying he is against abortion, while allowing it to continue on his watch. He has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop abortion. And he wont, he cant. Same as he is playing to peoples emotions by saying he wants a constitutional ammendment to save male/female marriage.

IT IS ALL TALK. No substance there....... Just BS. Just playing to peoples emotions to get votes.

I personally think abortion, used as a contraceptive, is wrong. I feel that there are instances where it is justified.

I personally feel that men/men, women/women marriage is wrong. Biblicaly speaking. But I will leave it to our father to judge them.
I DO NOT want our great constitution amended to address something so trivial just to get a man a job as president.
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Old 08-10-2004, 06:05 PM
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First of all Pogo, I did not say abortions are not still happening, BUT Bush is against abortion, and Kerry is for it. If I vote for Kerry, as a christian, I am condoning abortion which is wrong. That is what I meant by that. Also, I called NOBODY a woose, or do I think everyone anti bush is a woose. BUT I will say this and it will prolly make many people mad, but you can NOT be sound in your morals, and vote for kerry.

I believe that if you can make a baby, you take care of a baby. Abortion is just another way people can get out of taking responsibility for their actions. If I dont want a baby, I will prevent myself from having a baby. If I happen to get pregnant, it is my CHILD not an accident and NOT an abortion. There are plenty of loving couples that can not have babies, and WANT a newborn. There is no excuse for abortion. If you dont want a baby, DONT GET PREGNANT, Then there is no life to take.

Abortion stops a beating heart. That is the bottom line. I can not vote for someone who does not feel the same way.

I believe Bush is a good man, with a good heart. It is a HUGE thing to do what he did, Clinton did not have the ***** to defend this country, I am glad Bush does. I just dont understand how people do not want to defend this country. It blows my mind.
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