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Arab Emerates taking over the shipping ports

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Old 02-21-2006, 03:22 PM
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w-t-f is bush doing? He vows to veto any legislation introduced to delay the deal!

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Old 02-21-2006, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by windyr

The administration(s) just does not give a d**** what we want or think. Most sane people are completely unhappy with the situation on our southern border, no response from the last 2 administrations.
Ahh see, now 6-12months ago everyone like that. They really liked bush not listen to people and standing his ground and going with his decision. Now this comes up, now we dont like it anymore? Cant have a double standard.

It seems like the short term money to these politicians/buracraps outweighs the long term effects and cost and the most important, security. The media has been pounding over and over Security this, homeland security that, etc etc. Whatever, this is more important than all that little chicken**** that they always preech and complain about all the time. I cant believe how screwed up things are getting, these people are killing America from the inside out. But dont protest, you'll be labeled a cindy shehan.
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Old 02-21-2006, 05:48 PM
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So I take it that the port is still under the exact same importation standards as EVERY OTHER PORT IN THE COUNTRY? So that it will be no harder to smuggle anything in through this port, then any other port in the country? Am I wrong in thinking that this port is inspected just as hard by the government as those ports owned by Americans or people of any other nationality? I have seen nothing to make me think otherwise.

Yes, foreign countries are investing in us, as they have been since, oh, Christopher Columbus. You may like that or not; I haven't taken a stand on that overall issue. But nobody here has presented anything to demonstrate that now we're more liable to a terrorist strike now that some Arab's bought a port.

Please, somebody explain how the UAE's purchasing of a port makes us any more likely to be nuked. Please explain. Please avoid trying to evade the answer with an arrogant "OH MY GOD, NOBODY UNDERSTANDS, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" statement, as all that does is show that you yourself don't have an answer and you don't want to know that.
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Old 02-21-2006, 06:36 PM
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My suggestions would include:

1. Defend our borders and airports from unregistered aliens

2. Have an American System set up manned by Americans to inspect cargo containers coming into this country

3. Make it illegal for American companies to sell their products in this country if they have layed off American workers and moved their companies to foreign countries

4. Discontinue the exchange of dollars for petroleum products purchased from foreign countries, replace the payments of currency with payments in goods that these countries need. IE: food- medicine-farming equipment ect.

5 charge the same amount of duty on imported goods from a given country as they charge us when our goods are exported into their country

6 Limit the fee's attorneys can charge for services to a given percentage of 5% of awards they win for corporations and individuals

7 Provide national health care for CITIZENS of this country, and allow "shopping" for the best prices for medicines and other medical goods and equipment by an independent oversite commitee of the national health care system

8 Implement term limits and discontinue pention programs for
All federal goverment officals . Presidential term to one 6 year term.
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Old 02-21-2006, 07:31 PM
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Herb I'm all for it. Since you gotta start somewhere might as well start right there and see how that works out.

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Old 02-21-2006, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Begle1
Please, somebody explain how the UAE's purchasing of a port makes us any more likely to be nuked. Please explain.
OK lets see: On the surface it should make no diference, I agree, BUT the reality is that the world being what it is it makes it easier to "circumvent" security, if say it is done with one of the top dogs looking the other way or as it would be done "the boss said its OK." You may say what are the odds of that, but I ask you prior to 9/11 if someone asked you: what were the odds of some crazy people flying jets into the towers? what would you have said?

Whay I mean is that it may not be a direct threat, but it sure does create a vulnerable point, and we do not need that.
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Old 02-21-2006, 09:17 PM
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Just read an article that stated the "Muslim Americans" are calling bigotry and prejudice against them for the uproar the American public has for the port deal. Oh, excuse us..........didn’t mean to offend you. Now get the H E double hockey sticks out of our country. If the Arabs have control over our ports it is akin to having the Fox stand guard over the Hen House.
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Old 02-22-2006, 03:04 AM
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Originally Posted by herb
My suggestions would include:

1. Defend our borders and airports from unregistered aliens

2. Have an American System set up manned by Americans to inspect cargo containers coming into this country

3. Make it illegal for American companies to sell their products in this country if they have layed off American workers and moved their companies to foreign countries

4. Discontinue the exchange of dollars for petroleum products purchased from foreign countries, replace the payments of currency with payments in goods that these countries need. IE: food- medicine-farming equipment ect.

5 charge the same amount of duty on imported goods from a given country as they charge us when our goods are exported into their country

6 Limit the fee's attorneys can charge for services to a given percentage of 5% of awards they win for corporations and individuals

7 Provide national health care for CITIZENS of this country, and allow "shopping" for the best prices for medicines and other medical goods and equipment by an independent oversite commitee of the national health care system

8 Implement term limits and discontinue pention programs for
All federal goverment officals . Presidential term to one 6 year term.
Herb, as much as it pains me to agree with you I have to say I agree with all of these but #7. #4 is one of the best ideas I've ever heard! #6 is another good idea! #7 is not a smart idea but your batting average is alot better than usual!
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Old 02-22-2006, 09:59 AM
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Why don't we just farm everything out, then we can work for drastically reduced wages too and lesser and lesser benefits or even better, not work at all. Can't afford to buy anything cause of the low wages you make so more and more companies go out of business.
Oh wait, we're nearly there now, nevermind.
I really feel sorry for my son and grandsons future.
Lets reduce the amount of medical benefits that the people (military retirees) that fought to get our country to where it once was not to mention the ones that died. Oh wait, theres a bill in the house to do that already too.
Nevermind. Set back and watch some more TV.
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Old 02-22-2006, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Barry Smith
Herb, as much as it pains me to agree with you I have to say I agree with all of these but #7. #4 is one of the best ideas I've ever heard! #6 is another good idea! #7 is not a smart idea but your batting average is alot better than usual!
Problem is if i run for office and try to implement these changes none of you guys would vote for a leftie
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Old 02-22-2006, 11:54 AM
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All right everybody. Take a deep breath....

1) These ports are NOT currently owned by an AMERICAN company - so the statements on this thread about us losing control of these ports doesn't hold water - Americans haven't owned these ports for YEARS. They're owned by a BRITISH company that is selling them to a UAE company, NOT the UAE government.

2) This UAE company that's trying to purchase these ports already runs SEVERAL ports in other parts of the world, including Hong Kong, and a couple of other places I can't remember right now. Keep in mind billions of dollars of 'stuff' is shipped FROM the ports they manage into the U.S every year.

3) This is NOT part of the UAE government structure; it's a private company.

4) The SECURITY of the ports is still the responsibility of the respective Port Authorities, the Coast Guard, and CBP (Customs and Border Protection), just like it has always been, and always will be. NO ONE IS OUTSOURCING THE SECURITY OF THE PORTS, like it's been improperly stated and reported in several locations. I'll state again - this UAE company owns/manages SEVERAL ports in other parts of the world that ship goods INTO the U.S every year.

5) The people that work in these ports currently (for the UK company), will probably not see a lot change, other than their paychecks will come with a different company letterhead. This kind of stuff happens all of the time. Think of it like your mortgage - how many times has your mortgage changed hands and you didn't see any real change, other than you still had to keep paying the bill :-)
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Old 02-22-2006, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by 99 cummins
I read this last post and got to thinking, what is the real reason were losing our standing in the world economy. It's gotta make you wonder.
I was thanking the same thang. Maybe he should be find for his spellen.
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Old 02-22-2006, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by herb
My suggestions would include:

... 2. Have an American System set up manned by Americans to inspect cargo containers coming into this country

3. Make it illegal for American companies to sell their products in this country if they have layed off American workers and moved their companies to foreign countries
Herb - in reply to:

#2 - THIS IS ALREADY IN PLACE. The ports are inspected/secured by the Port Authorities, the USCG, and CBP

#3 - if you really believe this, then you shouldn't be driving your Dodge right now, 'cuz it was probably made in Mexico.
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Old 02-22-2006, 01:33 PM
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Indiana Gov. Mitch Danials wants to sell our roads to French and Spanish companies. Which will turn them into toll roads. Now tell me how this is good. These companies operate for a profit, that profit does not come from thin air. Those who travel these roads will provide this profit. Yes the state will get a big lump sum payment and yearly payments. Now the profits are a drain on an already weak economy, and will be a detriment to the transportation industry that is struggling with high fuel costs. These costs are passed to the consumer furthering class division. Very simular effects for this shipping fiasco. Global trade, free trade is all BS. It is not helping to raise the standard of living across the globe, it is lowering the standard of living for americans. Look at the arab countries, some of the worst living conditions on the planet. Where does the money go? Who is it helping? It doesn't go to the people in these countries. I can see where a guy in africa or the middle east would hate westerners, I'm sure the propaganda they see is of every american sitting in an air conditioned office able to provide the best of everything for his family, while he struggles to provide less than the bare minimum to subsist. People this is about class warfare, it uses propaganda, gov.(public) policy, the laws, economics and yes even terrorism to increase the gap between the rich and poor. To blame this on the working man is completely shameless and arrogant. Today a man and woman with no children must both work to live a lifestyle that our parents had with just the man working and three or four kids at home with their mother. Our politicians will sell you out, it doesn't matter if they are dem or rep, and if they do it is really to late to reverse what they have done. They don't really care if they are reelcted, they have already made their connections and money. They really have noone to answer to, they don't fear for their lives like they did in the old days. God help them though Self Edited would make them afraid, very afraid.
I know this is kinda rambling, but it is a very complicated issue and can't be completely discussed in this type of venue. I'm sure some of you feel and understand what I'm saying though.
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Old 02-22-2006, 05:07 PM
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3) This is NOT part of the UAE government structure; it's a private company.

Truckjunkie you better take a deep breath. From what I've read and heard this company IS owned by the UAE. Why do you think the whole country is in such a uproar. I can't for the life of me figure out why we would want a foriegn government in charge of our ports and in turn our national security. Just doesn't make sense to me.

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