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winkdemon 07-25-2009 09:14 PM

tear to my eye
well today i started the tear down of my 1993 witch i have had for 8 years , had a tear come to my eye when i started pulling her apart lol, what i sissy i am lol, this is the truck that is getting the 1975 body . i picked up the cab and front end today so i have to get the old body off and the new on before f......g bylaw shows up i am sure monday morning , i have some picks
first one was this morning and last about 2 hours ago , i will keep adding pics as i put her back together, and i few for fun

Dr. Evil 07-25-2009 09:47 PM

Could you have picked a hotter day? That wasnt a tear - it was sweat...[laugh]

Whats the deal with bylaw?

Swamp_Donkey 07-25-2009 11:15 PM

I had a project like that with my 79. was going to put an 85 body on it but I got it down to the frame and my ambition petered out. Love the Kokanee pic....

winkdemon 07-26-2009 12:30 AM

lol i figured someone would like that , it almost fits , have to put a 6 inch tip then it will lol

winkdemon 07-26-2009 12:36 AM

lol i am from ontairo it wasn't hot at all i had carhearts and a black t-shirt on lol , as for the bylaw one of my neighbours is a pain in the A..S and calls in on my all the time , hard me shout down from working on cars , complains about eveything i do , i can't even wash my truck in the driveway i have to go in the back yard and do it , if i could i would [dummy] just like that guy is

winkdemon 07-26-2009 10:50 PM

more pics . down to frame now ,

cLAYH 07-26-2009 11:36 PM

You're not supposed to wash your vehicle in the driveway. [nonono]

Rain gutters drain directly into the river systems and don't go thru the sewage treatment plants. Any chemicals, mud/silt, or soap that runs off your vehicle when washing pretty much runs directly into the river. :o

Don't give your neighbor ammo to be an ***, take it to a car wash.

winkdemon 07-27-2009 12:10 AM

the water doesn't go down the storm drains from my place goes in the man hole , witch goes to the treatment plant , and i don't use soap on my truck because if the tree in the yard give off sap and i have wash it every day to keep it clean , as for the neghbors they wash there cars and it does go down the drain and no one says a dam thing. and the city complains about poeple letting water go down the drain what about the thousands of tons of salt and calcium thats goes out there every winter ????? I am from a small town were if someone has a problem they tell you to your face , not this BS being two faced and calling in on me , i am pretty good to people that are fair to me , i should just stop being nice and be like every other stuck up city person around here ............

Mike Holmen 07-27-2009 06:00 PM

There are around 10-12 67-69 camaro around where I live. All of them where in pieces at one time. A few firebirds, I guess that its a double standard.

ICL 07-28-2009 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by winkdemon (Post 2537020)
the water doesn't go down the storm drains from my place goes in the man hole , witch goes to the treatment plant , and i don't use soap on my truck because if the tree in the yard give off sap and i have wash it every day to keep it clean , as for the neghbors they wash there cars and it does go down the drain and no one says a dam thing. and the city complains about poeple letting water go down the drain what about the thousands of tons of salt and calcium thats goes out there every winter ????? I am from a small town were if someone has a problem they tell you to your face , not this BS being two faced and calling in on me , i am pretty good to people that are fair to me , i should just stop being nice and be like every other stuck up city person around here ............

Your wrong. Water that goes down a manhole goes to the same storm water drains, which lead right to the river. Good on the bylaw guy and your neighbour. If everybody took your attitude towards our river it would be a posioned bown puddle of **** !

Mike Holmen 07-28-2009 12:32 PM

Originally I thought that this thread was titled as "A tear in my beer", but that’s been done I guess. On the farm we used old engine oil to kill of weeds around buildings. It was a pretty good weed killer. A pail of diesel was a cure all stuff. We even used diesel to kill off mosquitoes on the ponds.[duhhh]

Funny on how the world changes. The weeds still grow around the buildings at the farm and there are still mosquitoes that will take off your arm.

morkable 07-28-2009 12:56 PM

Same here Mike, over 40 years of dumping all the oil from all the machinery in one spot,, havent dumped there for about 15 years now, and you could never tell it happened... samething where we had our fuel tanks, no way you could tell that they were ever there

Mike Holmen 07-28-2009 02:22 PM

Winky, I can't wait to see how the project turns out buddy. I'll drop off the 5 speed bell housing. At least one good thing out this, is that you'll have to get her done ASAP.

I have a neighbor just three houses up that did a 68 cougar, 64 mustang and a 70's pinto. All yucky cars, I'm sure if I dragged home a nice/rare mint original mopar muscle, my neighbors will be on my case for having junk laying around the house[laugh] Some days its hard being different. Just to the south there a 69 chevelle rag top, thats gutted, and another first gen camaro. All in pieces, they go and out of their garages, but they pay people to build their rides, so I guess that makes it ok.[duhhh]

ICL 07-28-2009 02:31 PM

Equating weeds growing 15 or 20 years after the fact and contaminated groundwater are hardly the same thing. Thistle and buffalo grass are not indicators of contamination. Grow some tomatoes in there and eat them for 20 years, see how that works for ya.

Mike Holmen 07-28-2009 09:04 PM

ICL, you been busy? I have to share a beer with you sometime?

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