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? about the war ( quickly guys )

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Old 04-11-2003, 07:22 PM
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? about the war ( quickly guys )

i know this war cannot be summed up in just a few words but ,. id like to know if u r 4 or against the war and a brief descriptin as to why ?? im not here to flame any1 and no1 else should flame either we are free here afterall ( plus im a good boy on here ) ill go first ...... im for it ... my reason: i think the general populatin in iraq deserve the same kind of opportunity as myself, and not to wake up scared to death of the man who is suppossed to be leading them.... i just think more countries should have gotten onboard with us ......ok guys let it rip but lets be good and respect every1's opinion thanks, scott<br>
Old 04-11-2003, 09:06 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

Ok, nobody else seems willing to step up to the plate and answer your request, so I'll be first. I firmly believe that we have solid basis to go in and right a great inhumanity to the Iraqi people. Even if no WMD's are found (which by the way, they are being found, and will be found) I feel we were right. Nobody on this earth should have to live in fear and that's what was happening. Now the Iraqi's are coming forth and telling all. We as a nation should be ashamed for having let this go on for so long. We now know that CNN had information years ago of the atrocities but kept it secret so they could &quot;protect&quot; their reporter, so he could get the story. The story at the price of how many lives? I could go on and on but I think you see where I'm coming from.<br><br>~Dave
Old 04-11-2003, 10:06 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I won't comment on the war but I will say that this thread is going to be watched closely. Please keep your comments emotion free to the extent possible so a war doesn't get started here and the thread has to be locked. I know you can do it sensibly.<br>(One was already shut down right after the war started)<br>Thanks <br>DD4X4
Old 04-11-2003, 11:03 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

i hear what u r saying dd4x4 thats why i threw the comment in there about no flaming 1 way or the other....i was just curious as to the opinions of the fine folks on this site and am hoping only 4 friendly nonflamed discussion ..........thanks though, scott
Old 04-11-2003, 11:08 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I like the way you asked the question and that is why I left the thread open for now. I know we can keep it friendly and I appreciate your time and concern. There is enough hate and discontent in the world already, we don't need to start more on here.<br>Thanks<br>DD4X4
Old 04-11-2003, 11:14 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

Dieseldude4x4 A moderatior? I need to quit drinking. Life is passing be by. :-X<br>DM01.<br>4 The war ;D Why? because of what the people have already stated.
Old 04-12-2003, 01:24 AM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I'm for it!! I feel that more and greater revelations will be surfacing in the near future. Sadam was a butcher equal too or worse than Hitler and deserved taking down. This regime was also connected with terrorist gangs and terrorist saw fit to start a war with us. You can only reason with moral or lucid people. Sadam and rabid terrorist are in a class that deserves a one way ticket to collect their 72 virgins. I have no problem with being their travel agent.
Old 04-12-2003, 01:37 AM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I am for the war in Iraq. My beliefs differ from many but also favor many, that is what makes this country a great place to live. <br><br>I am not &quot;PRO WAR&quot;, but sometimes I believe we need to step in and sort things out.<br> Are we at war for oil? &quot;NO&quot;, If we were are war for oil we would of taken the fields over years ago.<br> Sudam is a person that I would not wanting to rule me or my family. The things he has done to these people for decades is unexceptable! These people (&quot; in my opinion&quot have not had the chance to be educated in life. There religious beliefs are a little extreme in my eyes, but does that really make them bad people? I think not. These people have suffered enough and it is time we stepped in to kick sudam and his regiem out of Iraq for ever. Once that has taken place, I would like to see the U.S. help them get back on their feet ( after all it would be with thier own money ) and try to make it a more civilized place for their children to prosper.<br><br>In my eyes, I see alot of pain and usless suffering over there. I wish there was a better salution to all this.<br><br>God Bless Our Troops, and may they return home to there familys safly. My hearts out to you all. GOD BLESS.
Old 04-12-2003, 02:07 AM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

The problem with being an arm chair general is we can only base our opinions on the information we get or &quot;are fed&quot; There is western propaganda and there is arab propaganda. Some where in the middle there is the truth. I don't think this is either bad nor good, it is just a fact.<br>Based in the info that was given to me, Sadam was a tin pot dictator who ruled his people ruthlessly. For that, he should be removed.<br> I stated in another thread my disappointment in my government's lack of support for the U.S. and Britain and Australia.<br>The connection between 9/11 and Sadam has never been explained... I don't understand how the two are connected other than Sadam possibly having wmd and possibly selling this stuff to terrorists...<br>There are other things that are rattling around in my tiny brain... It is too late to put them in words, other than this has been interesting watching from the sidelines...<br>
Old 04-12-2003, 12:14 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

Actually I was and I am still against this war. I think that there was not enough consideration put into the aftermath. First cause for my opposition is that any government that will be installed in Iraq now will be regarded as puppets on US strings. So in my opinion this will cause more destabilization in the whole region. <br>Second: I regarded the argumentation of some US officials concerning their planning as extremely arrogant. Especially the complaints that they could not transport troops and weapons across Austrian territory as long as there is no UN mandate. This was explicitly forbidden in the &quot;Staatsvertrag&quot;, forcing Austria to be neutral in any conflict. This point of &quot;Eternal Neutrality&quot; was forced mainly by the USA. (OK this was back in the 50s )<br><br>But I must also state that the regime in Baghdad was to be removed, and that I do hope and wish that this war will be ended with as little bloodshed as possible. <br>I do hope that the can of worms opened by this war is much smaller than I expect. <br>And I do hope that one of the lessons that the USA will learn is that the values they fight for in Iraq contain the right of free speech and own opinions. And this contains the right to disagree with the USA too! <br><br>AlpineRAM<br><br>(Sitting in the Austrian alps with an asbestos suit ;D )<br>
Old 04-12-2003, 02:40 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I am all for this war. I belive that we should have done this a while ago. Is it going to be costly? Yes. It already has been. But if we were to let what happened on September 11 go on without any action, then we would be open for many more attacks from other people. That make sense to yall?
Old 04-12-2003, 05:33 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I, also, am not &quot;Pro War&quot;. But I do respect the Armed Forces and those that have made the many sacrifices that have given us the freedoms that we have. And I do realize that sometimes it's better to step in and nip something in the bud, rather than let it go on and turn into a far bigger problem. So, yes, I am for this war. I feel that it was necessary for a number of reasons. And almost every day brings a new reason to the surface. And oil is not one of them. If we wanted to go in and take over the country for the oil, we have the power to have done it in less than a week with a lot less casualties on our side. We would not be putting our forces at greater risk in order to limit the civilian casualties.<br><br>I do agree, however, with AlpineRAM, that there is a huge possibility of great destabilization in the area. This situation will need to be handled very carefully to prevent that from occurring. Not to lessen the importance of the human losses that we have taken, but the tough part is still to come in the organizing of the new Iraq.<br><br>I realize that there are varying opinions on this, on both sides of the issue. And as westcoaster said, it usually depends on what information you have about it. So, with the information I have, I think it was for the best.<br><br>CR
Old 04-12-2003, 11:23 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

Was the only way to be sure with them as it turned out. Should have started about 2 months earlier but had to give the UN a chance.<br><br>I'm behind our soldiers all the way and pray for their safe return.
Old 04-13-2003, 09:09 PM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

During the course of time, decade, century or millenia,there are situations that present themselves which unfortuanetly must be dealt with using the last measures we would choose. I believe what the coalition is doing in Iraq is long overdue, maybe as long as twenty years. <br> We knew what Saddam was during his conflict with Iran, but we helped the &quot;lesser of the two evils.&quot; During the Gulf War we had the option of ending the Baath party regime in Iraq, but we shooed them out of Kuwait and, I believe foolishly, allowed the U.N. to take it from there. They failed.<br> In short I support what President Bush is doing. I am a rabid patriot, though I failed to serve my country in uniform. That little thing that happened from 1992-2000......<br>
Old 04-14-2003, 04:21 AM
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Re:? about the war ( quickly guys )

I would like to say that I do have great respect for the armed forces of the USA and Great Britain.<br>Since the armed forces are carrying out the decisions of politicians I regard it as possible to disagree with the decisions of the politicians and still support and respect the armed forces. <br>And I do not disagree with the what, i just disagree with the when and how. <br><br>The UN may be a toothless tiger, but it is, mabe even therefore, well respected in the region. A transitional government set in place by the UN IMHO has a much greater chance to be accepted by the neighbouring governments, and therefore could make a much more stable transition to a democratic government in the region. <br><br>My deepest hope is that now, since this war seems to go well for the USA, the politicians will not start to think of unilateral attacks against disagreeing states as a valid policy. <br>&quot;When the only tool you got is a hammer all problems look like nails.&quot;<br> <br>AlpineRAM

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