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Old 04-18-2005, 08:16 PM
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No I have not knowingly received or passed a fake bill. All of the new currency has the aluminized stripe thru the bill with the currency worth on it. Hold it to the light and you will see.
Cash and carry. Paper $ is still worth more than plastic. In the event something happened with electronic banking you could not buy food with a credit card. Plastic is convenient, would not want to have to rely on it. As stated above I would speak with the bank manager and if I did not get satisfaction would pull all my funds on the spot and never do business with them again. Gotta love free market enterprise.
Old 04-18-2005, 08:32 PM
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This was the other reason that I went to a cash system. I fueled up, presented my debt card that had several thousand in the account and it was rejected. I told here that is impossible, run it again. She did three times, finaly I managed to come up with the cash. A couple hours later I hit the bank to find out what was the problem. They said that the computers were down from a glitch, it was a national thing a year or so ago. I said then how do I run my business? She said that the systme would be back up in an hour or so. I said "I can't count on that, just cash a check for $1000 and I can just do my business." She says "we can't do that, the computers are down." From then on I carried a larger sum of money and soon went to depositing enough to handle bills and whatnot that needed a check, all else is held in cash.

If hacker gets into the system and trashes the bank records, you don't have your money at all. And there have been a couple of scares. With the computers down they cannot cash checks or give a balance. Think about that guys, a power outage or other computer crash, you are broke unless you have cash. I like to eat and continue working even if there are problems. The cash is as safe as the government, which could fail, but the cash is the safest since there are no gold coins or silver money.
Old 04-19-2005, 03:49 AM
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Question Update.

Well today I went to Staples and I bought a 3 pack of the Counterfit Money Detector Pens. They cost me under $9.00 for all of them and then I went home and read the directions, says:
Make a small mark on the U.S. paper money.
LIGHT MARK = bill passes test, DARK MARK = bill is suspect...
So now here I am at home with this bill laid out on the kitchen table and I get the pen and make a small X in the right corner and wait a few seconds......
The X is still a LIGHT YELLOW color, So as far as I can determine using the same pen they use at the BANK this bill is REAL so why all of the grief? Is it possible someone made this bill using real PAPER, REAL color shifting ink, REAL embossing and a REAL tape that says USA $100.
Now I don't know what to think..
Today we are going into Los Angeles to the Secret Service where they are going to check it to see if it is real
I bet they took a real $500.00 bill and bleached off the markings and then printed a counterfit $100.00 onto it.

Cash is the only way, I guess I will just be a LOT more careful and check everything I get. After all if the whole country goes down the dumper I don't think you are going to be able to barter for much of anything with a piece of plastic, doesn't matter what bank it is from.
Let you all knou what I find out tonight. Jim.

Why does the Secret Service have their address listed?
Old 04-19-2005, 05:48 AM
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Re: Update.

Originally posted by Jim Lane

Why does the Secret Service have their address listed?

Old 04-20-2005, 01:44 AM
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Locally up here, many businesses are simply refusing to take 50 and 100 dollar bills for the purchase of anything, never mind checking first.We've got new 20 dollar bills out also. Many places are checking each one of them religiously now also.

Don't even get me started on our one and two dollar coins - the "loonie" and "toonie". My pockets can no longer support the weight of the change I get back. Good thing my Wranglers are snug. Otherwise, it would sound like I was walking around with spurs.

Sorry about the venting and
Old 04-20-2005, 03:35 AM
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Like many have already said,,, I never ask for any bills larger and $20. After hearing your story,,,,,, I would also try to pass it on rather than do the right thing as you did and get burned for it! Sometimes,,, it just doesn't pay to be honest,,,, unfortunately!
Old 04-21-2005, 06:50 AM
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Angry Angry Update.

Well if you remember from my last post, I had gone to Staples and bought a 3 pack of Counterfit Money Detector Pens and I came home and did the big test on the $100.00 bill. I laid it out on the table and made an X in the corner and dang, It is still a light yellow color so now I am feeling pretty good but later on we are going into L.A. to have it checked.
So here is where it continues.
We went into Los Angeles 7th. & Figeruoa St. 13th. floor is where the Secret Service is located, this is in the middle of all uglyness and about 2 blocks from the Staples Center. There is no parking above so I found an underground parking for the building at least hoping to get it validated, Anyhow we got to the building and then we went to the 13th. floor and we went in.I was surprised because there was no security at all to get into the building or to the floor. Went to the big bullet proof glass window and I ask the lady on the other side who am I suposed to see about a bill I think is counterfit. She did not speak a language I could understand and then she came back and I think she said someone will be with you soon, so we sat down and checked out the room and lack of anything in it. About 5 minuets later the door opened and 2 guys in suits dressed like stiffs walk in and I stood up as he walked past me and walked to the big window, he said looking into the window,(who has the money?) and then he came to where I was standing. Now first I want to tell you this was one of the rudest people I have met, he never once introduced himself in any way, I then put out my hand and introduced myself, he finally shook my hand BUT he never gave his name, the other man was more friendly and I think he was an intern or something. Now I tell him the story about how I got it from Wells Fargo Bank, and I took it to Home Depot and they said it was counterfit, and I went to the police and they checked it and they said it looked OK to them and how I checked it with a starch pen and it showed it was OK.
So the rude one takes the bill and says I will be right back, I am going to run it on the computer (how is this going to tell if it is counterfit?) A few minuets later he came back and I ask, well is it? and he said YES it is. So at that point he was ready to leave and I said Now wait a minuet, show me what makes this bill a counterfit one and how can I tell because I get a lot of these from he bank and I want to know what to look for. I finally got him to tell me what to look for. #1- color shifting ink, #2- imbedded flourescing tape with USA and $100 in bill, #3- blue and red fibers in paper, #4- face of the bill will absorb UV light and only tape will glow.
I ask what bills should I get and the intern said $20.00's are the most counterfitted next were the $100.00's and $50.00's. Then the stiff one said it is virtually impossible to get a counterfit bill from a bank and the money that comes IN goes into a diffrent drawer than the money that goes OUT. I think he really wanted me to belive that, I know that is not true because I have made payments and then cashed a check and gotten back the exact same bill.
So I said now what? and he said it is confsciated, I ask do I get and replacement or something? I already knew when I walked in I lost my money but it don't hurt to ask. He said NO and started to walk out and I said so I am the honest person and I bring in a counterfit bill and all you do is just take it? He finally said well here I will give you a reciept for recieved CONTRABAND and you can try and claim it on your income taxes. He wrote me out a reciept and left.
As he was leaving I ask him at least can you validate my parking? and he said no we don't do that here.
BTW I said I marked it with the pens and it said it was good and he said those pens only show if there is starch in the paper and the counterfitter washes the bills with a pair of jeans and it deposits enough starch to fool the pens.

So we leave the building and went back to the parking, man this has really turned out to be a stinkin lousy day, My daughter is home schooled and this was going to be a mini field trip and she just got to see first hand what good it does to be honest. So now we all are upset about loosing $100.00 and we get to the truck and I pull up to the exit, now in addition to loosing $100.00 it cost me $9.00 for 30 minuets of parking to throw my money away. As I was handing the attendant the money I showed him the reciept I just got and said can't you give me a break on the price because I am a nice guy and the S.S. don't validate parking. He said "Who told you they do not validate, they do it all the time"

I now feel sick, betrayed, cheated, ripped off, mad at myself for being so stupid for turning it in in the first place, We just got on the freeway and I went towards home.
This is not like even wasting money on the dumbest thing you have ever did, or paying $100.00 for a big steak dinner and then throwing it up.
So were about home and my wife says lets go past the police station and let the officer know what happened so I went to Covina Police Station and we went in and we ask for the guy we had talked to and the seargent said he was off today and can he help us. So she said we just wanted to let him know the bill was bad. So anyhow we told him the whole story and how we brought it in and they checked it for us. We needed to vent abit and he was intrested so we were talking and there were some people in the lobby and you know how when it is quiet and someone mentions the secret service everyones ears are like dog's and you can see them turning their heads to hear better So were there about 30 min and then he said kinda loudly and seriously "hey can I ask you guys a question?" we said sure what? and he said "Why would you ever do something so stupid as to turn in a counterfit bill. Never never turn it in, if someone gave it to you, pass it on to someone else or you will only LOOSE"
I said were are good honest people and we are trying to set a good example for our daughter.
And he said "look what you got for doing that, it's a good thing you want honest but you did not make it and you are not doing it to profit from it, so turn a blind eye to it and get rid of it"

Thank you Reverend Covina Police Seargent... I now know what to do and not feel bad.
Well what do you think?, what would you have done if you were me honestly? I did what I thought was right and look what I got for it.
Let me know Jim.

BTW When we were talking to the officer he said most of the time when some store calls them out because of a counterfit bill, unless it is really obvious, & the store manager is making a big stink, they usually do not arrest them or take a report because the store employee doesn't know what they are looking for on the bill.
Old 04-21-2005, 06:58 AM
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Originally posted by Shovelhead
Make the teller at the bank where you got the 'funny'? money in the first place examine and verify each and every bill they give you the next time.
So it hold up the line,.....who cares, it's YOUR money, let the bank hire more tellers.
Then have the manager come over and reverify each bill again before you leave.

It shouldn't take too long for them to get with the program.
Once again.
Only have them also record all the serial numbers.

The good guy might get it in the end, but at least he has set a good example for the kids & a clean conscience.
Old 04-21-2005, 07:03 AM
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I am actually looking forward to cashing my next check. I will have her verify each watermark, and check the fibers.
Should take about 30 minuets.
Old 04-21-2005, 10:17 PM
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wow. i feel bad..... thats terrible

I try to use a mix of plastic and cash... Pay the bill every month, collect cash reward points.... (comes in handy on fuel purchases with double points)... cash for small purchases..... works well for me......
Old 04-21-2005, 10:35 PM
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Jim: That really sucks. Sorry to hear you were run thru the grinder. I feel bad about the way you were handled, but honestly it does not surprise me in the least. Just another blow to the good guys.
Old 04-21-2005, 11:19 PM
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Somewhere down the line you will be rewarded for your honesty. The next time you go to your bank and make them go through all the BS , make sure its like 5 minutes before quitting time on a Friday and make them go through all the paces you want them to....to make sure for your own satisfaction that they are real.
Old 04-21-2005, 11:26 PM
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and they did this in a back room? that sounds like a little bonus money scam to me. but this was an excellent report, and we're all grateful i'm sure.
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